PhET Progress Report

Sam Reid

Oct. 9, 2008


An online version of this report is available here.

Here’s a pie chart representation of the time distribution.


Sim Updates & Tracking

·         Implemented

o   tracking client + server

o   manual + automatic updates

o   preferences stored across simulations

o   user interface for preferences (design by Chris)

·         Here's a version of balloons with sim updates and tracking

·         Log file is then /tracking/phet-log.txt

·         (See #791, #789, #777)

o   Version information should be added for tracker and messages

o   Add more tracking messages
• Show changes between current version and new sim version

§  Requires machine readable changes files

o   • 5. check for updates should be trackable on the server (possibly client should send explicit tracking messages as well), current implementation is untrackable except through potential tracking of download of version .properties file

o   • Define messages for the UI components in UpdatesPreferencesPanel and AutomaticUpdateDialog, send a message to tracking service when any of those components are used.

o   • 6. needs a database backend

o   • 7. internationalize everything

o   • Asked dano about putting sim version on sim pages
o He says about 1/2 hour, need to get OK from Kathy/Wendy

·         What else do we need to do before we put this on tigercat?



·         9 fixes for upcoming class usage

·         Posted on tigercat as 1.19

·         See full change notes here



·         Google code granted us a project space on 10-3-2008

·         Met with Chris & John regarding phetcommon, see high priority unfuddle issues in phetcommon, piccolo-phet, all-sims and piccolo

·         Moved all my to-do lists to Unfuddle

·         Discussed graphics options for density simulation

·         Placed a prototype here, using perlin 3d renderer

·         Here's an LGPL possibility:

·         Removed all branches + tags from SVN server (minor cleanup)

·         Reversible reactions: removed unused help items

·         ideal gas: converted to new shared launch code


Upcoming Work

·         See list here


High priority:


Add change notes to tigercat


Backups for Unfuddle Tickets


Version information should be added for tracker and messages


Add more tracking messages


Test/integrate with latest PSwing changes 392-399


UI Bugfixes for eating & Exercise


Get VPN working on development machine


make translated sims available offline


Make sure all sims use proper convention for string property files.


Some remaining issues for Updates/Tracking


Hire a part time flash developer


Licensing issues


Localization Issues revealed by Alex's study