From Java/glaciers/TestViewport.
_square.addListener( new SquareListener() { public void positionChanged() { updatePosition(); } });
From Scala/ladybug2d.
model.maze.addListenerByName( updateTransform() )
From Java/Rotation/AngleUnitsSelectionControl (see also ph-scale/ScaleControlPanel line 60)
degrees = new JRadioButton( RotationStrings.getString( "units.degrees" ) ); degrees.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { angleUnitModel.setRadians( false ); } } ); add( degrees ); angleUnitModel.addListener( new AngleUnitModel.Listener() { public void changed() { update(); } } ); update(); private void update() { degrees.setSelected( !angleUnitModel.isRadians() ); ... }
From Scala/RemoteControl line 182
add(new MyRadioButton("Position", mode = positionMode, mode == positionMode, this.addListener)) def mode_=(m: RemoteMode) = { _mode = m notifyListeners }
Scala library class that makes this possible
class MyRadioButton(text: String, actionListener: => Unit, getter: => Boolean, addListener: (() => Unit) => Unit) extends RadioButton(text) {...}
example of existing code: Conductivity/ArrowShape line 45.
AbstractVector2D phetvector = direction.getScaledInstance( d ).getAddedInstance( norm.getScaledInstance( d1 ) ); return tipLocation.getAddedInstance( phetvector );
Mock-up Java version.
model.ladybug.setAcceleration((getVelocity(t + dt).minus(getVelocity(t - dt))).dividedBy(dt));
scala, LadybugMotionModel line 148
model.ladybug.setAcceleration((getVelocity(t + dt) - getVelocity(t - dt)) / dt)
Doing this the usual way, we are prone to forget: (a) to call the first update or (b) to attach listener to the model.
m.addListenerByName(update()) update def update()= { text.setText(new DecimalFormat("0.00").format(m.getTime)+" sec") }
Scala implementation. Using a control structure ensures everything will happen, and is more concise
val update = defineInvokeAndPass(model.addListenerByName){ text.setText(new DecimalFormat("0.00").format(model.getTime) + " sec") }
Scala library implementation
def defineInvokeAndPass(m: (=> Unit) => Unit)(block: => Unit): () => Unit = { block m(block) block _ }
Java implementation.
def crossed(line: Line2D.Double, start: Vector2D, end: Vector2D) = { val intersection = MathUtil.getLineSegmentsIntersection(line, new Line2D.Double(toPoint2D(start),toPoint2D(end)) }
Scala implementation
def crossed(line: Line2D.Double, start: Vector2D, end: Vector2D) = { val intersection = MathUtil.getLineSegmentsIntersection(line, new Line2D.Double(start, end)) }
Scala library implementation
implicit def vector2DToPoint(vector: Vector2D) = new Point2D.Double(vector.x, vector.y)
Scala implementation
def test()={ ... def tx(pt: Point2D) = { val intermediate = getWorldTransformStrategy.getTransform.inverseTransform(pt, null) val model = transform.viewToModel(intermediate.getX, intermediate.getY) model } val out = new Rectangle2D.Double() out.setFrameFromDiagonal(tx(topLeft).getX, tx(topLeft).getY, tx(bottomRight).getX, tx(bottomRight).getY) }
Java ternary operator
Scala if statement, see LadybugClockControlPanel
if (module.model.isPaused) "Play" else "Pause"
Scala implementation in LadybugModel
val tx = for (item <- h) yield new TimeData(item.state.position.x, item.time) val vx = MotionMath.estimateDerivative(tx.toArray)
Scala implementation in AphidMazeModel
Scala implementation in DataPoint
case class DataPoint(time: Double, state: LadybugState)
new MyRadioButton("Record", model.setRecord(true), model.isRecord, model.addListener) { font = new PhetFont(15, true) }
if ( gridStrategy instanceof GridStrategy.Relative ) { ( (GridStrategy.Relative) gridStrategy ).setSpacing( spacing ); }
In Scala, atomic casts can be done by pattern matching
myComponent match{ case jc:JComponent => jc.paintImmediately(0,0,jc.getWidth,jc.getHeight) case _ => Unit }