PhET Progress Report

Sam Reid

April 17, 2008


An online version of this report is available here.

Here’s a pie chart representation of the time distribution.





·         Created build process for Unfuddle email notification system, runs from a double-clickable JAR now

·         Informed John B about restarting the Unfuddle email notification server, if you suspect any outages (i.e. don’t receive any notification from phetmail within 10 minutes of making a new ticket, ticket comment or ticket resolve) please report the problem to John.


Translations (with Chris)

·         Walked through the translation-deploy task with Chris

·         Cleaned up several issues to make the process more readable and understandable

·         Document outstanding issues



·         Email discussions regarding user interface and model

·         Meeting later today


Upcoming Work

·         Fitness Simulation

·         Platform-issues

·         Clean up Unfuddle email notification

·         Organize Unfuddle tickets

·         BitRock Installer Builder