PhET Progress Report

Sam Reid

Jan 14, 2009


An online version of this report is available here.

Here’s a pie chart representation of the time distribution.


Ladybug 2D

·         Started framework for Ladybug 2D sim in Scala

o   Model/View coordinates and transform & scaling

o   User interaction

o   History is recorded

o   Velocity is estimated and shown

·         Lots to do



·         Added scala to build process, with help from Chris

·         Added scala libraries & license annotations to SVN

·         Discovered that Proguard properly handles scala code, scala library ends up increasing JAR size by 44kb; this will increase as Scala API is more heavily relied on

·         Currently using scala for 1.4 JVM, if we are really moving to 1.5 we should move this forward as well



·         Collaborated with Chris & John prioritizing IOM tickets


Updating to Java 1.5

·         Enabled warning message that runs in 1.4

·         See test JARs here

·         Need to add support to JNLP launcher (already supported in JAR Launcher)



·         Meetings & Discussions, verified some tickets



·         Fix translation-deploy process so it can run outside of the IDE, need to set up Marj to use Ant to launch this

·         Discussion of scene graph coordinates, with Chris


Upcoming Work

·         Issues for 3/31/2009 Milestone

·         Motion series suite.

·         For full details, See ticket report "Sam R: Report" here