PhET Progress Report
Dec 18, 2007
An online version of this report is available here.
Here’s a pie chart representation of the time distribution.
This report covers Friday Dec 14 and Monday Dec 17.
· Added tools for batch deployment of contributed translations
1. Received 40+ Portuguese translations written with the new translation utility
· Continued discussion about how to handle translation of common strings.
· Checks for string collisions
· Needs more testing, improvements for uploading, and some rewriting
Upcoming Work
· Rotation/Torque
o Organize requests into unfuddle
o Bugfixes
· Continue developing Moving Man, Force1D, Ramp with new common libraries, (with Chris/John)
· Add “draw-in-graph to create” function for moving-man?
· Moving man basically complete, start on Ramps next, and use that as the basis for Force1D
· Generate better reports from Unfuddle/identify ticket times in unfuddle
See Unfuddle for detailed remaining work:
13 fix
wiggle-me's for force-1d and ramps
16 force1d
zoom buttons in the way
17 force1d
chart close buttons wrong
18 Ideal
gas simulation should allow addition of work under constant pressure
1 time
series recording should never step back in time
32 moving
man: stop button reverts to go button at end of time
7 rotation: nonlinear brake force
11 Inner
radius change doesn't move ladybug
12 Angular
momemtum not conserved
25 torque:
cleanup control panel
26 torque:
box around graph series selection checkboxes
27 add
a wiggle me?
28 improve
partial side view for platform mass
40 Reset
all doesn't correctly clear acceleration and velocity vectors
41 sign
of force changes
42 ruler still reads "m"
43 Increase
fly-off speed threshold
44 bugs
should stick to the grass after flying off
14 ramp
angle slider doesn't match the model correctly
15 force
diagram vanishes when ramp goes to zero angle
8 integrate
translation should update all flavor JARs, not just main JAR
9 cck portuguese
10 integrate
italian strings from timeseries into energy skate park
30 for
synchronizing translations to the main site, add a test to verify that all keys
in the old version are in the new version
45 create
ant task for bundling all common localization files
46 language