Query parameters that manipulate the startup state of the PhET simulation. This is not
an object defined in the global scope, but rather it serves as documentation about available query parameters.
(static) audioVolume :number
Master volume control for the simulation.
1.0 is unity volume, 0.5 is half volume, etc.
- number
(static) enhancedSoundInitiallyEnabled :boolean
Controls whether enhanced sound is on or off at startup (user can change later)
- boolean
(static) homeScreen :boolean
Indicates whether to include the home screen.
For multi-screen sims only, throws an assertion error if supplied for a single-screen sim.
- boolean
(static) initialScreen :number
Specifies the initial screen that will be visible when the sim starts.
See screens query parameter for screen numbering.
The value is one of the values in the screens array, not an index into the screens array.
For example ?screens=1,3&initialScreen=3, not ?screens=1,3&initialScreen=2.
For multi-screen sims only, throws an assertion error if applied in a single-screen sims.
- number
(static) screens :Array.<number>
Specifies the set of screens that appear in the sim, and their order.
Uses 1-based (not zero-based) and "," delimited string such as "1,3,4" to get the 1st, 3rd and 4th screen.
- Array.<number>
(static) soundInitiallyEnabled :boolean
Controls whether sound is on or off at startup (user can change later)
- boolean