################ # To Do ################ • Bug: Zoom change doesn't repaint graphs, should use dynamicjfreechartnode.forceupdate • Add support for graphs with no series, so all 'addseries' methods can be consolidated? • Use colors from the color chart • During playback, sometimes off-platform character spins in place (looks like on-platform vs. off-platform state is not being recorded and restored properly) • For X,V,A graphs, readouts should be on-graph, no text-boxes on left hand side • When Second Bug is added to the platform, charts should show series data for it. • Second Bug’s data series should be dotted lines • Checkbox to remove/add second bug. (Just remove/add dashed line in graph, not hide/show bug itself) • Check boxes (like in Force1D) for adding/removing series (applies to both characters) • Bug: Mouse gets disassociated from ladybug character after trying to drag out of bounds. • Improve performance • Support for "missing values" in the series data (for when characters are being dragged by the user and don't have values for angular data series) • Factor MotionBodyState and MotionBodySeries into a single object • Implementation for setting platform angle by setting character angle is fragile • Shadow projections should be considered after AAPT. • Possible interview question: bug icon at tip of graph to improve conceptual connection • Bug: sun.dc.pr.PRException: endPath: bad path • RotationBody should have internal representation for angular velocity and angular acceleration instead of relying on RotationPlatform's instance? • Torque mode: Should be able to "spin" the wheel (i.e. drag, let go, and have it continue to spin, at least in friction mode) • Consolidate MovingMan, Forces1D, Ramp, Rotation, Torque into a single codebase. • Symbol key should appear near the mouse when "show symbol key" pressed ################ # Questions: ################ • Got rid of abbreviations like (vx) on charts, do we want to show abbreviations for other series? ################ # Postponed: ################ • Investigate acceleration model from Motion2D simulation as a possibility for replacing the implementation in rotation.