# 1.03.06 (33475) Jul 20, 2009 7/20/09 publish dev version to review many bug fixes 7/20/09 #1740, properly disabled spinners in "Rate Experiements" tab 7/20/09 #1732, add a "Clear container" button to the "Many Collisions" tab 7/20/09 #1730, clear the model when the reaction type is changed (instead of doing Reset All) 7/20/09 #1710, #1711, clear the model when the initial temperature is changed (instead of doing nothing) 7/20/09 #1729 internally separate "clear model" from "reset all" # 1.03.05 (33196) Jul 9, 2009 7/9/09 fixes for #1713, #592 # 1.03.04 (33193) Jul 9, 2009 7/9/09 fix for #1713 # 1.03.03 (33147) Jul 8, 2009 7/8/09 fix for #1716 # 1.03.02 (33136) Jul 8, 2009 7/8/09 fixes for #1709, #1715 # 1.03.01 (33126) Jul 8, 2009 7/8/09 fix for #1709, issues with dragging Launcher # 1.03.00 (30671) Apr 21, 2009 4/21/09 Batch deploy as part of IOM milestone with revision 30670 # 1.02.04 (30491) Apr 16, 2009 4/16/09 deploy dev version to test #1387 # 1.02.03 (29629) Mar 22, 2009 3/22/09 Batch deploy for Alpha Simulation Tests 2, svn 29628 # 1.02.02 (28812) Feb 19, 2009 Batch deploy for alpha Simulation Tests, svn 28773 8-7-2007: Fixed: Multiple clocks run simultaneously 7-26-2007: Fixed: When starting a second experiment, the simulation correctly pauses for 1 second (instead of 10+) 7-26-2007: Fixed: The Strip chart is not working when you Begin an experiment. 7-19-2007: Fixed a bug that caused an exception when changing molecules. This was causing the following bug report: 1. The shooter doesn’t work if you change the type of reaction until you hit Pause then Play, but the particle is given a relative amount of energy based on how much you moved the mouse.