PhET Progress Report

Sam Reid

July 22, 2009


An online version of this report is available here

Here's a pie chart representation of the time distribution.



·         Posted 4 fixes: latest version is 3.17.13

·         Refactored voltage calculations to use new physics engine

·         Refactored circuit model to use Java 1.5 features

·         resolving #1737: Open switches give incorrect voltage (with JB)

·         resolved #1736: Initial window size too large

·         Need to decide on disjoint component voltage behavior; should it read 0.0V, ?? or -- or something else?  Or we could choose a common ground (as is done in the physics engine).

·         We'll still need to decide whether to halt the voltage calculation graph traversal for uncharged capacitors as we did for open switches.

·         More testing (with Sam M)


Radioactive Dating Game

·         Added object menu titles (with JB)

·         Added pixel-hit detection to probe (with JB)

·         Added sound (with JB)


Force Law Lab

·         Posted 12 minor fixes and revisions, latest version is 0.01.12

·         Anything else before interviews?



·         resolved NumberFormatting problems in Moving Man/ar, see #1708 (with JB)

·         work with MD to set up subversion/PBG


Upcoming Work

·         Force Law Lab (anything else before interviews?)

·         CCK

1.      Extensive testing (with Sam M)

2.      Performance analysis/set time step

·         Ramp Simulation, mainly including charts

·         JMonkeyEngine/Xith /3dzzd/Flash/Papervision3d/Feng Gui

·         Work on website samples with Jonathan, including wicket