
Type Definitions


  • Object
Name Type Attributes Description
phetioID string The id of the instance
method string name of method to invoke
args Array.<*> <optional>
the parameters needed from the method to invoke.


  • Object
Name Type Default Description
passThroughQueryParameters boolean true True if the query parameters from the wrapper should propagate through to the simulation.
phetioEventsListener function | null null called when any message is delivered from the simulation
callback function no-op called after the phet-io sim's "launch" command is called
onSimInitialized function no-op Callback after the sim has been fully initialized and is ready to be displayed.
onPhETiOInitialized function no-op Callback after the PhET-iO layer in the simulation frame is ready for communication. It can receive some PhET-iO commands (such as adding listeners or customization expressions) before the sim starts to launch.
emitStates boolean false Whether states should be emitted in the data stream every frame. Can be overriden by the phetioEmitStates query parameter.
emitInputEvents boolean false Whether input events should be emitted in the data stream every frame. Can be overriden by the phetioEmitInputEvents query parameter
simStartedMetadata Object {} This metadata will be logged to the PhET-iO event stream in the simStarted event on sim launch.
supplySimStartedMetadata boolean true Determines whether or not to give the sim metadata from the wrapper to be emitted in the simStartedEvent on the events stream. See simStartedMetadata for the object proper. Note: This flag is used for backwards compatibility in the api-diff wrapper, and can be removed once all published sims have the phetio.setSimStartedMetadata method.


Available query parameters to customize and manipulate the phet-io interface.
  • Object
Name Type Description
phetioEmitDeltas boolean When running a simulation using phetio.js, outputs states and deltas within the phetioEvents data stream, see phetio.js
phetioEmitEmptyDeltas boolean when emitting deltas using phetio.js (see phetioEmitDeltas) emit deltas that are empty, to simplify playback in some systems like Metacog.
phetioEmitInputEvents boolean emit the Scenery input events such as pointer moves, presses, releases, dt values and window resizes to support playback in a live simulation.
phetioEmitStates boolean when running a simulation using phetio.js, outputs the state at the end of every frame
phetioEmitStatesInterval number What is the frame rate of emitting states (if phetioEmitState) is enabled, and the state has changed?
phetioEmitHighFrequencyEvents boolean If turned to false, the event stream will skip events tagged as high frequency
phetioLog string | null Specifies where to log phetioEvents. Valid values: null - no logging; "console" - stream to console in JSON format; "lines" - stream colorized human-readable events to the console (Chrome and Firefox only)
phetioStandalone boolean Causes a phet-io simulation to launch, even without a wrapper "go-ahead" step (invoking phetio.launchSimulation).
phetioThrowSimErrors boolean Throw an internal sim error instead of passing it back out of the sim. A handy feature for testing and debugging.