PhET Progress Report

Sam Reid

March 3, 2009


An online version of this report is available here.

Here's a pie chart representation of the time distribution.


Please also see last week's report here.



·         Group test session

·         Fixed whitespace in JAR path problem: was broken for updates, flash launcher

·         Discussed implementation of web services

·         Bugfixes for "clear-info" F8 feature



·         Work on JAR signing as part of build process

·         Added generation of JNLP files for local testing

·         Moved offline jar generator to standard location



·         Minor fixes, see change log and latest version here

·         What's next?



·         Initial meeting for neuron simulation

o   resting membrane potential

o   spatial and temporal summation

·         Collaborate with Jonathan on Linux swing layout problems

·         Feasibility tests for git

o   IDE integration is improved

o   Windows support is improved

o   we should consider moving to git after IOM

·         Discuss web frameworks


Upcoming Work

·         Issues for IOM implementation, testing, deploying

·         Motion series suite, including Ladybug 2D

·         For details, See ticket report "Sam R: Report" here


IOM Results:

PASS [151]: [decline-sw-agreement-java-01, no-sw-agreement-shown-01 , credits-from-about-dialog-01 , decaccdecline-sw-agreement-java-01 , decline-sw-agreement-flash-01, accept-sw-agreement-java-01 , no-sw-agreement-shown-01, credits-from-about-dialog-01, statistics-when-disconnected-01, d decline-sw-agreement-java-01, normal-statistics-01, sw-agreement-from-about-dialog-01, accept-sw-agreement-flash-01, no-sw-agreement-01, accept-sw-agreement-java-01, accept-sw-agreement-flash-01 , no-statistics-from-internet-launch-01 , digital-signature-java-01, decline-sw-agreement-java-01 , decline-sw-agreement-flash-01 , accdecline-sw-agreement-flash-01]


FAIL [34]: [decline-sw-agreement-java-01, accdecl accept-sw-agreement-flash-01 , accept-sw-agreement-flash-01, sw-agreement-from-about-dialog-01, normal-statistics-01, decline-sw-agreement-flash-01, accept-sw-agreement-java-01 , accept-sw-agreement-java-01, digital-signature-java-01, decline-sw-agreement-flash-01 , credits-from-about-dialog-01, accdecline-sw-agreement-flash-01]