PhET Progress Report

Sam Reid

October 22, 2009


An online version of this report is available here.

Here's a pie chart representation of the time distribution.


Last week I worked reduced hours due to dissertation work

This upcoming week I’ll be working reduced hours because I have family members visiting from out of town.



·         Tested on Mac Mini, some results are here

·         Posted discussion as #1835



·         Worked with Mike to identify a likely cause of current oscillation in RC for R<<1

·         Discovered a workaround that yields qualitatively correct behavior for RC for R<<1 without requiring reduction in dt.  Posted 3.17.16, which includes this workaround

·         Reports from Sam M testing so far are positive, but needs further testing



·         Added piccolo 1.3 preview version to repository

·         Verified piccolo issue 63 raised by Chris M regarding slider thumb not showing


Motion Series

·         Identified one mac issue for score dialogs: Mac uses Space instead of Enter

·         Identified and resolved cause of gray area problem #1832

·         Fixed “summary-screen-is-gray” problem in game modes.

·         Waiting for feedback on Ramp and Forces & Motion sims



·         Changed default slider size in RadioactiveDatingGame tab 2 so the slider shows on mac by default

·         Worked with John on some model and graphics issues for gene-network


Upcoming Work

·         Fix charts lining up in forces and motion

·         Piccolo toImage uses a different strategy, pswing button has different bounds

·         In RadioactiveDatingGameApplication 2nd tab, some bounds have NaN

·         CCK: look into e-e repulsion issue #1828

·         (maybe me): Look into issue of deploying with sim translations

·         Motion series, see to-do list

·         CCK

·         E&E graph should have record/playback, use motion series recording controls.

·         Better support for coordinate frames, see MyCanvas

·         Better tracking & documentation of sim dependencies and changes

·         Make it possible to redeploy sims with common changes without retesting the sim

·         Make it possible to deploy an exact version of a sim, could use git for this too?

1.      Should add a way to annotate tested versions, and test results