Human Anatomy Assessment

Katharine Semsar

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    Learning Goal #13: Describe where in the body immune cells are located.
  1. Some immune cells move around the body in the blood. Other immune cells are located in specific organs where they locally defend against “invaders”. In what organ(s) or organ system(s) are these latter immune cells located? Choose the most complete answer.

    not answered
    a) Lymph system
    b) Lymph system and skin
    c) Lymph system, skin, and digestive system
    d) Lymph system, skin, digestive system, and respiratory system
    e) Lymph system, skin, digestive system, respiratory system, and nervous system

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      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #11: Distinguish between the central and peripheral nervous systems.
  2. Which diagram correctly depicts the general location and pathway of the motor neuron(s) that signal(s) your toe to wiggle?

    not answered
    a b c d e

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
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      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
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      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
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      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #1: Define and distinguish the four tissue types by structure, function, and location.
  3. A fellow anatomy study partner says that connective tissue will be found between, covering, and within all organs. Is your study partner correct? Why or why not?

    not answered
    a) Yes, because connective tissue is used to hold tissues together including holding organs in place, holding the structure of an organ together, and even holding tissues together inside of organs.
    b) No, because while connective tissue can be found in all those places, sometimes it would interfere with the function of an organ if it was inside the organ, like the brain.
    c) No, because while connective tissue can be found in all those places, some organs, like bone, don’t need an outer covering of connective tissue to hold it together.
    d) No, because connective tissue is only used to hold organs in place and hold them together and is not found inside of organs.
    e) No, because connective tissue is only used to hold muscles onto bones and bones to each other.

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      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #2: Identify and illustrate structural adaptations for increased surface area.
  4. Which combination of diagrams best represents the location and structure of the villi (I or II) and microvilli (w, x, y, or z) of the small intestine?

    not answered not answered
    a) I w
    b) I x
    c) I y
    d) II y
    e) II z

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal: Distinguish between the central and peripheral nervous systems.
  5. Neuron X signals to Neuron Y. All of Neuron Y is located inside the wall of the large intestine. Neuron Y is also part of the autonomic nervous system that unconsciously regulates the neuron activity. Does Neuron Y belong to the central nervous system (CNS) or the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and why?

    not answered
    a) CNS, because neurons without conscious control are controlled by the brain
    b) CNS, because neurons without conscious control are controlled by the spinal cord
    c) CNS, because the neuron’s signal originated in the brain or spinal cord
    d) PNS, because neurons without conscious control are controlled by the spinal cord
    e) PNS, because the neuron is in the body’s periphery

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      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #7: Relate the structures of blood vessels to their functions.
  6. In general veins will have: 1) thinner walls than comparable arteries, 2) deoxygenated blood, and 3) valves. Think about whether ALL veins would have each of these features and deduce which feature(s) must always be present without exceptions.

    not answered
    a) Thinner walls
    b) Deoxygenated blood
    c) Thinner walls and valves
    d) Deoxygenated blood and valves
    e) Deoxygenated blood, thinner walls, and valves

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #9: Trace the flow of bile from the liver to the small intestine.
  7. Liver sinusoids are vessels through which blood moves through the liver on its way back to the heart. Will bile also be found in liver sinusoids? Defend your answer with the location of where bile is made and its travel route to the small intestine.

    not answered
    a) Yes, it is made in liver cells and travels in the same direction as blood through liver sinusoids to the small intestine.
    b) Yes, it is made in liver cells and travels the opposite direction as blood through liver sinusoids to the small intestine.
    c) Yes, it is made in the gall bladder and travels through the liver sinusoids to the small intestine.
    d) No, bile is made in liver cells but travels in its own vessels through the liver to the small intestine.
    e) No, bile is made in the gall bladder and travels in its own vessels to the small intestine.

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #3: Relate the structures of muscles and muscle tissue to their functions.
  8. During a contraction of a myofibril (pictured below), what other structures shorten?

    not answered
    a) Sarcomeres, thick filaments, and thin filaments
    b) Sarcomeres and thin filaments
    c) Sarcomeres and thick filaments
    d) Sarcomeres
    e) None of the above contract. Sarcomeres slide past one another to shorten the myofibril.

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #3: Relate the structures of muscles and muscle tissue to their functions.
  9. The small intestine can contract both circularly (squeeze towards the center, decreasing the diameter of the tube) and longitudinally (shortening the length of the tube). How many layers of smooth muscle are required to perform these functions and why?

    not answered
    a) One, because it’s all the same movement. (I.e. by contracting the intestine circularly, it will also contract longitudinally and vice versa)
    b) Two. One layer to contract and one to expand back to the original shape.
    c) Two. One layer to contract circularly and one to contract longitudinally.
    d) Three. One for each of the layers of the intestine: inner, middle, outer.
    e) Four. Two for contracting circularly (one for contraction and one for expansion) and two for contracting longitudinally (one for shortening and one for lengthening).

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
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      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #4: Relate the structures of joints to their functions.
  10. What is the relationship between joint stability and mobility?

    not answered
    a) They are dependent because as joint stability increases, mobility decreases.
    b) They are dependent because as joint stability increases, mobility also increases.
    c) They are independent because stability is a function of tendon and ligament attachments while mobility is a function of bone structure.
    d) They are independent because some joints maintain stability and other joints are for mobility.

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
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      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #1: Define and distinguish the four tissue types by structure, function, and location.
  11. Where gas exchange occurs across an epithelial tissue, how many cell layers are present and why?

    not answered
    a) One, because gas exchange can only occur across short distances.
    b) One, because those cells also have special channels to allow the gas to move through the cells.
    c) One, because those cells have spaces between them so gas can go through the spaces between the cells.
    d) Multiple, because more layers will protect better against physical damage caused by other particles in the air.
    e) Multiple, because more layers can filter out just the gas and prevent other particles from passing through the epithelium.

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #4: Relate the structures of joints to their functions.
  12. Put the following joints in order of the number of axes around which the joint moves (from greatest to fewest).

    not answered
    a) C > A and D and E > B
    b) C > D > A and E > B
    c) C > D > A and B and E
    d) D > C > A and B and E
    e) C > A and D > B and E

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #1: Define and distinguish the four tissue types by structure, function, and location.
  13. Deduce which organ, if any, will NOT contain all four tissue types (epithelium, connective tissue, muscle, nervous).

    not answered
    a) Bladder
    b) Brain
    c) Uterus
    d) Heart
    e) All of the above contain all four tissue types.

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #5: Relate the structures of the heart to their functions.
  14. Beginning at the right atrium (RA), what is the correct sequence of contraction of the chambers of the heart?

    not answered
    a b c d e

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #1: Define and distinguish the four tissue types by structure, function, and location.
  15. What is common about the classification of blood and bone? Why?

    not answered
    a) Both are connective tissues because in addition to cells they have an extracellular matrix.
    b) Both are connective tissues because they provide connections between different parts of the body.
    c) Both are connective tissues because they provide support to other parts of the body.
    d) Both are organs because they have multiple cell types.
    e) Both are organs because each serves a common function.

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
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      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #7: Relate the structures of blood vessels to their functions.
  16. Deduce which of the following structures would NOT function to affect movement of blood through blood vessels?

    not answered
    a) Skeletal muscle
    b) Smooth muscle
    c) Skeletal muscle and valves
    d) Smooth muscle and valves
    e) Skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and valves

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #12: Distinguish between a nerve and a neuron.
  17. What is the correct organization of nerves and neurons in relation to each other?

    not answered
    a b c d

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #12: Distinguish between a nerve and a neuron.
  18. Compare and contrast a neuron and a nerve in terms of the direction of the signals it carries and its location in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and/or the central nervous system (CNS).

    not answered
    Answer Choice Structure Number of Signal
    Directions in a Structure
    Location of structure
    in CNS and/or PNS
    CNS & PNS
    CNS & PNS
    CNS & PNS
    CNS & PNS
    CNS & PNS
    CNS & PNS

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #3: Relate the structures of muscles and muscle tissue to their functions.
  19. Compare the muscle cell types shown below in terms of whether the muscle cells can shorten end-to-end and/or side-to-side.

    not answered
    a) For both cell types, a single cell can only shorten end-to-end.
    b) For both cell types, a single cell can shorten end-to-end and side-to-side.
    c) A single skeletal muscle cell can only shorten end-to-end while a single smooth muscle cell can shorten end-to-end or side-to-side.
    d A single smooth muscle cell can only contract end-to-end while a single skeletal muscle cell can shorten end-to-end or side-to-side.

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #8: Trace a drop of blood through the circulatory system.
  20. In general, what pathway does blood take through the body as it leaves the heart?

    not answered
    a b c d

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      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Use the diagrams below for the next two questions. In both diagrams, the block on the left is stationary but Bone 1 has the ability to move within the block.

    Learning Goal #3: Relate the structures of muscles and muscle tissue to their functions.
  21. In picture I above, which bone(s) can the muscle move and how?

    not answered
    a) Cannot move any bones
    b) 1 & 2 Up
    c) 1 & 2 Down
    d) 1 by rotating
    e) 1 & 2 by rotating

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #3: Relate the structures of muscles and muscle tissue to their functions.
  22. In picture II above, which bone(s) can the muscle move and how?

    not answered
    a) Cannot move any bones
    b) 2 Down
    c) 2 Down and Back
    d) 1 & 2 Down
    e) 1 & 2 Down and Back

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this question scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #1: Define and distinguish the four tissue types by structure, function, and location.
  23. You are working in a lab and have five different tissue samples (1-5). Your first goal was to determine the composition of the tissues and the results are listed in the table below. Your next task will be to test the functions of these tissues (how stretchy they are, how strong they are, etc.). Which two tissue samples do you predict will have the most similar performance in the function tests?

    Tissue Sample
    Collagen type
    Collagen fibers
    Elastic fibers
    Relative Water Content
    Thin and irregular
    Thin and parallel

    not answered
    a) 1 and 2, because they are the most similar overall
    b) 1 and 2, because collagen type and water contribute most to function
    c) 1 and 4, because they are the most similar overall
    d) 1 and 4, because collagen type does not affect function
    e) 3 and 5, because the number of collagen fibers and water contribute most to function

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this questions scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #6: Relate the structures/composition of bone to its function.
  24. Many bone diseases can cause bones to be brittle and easily breakable. Other more rare diseases cause bones to be more bendable (rubbery). By what mechanism(s) could bones become more bendable?

    not answered
    a) A lack of calcium that would cause bones to become porous (having less bone matrix) and thus more bendable.
    b) A lack of calcium that would mean the bone could not harden and thus become more bendable.
    c) Bone-removing cells could work faster than bone-building cells resulting in less bone matrix and thus more porous and bendable bones.
    d) All of the above would result in more bendable bones.

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this questions scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #6: Relate the structures/composition of bone to its function.

  25. A person has fractured a bone (see picture) and a small gap is left where the injury occurred. Besides the fact that younger people heal faster than adults, how does age (i.e. being a child of age 10 whose bones are still growing or being an adult of age 40 whose bones have stopped growing) affect what the body will use to fill in the gap when the injury is fully healed? New bone, scar tissue (flexible connective tissue), or cartilage?
    not answered
    a) In both children and adults, scar tissue would fill the gap.
    b) In both children and adults, new bone would fill the gap.
    c) In children, cartilage will fill the gap. In adults, new bone will fill the gap.
    d) In children, bone will fill the gap. In adults, scar tissue will fill the gap because adults no longer have bone-building cells.
    e) In children, bone will fill the gap. In adults, scar tissue will fill the gap because adult bone cells can no longer build new bone.

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this questions scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #1: Define and distinguish the four tissue types by structure, function, and location.
  26. Two neighboring cells need to be able to pass cellular material back and forth (from cytosol to cytosol) quickly. Describe what the structure that supports this mechanism will look like.

    not answered
    a) A single continuous channel that creates a passageway between two cells
    b) Two neighboring but discontinuous channels on each cells’ outer membrane
    c) Proteins that act as a tightrope connecting neighboring cells
    d) A vesicle that buds off of one cell and bind to the neighboring cell

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this questions scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #2: Identify and illustrate structural adaptations for increased surface area.
  27. Deduce which of the following structures does NOT represent a structural adaptation to increase surface area.

    not answered
    a) Alveolus of the lung
    b) Dendrites of a neuron
    c) Branching of capillary beds
    d) Folds (rugae) of the bladder
    e) Microvilli of the small intestine

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this questions scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #8: Trace a drop of blood through the circulatory system.
  28. In relation to the cells of the small intestine that absorb nutrients, where is blood found as it is collecting nutrients?

    not answered
    a) Arteries near the absorption cells
    b) Capillaries near the absorption cells
    c) Veins near the absorption cells
    d) Surrounding the absorption cells
    e) Within the absorption cells

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this questions scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #14: Differentiate between lumens of organs interior and exterior to the body.
  29. Which of these structures is unlike the others and why? Small intestine, kidney, heart, lung

    not answered
    a) Heart, because it is the only one that is not continuous with the outside world
    b) Kidney, because it is the only structure without muscle
    c) Lung, because it is the only structure without muscle
    d) Heart, because it is a muscle not an organ
    e) Small intestine, because it is involved in exchange of material

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this questions scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #8: Trace a drop of blood through the circulatory system
  30. A diabetic patient takes insulin shots to manage her glucose levels. The shot enters a vein in her leg and needs to reach her liver to take effect. In the shortest possible route through the circulatory system, how many times must the insulin travel through the heart?

    not answered
    a) 0
    b) 1
    c) 2
    d) 3
    e) 4

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this questions scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:

    Learning Goal #8: Trace a drop of blood through the circulatory system

  31. A form of cancer treatment injects tiny beads (1/100 the size of a red blood cell) into the blood that will attach to and destroy tumor cells when they reach the tumor’s capillary bed. The injection is normally done into an artery close to the tumor site. For example, if the tumor is in the inside of the elbow, the injection would be into an artery near the elbow. In this example, what pathway(s) could lead to fewer beads reaching the tumor if the cancer treatment was injected into an artery near the shoulder rather than near the elbow?

    not answered
    a) Some beads could leak out of muscle capillary beds on their way to the tumor’s capillary bed.
    b) Some beads could get redirected to other capillary beds other than tumor’s capillary beds.
    c) Some beads could leak out of the arterioles that lie upstream of the tumor’s capillary bed.
    d) All of the above are possible if the beads were injected near the shoulder.

    1. How well does this question test student achievement of the learning goal?
      not answered
      a) Well
      b) Could be improved
      c) Not well
    2. Is the information given in this questions scientifically accurate?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Not completely
      c) No
    3. Is this question written clearly and precisely?
      not answered
      a) Yes
      b) Could be improved
      c) No
    4. Please make any additional comments or suggestions about this question here:


Thank you for taking the time to answer these assessment questions.