PhET Progress Report
March 20, 2008
An online version of this report is available here.
Here’s a pie chart representation of the time distribution.
I’ll be out of the office March 27-30 (Thursday through Sunday), with little or no email contact.
· Met with John regarding piccolo/nuclear physics
· Continue to collaborate with John intermittently
· Bug reports on Linux, attempted quick fix didn’t work.
Discharge Lamps
· Photon speed issues; we’ll interview on discharge lamps and lasers.
· Interviews may raise issues, or prove these suitable for replacing main-site version.
· Discharge lamps needs to be internally renamed before deploy to main-site.
Upcoming Work
I'll be out of town March 27-30.
1. Platform issues.
2. Investigate new sim ideas. Literature search on existing Membrane
Transport sims. Feasibility
test for the Tomkins in Wonderland special relativity idea?
3. Work on any physics-related CCK issues (which do not require prioritization)
4. Collaborate with John Blanco as necessary
5. Post new Lasers and Neon Lights & Other Discharge
Lamps after Archie interviews (may also receive minor update requests)
6. Greenhouse has trouble launching under Linux
7. Sorting out and prioritizing (non-cck)
unfuddle issues. There are about 50
tickets currently assigned to me (not including the 50 or so CCK
tickets). These deserve some initial triage.