PhET Progress Report

Sam Reid

August 6, 2008


An online version of this report is available here.

Here’s a pie chart representation of the time distribution.


I was on vacation Thursday and Friday July 31-Aug 1.



·         Added utility to show project dependencies

·         Updated licensing document

·         Emailed Schmidt/Lee regarding licensing

·         Started reorganizing/updating image & audio license information

·         Need to finish sim-based reporting on image & audio


Javascript Tracking/Google Analytics

·         Posted javascript tracker from LunaMetrics contact

·         Started receiving tracking data, see initial report here



·         Discovered the cause for English sims appearing in Japanese when using a Japanese computer:

o   The program is searching for, but our English translation is called, and for a Japanese computer, the fallback file is, not

·         Two approaches for solving this problem:

o   Could rename all to

§  This could have an impact in other parts of phet software, e.g. the translation utility

o   Could copy to during build

§  This leads to a duplication of strings in the JAR and complicates the build process

o   Could modify the resource loading code so that is correctly selected for English on a Japanese computer.

·         Received Chinese translation for maze-game, still needs to be posted to tigercat


Eating & Exercise

o   Discussion with Noah regarding model

o   Added developer controls for model in 0.00.67

o   15+ new feature requests and bug reports from Trish, Wendy & Noah this week

o   Top priority is stabilizing the model before Trish uses this on Thursday



o   Multi-Mouse discussion (interested in Projectile Motion, Masses & Springs, Pendulum

o   For videos of multi-mouse technology in practice, see here


Upcoming Work

·         Eating & Exercise (see Unfuddle)

·         CCK (see Unfuddle)

·         Making sure English sims launch correctly

·         Multi-Mouse

·         ADA