# 0.00.34 (39038) Mar 2, 2010 3/2/10 dev version after completing all internal refactoring and cleanup 3/2/10 fix bug introduced in water equation coefficient 3/1/10 prevent scoreboard from unexplainably getting taller by maintaining it's original height 3/1/10 clean up GameCanvas, better docs and organization, so that this is more maintainable 3/1/10 move game reward animation play/pause to module activate/deactivate 3/1/10 rename GameSummaryNode to GameOverNode 3/1/10 clean up GameModel, make it easier to understand, untangle some confusing semantics 3/1/10 better doc for showAnswer and showGuess methods in GameBeforeNode and GameAfterNode 3/1/10 improve output of NumberOfVariablesChallengeFactory.main 2/27/10 expose NumberOfVariablesChallengeFactory.main as a Developer menu item 2/27/10 simplify subclass implementations for two-product reactions 2/27/10 simplify subclass implementations for one-product reactions 2/27/10 decide not to migrate BracketedLabelNode and HistogramBarNode to piccolo-phet, reuse questionable, wait until needed 2/27/10 generalized IntegerHistogramBarNode to work with doubles, renamed HistogramBarNode 2/27/10 change font size of message in Before/After boxes to workaround HTMLNode bounds problem #2178 2/27/10 convert audio files to reduce file size, format=WAV codec=PCM rate=22050 channels=1 (used Switch for Mac) 2/26/10 major changes to StackedLayoutNode, to fix layout problems with dynamic sandwich images 2/26/10 simplify ImageLayoutNode interface 2/26/10 disable debug output that warns when all cells are occupied 2/26/10 will not fix: "1 O" in equations looks like "10" to Sam (has not been a problem in interviews and this is an expensive change) 2/26/10 cleanup and javadoc GameRewardNode 2/26/10 migrate AudioResourcePlayer to new phetcommon.audio package 2/26/10 generalize FaceNode, move to piccolo-phet 2/25/10 investigated setting font size instead of scaling for PSwing(JSpinner), can't be done because of Mac Aqua L&F 2/25/10 determined that focus traversal cannot be addressed due to PSwing bug #1922 2/25/10 fix alignment of sandwich image in SandwichEquationNode, the layout was being updated before the image node was changed 2/25/10 clean up listeners in SandwichEquationNode 2/25/10 beef up output from NumberOfVariablesChallengeFactory.main test routine 2/25/10 disable debug output in AbstractChallengeFactory 2/25/10 remove game-reward-prototype from build file and strings file 2/25/10 tested i18n coverage with a dummy translation (not checked in) 2/25/10 optimize layout of "numbers are hidden" message depending on whether ValueNode.hasHistogramBar 2/25/10 restore histogram bars # 0.00.33 (38936) Feb 25, 2010 2/25/10 publish a version without histograms for interviews 2/25/10 add a flag in the code to show/hide histogram bars # 0.00.32 (38931) Feb 25, 2010 2/25/10 have exactly one zero-products challenge per level # 0.00.31 (38914) Feb 24, 2010 2/24/10 revert to game timer "on" by default # 0.00.30 (38910) Feb 24, 2010 2/24/10 #2161, reallocate GameSummaryNode as needed, rather than update it, to workaround PSwing bug #2171 2/24/10 make "Hide molecules" feature hide the images below histogram bars before the box that has the givens 2/24/10 make "Hide" feature not affect the box where the user is entering quantity values 2/24/10 add a new flavor "rpal-research" for research version 2/23/10 show "Hide" feature in Game Settings, since we have more work to do on it 2/23/10 fix bug in "1 CS2 + 3 O2 -> 1 CO2 + 2 SO2" 2/22/10 hide "Hide" feature in Game Settings # 0.00.29 (38831) Feb 22, 2010 2/22/10 temporarily show "Hide" feature in Game Settings for interviews # 0.00.28 (38813) Feb 21, 2010 2/21/10 hide the "hide molecules or numbers" feature in Game Settings, useful for research, not generally desirable 2/21/10 make game timer off by default # 0.00.27 (38805) Feb 19, 2010 2/19/10 many changes to the game, based on meetings with Kelly and Trish 2/19/10 use 3 radio buttons for visibility control in Game Settings 2/19/10 add missing i18n for Start! button in Game Settings 2/19/10 add enum ChallengeVisibility for what is visible while user is solving a challenge 2/19/10 wire up "show/hide numbers" feature to view, add missing model bits 2/19/10 generalized class for game messages, use HTML so that translators can fit messages in boxes 2/19/10 remove unnecessary model listener from GameSettingsNode 2/19/10 add number visibility to Game model 2/19/10 add Game Settings control to show/hide numbers 2/18/10 reduce size of molecule icon used in Game Settings 2/18/10 make read-only numbers bigger next to histograms (increased font size from 22 to 24 pt) 2/18/10 stop/start game reward animation when switching modules 2/18/10 #2161, rewrite GameSummaryNode, layout is messed up on WinXP 2/18/10 simplify game summary 2/18/10 use the same "perfect score" sound for all levels 2/18/10 display best time info in Game Summary 2/18/10 use "wrong answer" sound for a final score of zero 2/18/10 stop the timer immediately when the last challenge is answered correctly 2/18/10 keep track of best perfect-score time for each level, display in scoreboard 2/18/10 rewards: level 1=molecules, 2=smileys 3=sandwiches 2/18/10 add motion strategies to GameRewardNode 2/18/10 integrate GameRewardNode into sim 2/18/10 design decision: "wrong answer" sound is fine 2/18/10 design decision: we do want challenges with no products (no change required) 2/18/10 design decision: we will not change numeric score to stars, it has no added value (no change required) 2/18/10 design decision: we should not award more points for higher levels (no change required) 2/18/10 design decision: we should not automatically increment the game level when the user gets a perfect score (no change required) 2/18/10 design decision: it's preferrable to have user control over whether molecule images are shown for a game, rather than making it random (no change required) 2/18/10 design decision: decided that it's OK that difficulty of game levels becomes equal as user get more expert (no change required) 2/18/10 design decision: decided that range of reactant quantities should not be a factor for game levels (no change required) # 0.00.26 (38715) Feb 17, 2010 2/17/10 prototype for game reward, with developer controls # 0.00.25 (38665) Feb 16, 2010 2/16/10 #2163, on second incorrect answer, show "Show Answer" button, but hide "Next" button 2/16/10 bug fix: for last challenge, press "Show answer", then "Next", molecule images disappear when Game Summary is displayed 2/16/10 restructure Before/After node hierarchy to remove duplicate/similar code added for game # 0.00.24 (38647) Feb 16, 2010 2/11/10 reduce number of nodes in scoreboard, switch positions of Score and Level 2/11/10 don't show Score: X/max in scoreboard, just show Score: X, then show "X out of max" in Game Summary 2/11/10 new factory for creating challenges, NumberOfVariablesChallengeFactory 2/11/10 rename SimpleChallengeFactory to NumberOfProductsChallengeFactory # 0.00.23 (38542) Feb 10, 2010 2/10/10 fix #2156, correct game answer treated as wrong, needed to adjust range violations before creating guess 2/10/10 setOpaque(false) on controls in Game Settings panel 2/9/10 reduce size of gameOver-imperfectScore.wav, trim silence, convert to mono 2/9/10 refactor before/after nodes, make them all use TitledBoxNode, use consistent box size handling, refactor layouts 2/9/10 handle cleanup for dynamic nodes in RealReactionCanvas 2/8/10 switch from ArrayList to EventListenerList for listeners throughout 2/8/10 request confirmation when "New Game" button in scoreboard is pressed if game isn't completed # 0.00.22 (38440) Feb 5, 2010 2/5/10 demonstrate sound feature in Game 2/5/10 reduced number of challenges per game to 5 2/5/10 added sound player, some placeholder sounds, wired to sound controls 2/5/10 added sound control to Game Settings panel, sound icon from wave-interference 2/4/10 use stronger type-checking in challenge factories, switch to ArrayList 2/4/10 rename "game strategy" classes to "challenge factory" to be more indicative of what these classes do 2/4/10 handle cleanup of dynamic nodes in GameCanvas.updateNodes 2/4/10 add IDynamicNode interface for nodes that should require cleanup call before deallocating 2/4/10 use a more standard modulo algorithm for computing game timer display # 0.00.21 (38377) Feb 2, 2010 2/2/10 added Game Setting to hide molecules, will be used in interviews 1/23/10 met deadline (1/28/10) for having Game fleshed out with more reactions for interviews # 0.00.20 (38231) Jan 23, 2010 1/23/10 analyze all reactions for potential range violations, verify that they are all fixable (see SimpleGameStrategy.main) 1/23/10 fix range violations when they occur in generated challenges 1/23/10 fix equation for ammonia, should be: 1N2 + 3H2 -> 2NH3 1/22/10 statically check reactions for range violations # 0.00.19 (38214) Jan 22, 2010 1/22/10 first dev version with all reactions from the design doc 1/22/10 various debug code to identify range violations inherent in some reaction equations 1/22/10 simple game strategy that uses all reactions 1/22/10 add all reactions shown in the design doc 1/22/10 implement ChemicalReaction.toString 1/22/10 add some additional reactions 1/22/10 add Molecule to model, restructure Reactant and Product classes 1/22/10 add symbols for all molecules, make the creation of HTML subscripts bullet proof 1/22/10 add images for all molecules, uniform height = 38 pixels 1/21/10 use strategy pattern for generating challenges, since this is likely to change 1/19/10 add static method to generate game challenges, for use in dev controls # 0.00.18 (38136) Jan 19, 2010 1/19/10 fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, see #2115 1/7/10 remove arrow code from GameInstructionsNode, no longer needed 1/7/10 we're not going to worry about overlapping images in Game, it mostly happens when guess is grossly wrong 1/7/10 move responsibility of checking correctness into GameChallenge 1/7/10 copyright notice on all source files 1/6/10 i18n of Game Summary 1/6/10 center Game Summary in play area when it changes size 1/6/10 use ShadowPText for showing number of points awarded on correct answer 1/6/10 OK that game summary is not draggable 1/6/10 OK that game timer continues to count when you go to another module 1/6/10 internally standardize on "guess" for user's answer, to distinguish it from correct answer # 0.00.17 (37887) Jan 4, 2010 1/4/10 bug fix: set attempts=0 when starting a new game # 0.00.16 (37883) Jan 4, 2010 1/4/10 many aesthetic improvements 1/4/10 dynamically set scoreboard width to match play area 1/4/10 rewrite scoreboard in Piccolo (formerly a Swing panel) 1/4/10 make game instructions bigger and bold 1/4/10 move dev answer out of Before/After box, distracting 1/4/10 tweak some colors and sizes in Game, based on feedback from Kelly # 0.00.15 (37863) Dec 31, 2009 12/31/09 first dev version with Game 12/31/09 tell user if they completed the game with a perfect score 12/31/09 randomly pick a challenge type in level 3 of Game 12/31/09 make game instructions clearer 12/31/09 show point delta next to smiley face when answer is correct 12/31/09 hide game instructions when user starts to make an answer by changing some spinner 12/31/09 hide downward-pointing arrow in Game instructions, it's distracting 12/31/09 increase size of game buttons 12/31/09 show dev answer only for one box 12/31/09 create smile/frown face programmatically so that it's easy to change colors and strokes 12/31/09 make game buttons translucent so that images behind buttons can be seen 12/31/09 show images for user's guess in Game 12/29/09 infrastructure for showing images corresponding to user's guess in Game 12/29/09 show images that correspond to correct answer in Game 12/29/09 switch values below Game boxes to show correct answer when requested 12/29/09 control editability of values below Game boxes 12/29/09 update layout of Game buttons when visibility of buttons changes 12/29/09 wire up Game buttons 12/29/09 specify node visibility for various states in Game 12/29/09 rewrite manager for node visibility in Game 12/29/09 add "check answer" to Game model, award points 12/23/09 connect Before/After values to reaction or user's answer depending on challenge type 12/23/09 make QuantityValueNode and LeftoversValueNode mutable, substance can be switched between reaction and user's answer 12/23/09 add support for user's answer in Game model 12/23/09 implement equals for reactants and products, for comparing user's answer in Game 12/23/09 implement newInstance for reactants and products (requires final classes for reactants and products) 12/23/09 delete Bread, Meat, Cheese, Sandwich classes 12/23/09 better solution for updating sandwich image in Sandwich Shop model 12/21/09 read-only values shown below After box in Game 12/21/09 read-only values shown below Before box in Game 12/21/09 refactor code for doing image layout in Before/After boxes to make it usable in Game 12/21/09 show reactant, product and leftover images in Before/After boxes for game 12/21/09 abstraction of game timer 12/21/09 add game summary node 12/21/09 reorganize view package 12/17/09 hook up Next button to advance to next challenge 12/17/09 show all buttons at bottom of proper box, based on challenge type 12/17/09 dev nodes to show before/after values (so I don't have to think while testing) 12/17/09 show challenge # starting at 1 in view, model starts at 0 12/14/09 more changes to Game model, generate all 10 challenges at start of game 12/14/09 remove reset from Game module 12/9/09 hook up game timer to clock 12/9/09 add before/after instructions for game 12/9/09 use GradientButtonNode for game buttons (Check, Next, Try Again, Show Answer) 12/9/09 switch between game settings and main scenegraph via "New Game" and "Start!" buttons 12/9/09 add a bunch more stuff to the Game canvas, start implementing Before/After views 12/9/09 replace smile and frown classes with one "face" class that can smile or frown 12/9/09 fix a few inconsistencies between Before and After boxes 12/8/09 refactor value controls and displays to be reusable in Game 12/8/09 use null names for bread/meat/cheese/sandwich, since they are never displayed 12/1/09 add equation to Game canvas, flesh out parts of Game canvas 12/1/09 fix some doc and typos in Real Reaction canvas and model 12/1/09 smiley and frowny faces for Game 11/30/09 visibility state machine, for managing visibility of nodes for the various states of the Game 11/30/09 check in Illustator files for sandwich images, from Noah P. 11/24/09 first pass at scoreboard 11/24/09 scale image files (for first 2 modules) to desired size, change scaling constants in RPALConstants 11/24/09 use same-size images everywhere in Sandwich Shop module, make Before/After images a little bigger 11/23/09 add a stopwatch icon for the timer feature 11/23/09 i18n of all strings in the Game design 11/23/09 remove slider knob image files, since we're no longer using sliders 11/23/09 add "game settings" control panel 11/23/09 move quantity and coefficient ranges into model base class 11/23/09 first pass at game model, very incomplete # 0.00.14 (36704) Nov 16, 2009 11/16/09 adjust stacked images when their size changes, so that their bottom edges remain vertically aligned 11/16/09 fix: prevent sandwich leftovers from being placed outside bottom of box when sandwich image is large 11/16/09 fix: radio buttons for selecting reaction have white background on Windows 11/16/09 Sandwich Formula -> Sandwich Equation 11/16/09 tweak font sizes # 0.00.13 (36648) Nov 13, 2009 11/13/09 show coefficients with value=1 11/12/09 add skeleton for game module # 0.00.12 (36529) Nov 10, 2009 11/10/09 add Reset All buttons to all modules 11/10/09 add flag to show/hide coefficients with value=1 11/10/09 add flag to show/hide coefficient borders 11/10/09 formula -> equation in code 11/10/09 make "products" label always visible, even when there are no products # 0.00.11 (36521) Nov 10, 2009 11/10/09 random layout of molecules with no overlap, misc change requests 11/10/09 do all image removal before adding images, to free up space in grid 11/10/09 add pointer tip to bracket node 11/10/09 start with "products" and "leftovers" labels vertically aligned, OK to lose alignment if images are dynamic 11/10/09 fix layout issues with "products" label in sandwich shop, add min bracket width to make single-product case look better 11/10/09 show "reactants" and "products" bracketed labels below Before and After boxes 11/10/09 remove border around coefficients in RealReactionFormulaNode 11/10/09 move GridLinesNode to piccolo-phet 11/10/09 make grid layout look less regular by randomly choosing a location within each cell 11/10/09 add GridLinesNode, for visualizing grid during debugging 11/10/09 first pass at grid strategy for image layout (looks a little too regular) 11/9/09 make all images children of box node, so that different product/reactant image types are interleaved instead of segregated in layers 11/9/09 consolidate common offsets in layout code 11/9/09 centralize image scaling factors in RPALConstants 11/6/09 use RandomBoxLayoutStrategy in Real Reaction module (images still overlap) 11/6/09 remove positioning of imageParentNodes from AbstractBeforeNode and AbstractAfterNode, shift responsibility to image layout strategies 11/6/09 first attempt at RandomBoxLayoutStrategy, has problems, see TODO list 11/6/09 used Strategy pattern for layout of images in Before and After boxes, implement "stacked" layout strategy 11/5/09 delete edu.colorado.phet.reactantsproductsandleftovers.view.CountNode, unused 11/5/09 javadoc existing code 11/5/09 delete edu.colorado.phet.reactantsproductsandleftovers.controls.IntegerSliderNode, unused (chose spinners instead of sliders) 11/5/09 delete edu.colorado.phet.reactantsproductsandleftovers.controls.IntegerTextFieldNode, unused # 0.00.10 (36379) Nov 5, 2009 11/5/09 first version with "Real Reactions" tab 11/5/09 make Real Reactions formula look like design doc 11/5/09 show optional names below images in quantity controls and displays 11/5/09 make specialized Before/After boxes nested classes of their respective canvases 11/5/09 improve alignment of controls below Before/After boxes, center each control in its "cell" 11/5/09 simplify and document layout of Real Reaction canvas 11/5/09 simplify and document layout of Sandwich Shop canvas 11/5/09 adjust centering of play area contents 11/5/09 make Before and After boxes wider (400 -> 450) 11/5/09 make histogram bars wider (15 -> 18) 11/4/09 wire up Before and After displays for "Real Reactions" module 11/4/09 wire up radio buttons and a temporary formula in "Real Reactions" module 11/4/09 reaction models for "Real Reactions" module 11/4/09 fix leftovers histogram 11/4/09 use immutable arrays for reactants and products in chemical reaction 11/4/09 extract base classes for Before and After displays 11/4/09 add cleanup methods to anything that listens to model 11/4/09 completed generalization of After box 11/4/09 cleanup SubstanceNode when removed from scenegraph to prevent memory leak 11/4/09 make QuantityDisplayNode listen to model 11/4/09 add Sandwich model element, the only substance that has a dynamic image 11/4/09 make Substance notify when its image has changed, SubstanceNode listens for changes and updates view 11/4/09 replace Substance.getNode with Substance.getImage 11/4/09 require that a reaction have at least 2 reactants and 1 product 11/3/09 fix layout of controls and images in SandwichShopBeforeNode 11/3/09 chose to use spinners instead of sliders for reactant quantity controls (Kelly, 10/28) 11/3/09 generalize Before box in Sandwich Shop 11/3/09 simplify SandwichNode constructor 10/29/09 quick-and-dirty conversion of the rest of Sandwich Shop to new model, additional generalization required 10/28/09 sync new and old model until fully converted to new model 10/28/09 generalize implementation of sandwich formula node, use new model 10/28/09 generalized model of chemical reaction 10/28/09 add symbols to RPALSymbols 10/28/09 fix positioning of sandwich image on rhs of formula 10/28/09 use darker fill color for histogram bars # 0.00.09 (35970) Oct 21, 2009 10/21/09 same as version 0.00.08, but replace sliders with spinners # 0.00.08 (35968) Oct 21, 2009 10/21/09 dev version with change requests 10/21/09 switch between spinners or sliders for quantity controls 10/21/09 3D-looking slider knob from Noah P. 10/21/09 hide product histogram under After box when formula is not a reaction 10/21/09 move quantity slider knob to right of track 10/21/09 default all sandwich coefficients to zero 10/21/09 add "leftovers" label under After box 10/21/09 move products display to left 10/21/09 show "no reaction" on rhs when formula does not result in a reaction 10/21/09 add SandwichFormula.isReaction 10/21/09 delete LeftoversDisplayNode, no longer needed 10/21/09 increase meat image size to 203x100 so that it sticks out of bread 10/21/09 increase vertical spacing between sandwich parts to 7 # 0.00.07 (35929) Oct 19, 2009 10/19/09 more than 2 reactants or at least 1 reactant with coefficient >= 2 is required to create a product # 0.00.06 (35924) Oct 19, 2009 10/19/09 make vertical stacks of items in Sandwich Shop, instead of random placement 10/19/09 control for selecting "real reaction" type # 0.00.05 (35877) Oct 14, 2009 10/14/09 increase cheese image to 245x120 so that it's visible between slices of bread 10/14/09 algorithm to create a convincing-looking sandwich image based on formula 10/13/09 scale and import the molecule images that Kelly provided # 0.00.04 (35823) Oct 13, 2009 10/13/09 demo sliders/historgrams below Before & After boxes 10/13/09 support for up/down arrows in reactant quantity text fields 10/13/09 bar + value display for products and leftovers 10/13/09 proper handling of out-of-range values in spinners and text fields 10/13/09 textfield + custom slider for setting reactant quantities # 0.00.03 (35778) Oct 13, 2009 10/13/09 #1824, workaround for problem with spinners in play area # 0.00.02 (35744) Oct 12, 2009 10/12/09 dev version for discussion 10/12/09 finished brute-force implementation of "Sandwich Shop" without sliders 10/12/09 add "After box" with developer display for leftovers 10/12/09 add "Before" box # 0.00.01 (35653) Oct 9, 2009 10/9/09 crude version of Sandwich Shop for discussion 10/9/09 add test controls and display to verify model 10/9/09 Sandwich formula view 10/9/09 Sandwich Shop model 10/9/09 project development started, set up skeleton in SVN