PhET Progress Report

Sam Reid

November 12, 2009


An online version of this report is available here.

Here's a pie chart representation of the time distribution.


Unavailable Nov 22-29, out of town, available by cell phone and intermittent email


Motion series

·         Posted 1.03.60 with about 18 fixes

·         Added internationalization for game modes

·         Fixes for custom object in F&M Friction tab

·         Combo Box replaces object selection grid

·         Chart improvements

·         Reset-all improvements

·         Discuss: warning sign on combobox popups, NP and TL are opposed to them

·         Waiting: for retesting to approve posting to tigercat


Build Process

·         Removed requirement of jarsigner credentials from build process during Test, see #1838

·         Documented branch/tag issues in #1875


Density Sim

·         Jonathan: please provide feedback on density sim model #1868



·         Meeting to discuss Flash language and resource deployment

·         Added global hotkeys for clocking in and out of work.

·         Discussed PSwing memory leak with Chris, identified a potential fix in piccolo2d

o   To Do: PSwing needs improvements for drop-down boxes and removing components

·         Helped Dubson set up SVN for collision-lab



·         Kathy: please respond to CCK #1828 comment 6-7

·         Mike: Any other ideas for CCK numerical model based on prototype I sent you?

·         To Do: look through the CCK Physics tickets and see which are resolved in 3.17.18


Upcoming Work

·         The Ramp + Forces & Motion

·         CCK

1.      Kathy/Mike: comment on CCK AC + capacitor issue #1839

1.      Turn off workaround if there are only AC sources.

2.      A better detection: is the workaround “causing” or “resolving” the high-frequency oscillation?

·         Moving Man

·         Density

·         E&E graph should have record/playback, use motion series recording controls.

·         Better support for coordinate frames, see MyCanvas

·         Better tracking & documentation of sim dependencies and changes

·         Make it possible to deploy an exact version of a sim, could use git for this too?

1.      Should add a way to annotate tested versions, and test results

·         Publish sim models/approximations on web, as requested by Merlot

1.      Latex seems like the right medium for this if it has decent html output

2.      I’ve got a document somewhere about the CCK MNA model.

·         Piccolo

1.      #1821 update piccolo

2.      In RadioactiveDatingGameApplication 2nd tab, some bounds have NaN against Piccolo 1.3, and nothing renders