Comparing Scala to Java in PhET Simulations

Sam Reid, 3-5-2009

I've been using Scala for 80+ hours in development of PhET simulations (after using Java for 8+ years), and have found there to be several advantages in the language over Java.
However the benefits need to be significant because Scala currently brings several disadvantages:
Furthermore, Scala is no silver bullet; it doesn't make domain problems such as physics, biology or mathematics inherently simpler, and it doesn't alleviate the need for good software engineering principles.
However, it does make it easier to represent many domain problems in software, and it makes it easier to write better (more concise, elegant and maintainable) software.

So let's discuss language features in Scala that have made my interactive simulation development easier so far.
Many of the examples below are taken from the PhET codebase, with Java code and Scala code that basically fulfill the same role, or Scala snippets that demonstrate a point.
If the examples below were the only instances of Scala improvements over Java for our project, then the switch to Java wouldn't be justified at this time;
however, these patterns occur over and over throughout our simulations and supporting codebase.

Also, some of the Java boilerplate code below can be produced by the IDE; this is fine during the first pass of writing the software,
but requires more work at debug/maintenance time.

Please note, the examples below are meant more as slides in a talk than as a stand-alone document.

Observable Pattern

From Java/glaciers/TestViewport.

1._square.addListener( new SquareListener() {
2.    public void positionChanged() {
3.        updatePosition();
4.    }

From Scala/ladybug2d.

1.model.maze.addListenerByName( updateTransform() )


From Java/Rotation/AngleUnitsSelectionControl (see also ph-scale/ScaleControlPanel line 60)

01.degrees = new JRadioButton( RotationStrings.getString( "units.degrees" ) );
02.degrees.addActionListener( new ActionListener() {
03.    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
04.        angleUnitModel.setRadians( false );
05.    }
06.} );
07.add( degrees );
09.angleUnitModel.addListener( new AngleUnitModel.Listener() {
10.    public void changed() {
11.        update();
12.    }
13.} );
16.private void update() {
17.    degrees.setSelected( !angleUnitModel.isRadians() );

From Scala/RemoteControl line 182

1.add(new MyRadioButton("Position", mode = positionMode, mode == positionMode, this.addListener))
2.def mode_=(m: RemoteMode) = {
3.    _mode = m
4.    notifyListeners

Scala library class that makes this possible

1.class MyRadioButton(text: String, actionListener: => Unit,
2.                    getter: => Boolean,
3.                    addListener: (() => Unit) => Unit)
4.    extends RadioButton(text) {...}


example of existing code: Conductivity/ArrowShape line 45.

1.AbstractVector2D phetvector = direction.getScaledInstance( d ).getAddedInstance( norm.getScaledInstance( d1 ) );
2.return tipLocation.getAddedInstance( phetvector );

Mock-up Java version.

1.model.ladybug.setAcceleration((getVelocity(t + dt).minus(getVelocity(t - dt))).dividedBy(dt));

scala, LadybugMotionModel line 148

1.model.ladybug.setAcceleration((getVelocity(t + dt) - getVelocity(t - dt)) / dt)

Control Abstractions

Doing this the usual way, we are prone to forget: (a) to call the first update or (b) to attach listener to the model.

3.def update()= {
4.    text.setText(new DecimalFormat("0.00").format(m.getTime)+" sec")

Scala implementation. Using a control structure ensures everything will happen, and is more concise

1.val update = defineInvokeAndPass(model.addListenerByName){
2.    text.setText(new DecimalFormat("0.00").format(model.getTime) + " sec")

Scala library implementation

1.def defineInvokeAndPass(m: (=> Unit) => Unit)(block: => Unit): () => Unit = {
2.    block
3.    m(block)
4.    block _

Implicit Conversions

Java implementation.

1.def crossed(line: Line2D.Double, start: Vector2D, end: Vector2D) = {
2.    val intersection = MathUtil.getLineSegmentsIntersection(line, new Line2D.Double(toPoint2D(start),toPoint2D(end))

Scala implementation

1.def crossed(line: Line2D.Double, start: Vector2D, end: Vector2D) = {
2.    val intersection = MathUtil.getLineSegmentsIntersection(line, new Line2D.Double(start, end))

Scala library implementation

1.implicit def vector2DToPoint(vector: Vector2D) = new Point2D.Double(vector.x, vector.y)

Local functions

Local functions avoid namespace pollution and allow you to put the relevant function definition right next to its usage.

Scala implementation

01.def test()={
02.    ...
03.    def tx(pt: Point2D) = {
04.      val intermediate = getWorldTransformStrategy.getTransform.inverseTransform(pt, null)
05.      val model = transform.viewToModel(intermediate.getX, intermediate.getY)
06.      model
07.    }
08.    val out = new Rectangle2D.Double()
09.    out.setFrameFromDiagonal(tx(topLeft).getX, tx(topLeft).getY, tx(bottomRight).getX, tx(bottomRight).getY)

Generics as in Java 5

I've been using generics even though we are running on 1.4 JRE.

Uniform object model

No primitives, no autoboxing, no statics; everything is an object. 1+2 is the same as 1.+(2)

Better support for singleton behavior

Singletons can subclass/override.

Better ternary operator

Java ternary operator


Scala if statement, see LadybugClockControlPanel

1.if (module.model.isPaused) "Play" else "Pause"

For loops have a value

Scala implementation in LadybugModel

1.val tx = for (item <- h) yield new TimeData(item.state.position.x, item.time)
2.val vx = MotionMath.estimateDerivative(tx.toArray)

Collections + Function Literals

Scala implementation in AphidMazeModel


Case classes

Scala implementation in DataPoint class DataPoint(time: Double, state: LadybugState)

Swing Wrapper MyRadioButton("Record", model.setRecord(true), model.isRecord, model.addListener) {
2.  font = new PhetFont(15, true)


Atomic Casting

There are 786 casts in simulations-java/common, and 186 in glaciers. Many of these casts take the form as in this example:
1.if ( gridStrategy instanceof GridStrategy.Relative ) {
2.    ( (GridStrategy.Relative) gridStrategy ).setSpacing( spacing );

In Scala, atomic casts can be done by pattern matching

1.myComponent match{
2.    case jc:JComponent => jc.paintImmediately(0,0,jc.getWidth,jc.getHeight)
3.    case _ => Unit