PhET Progress Report

Sam Reid

May 10, 2007


An online version of this report is available here.

Here’s a pie chart representation of the time distribution.


I worked reduced hours this week due to finals, and will be starting my summer appointment on Monday May 14.


Here are my proposed summer vacation times:

July 2 - July 6, July 30, August 10


Energy Skate Park

·         Posted 3 revisions, latest is:

·         About 10 minor changes.

·         Not yet posted on main site.



·         Collaborated with John on user contribution facility.



·         Upgraded from 1.0.0 to 1.0.5, tested simulations.


Export PDF

·         Discovered a technique for converting java simulations to scalable vector graphics, this could be useful for publications, see e.g.


Upcoming Work

·         Energy Skate Park?

·         Rotation (partly with John)

·         Improve build system (with John)

1.      Rewrite main build script to use java-based build task

2.      Generalize JNLP file generation

3.      Fix simulations to match build information requirements (directory for localization information, standardization, etc.)