PhET Progress Report

Sam Reid

June 7, 2007


An online version of this report is available here.

Here’s a pie chart representation of the time distribution.


Energy Skate Park

·         This version contains the recording & playback controls that we discussed on Thursday. 

·         Nontrivial internal restructuring of the graphics.  I have tried to be thorough to make sure this didn’t introduce any graphics bugs, but it’s difficult to be certain about this; please let me know if I have missed something.

·         Brief informal interview on graphics, time controls & usability

·         15+ minor/misc changes

·         Near completion of this draft


Interleaved Series

·         Feasibility tests for adding correct layering to time series chart while maintaining high performance

·         This is turning out to be more difficult than I expected; I’ll discuss different techniques for working this out with John & Chris.


Self-Driven Particle Model Tutorial

·         Received permission from DSWeb/SIAM to add SDPM code to our repository, and distribute it with our license

·         Added SDPM code to our repository

·         Upgraded SDPM to latest jfreechart, piccolo & phetcommon

·         Added an About Dialog to the title page, with credits.



·         Tests for piccolo-jfreechart implementation, discovered related to interleaved-series above

·         Bugfixes



·         Minor bugfixes for energy histogram layout


Upcoming Work

·         Rotation/Torque (with John)

1.      Time Series

2.      Charts

1.      Correct layering for data series

·         Energy Skate Park

·         Installer/Website issues

1.      Sam M and another client identified several simulations that are broken on the installer (but work on the main site).

2.      When the new website is ready, we should implement an improved (automated) mechanism for posting simulations on the main site, at this time we should rebuild & redeploy all (or many) simulations from the repository.  In conjunction with the automated installer, this should resolve many of the issues above.

·         GUI for translation system