# 1.03.01 (53440) Jun 23, 2011 > Improved graphics scaling on low resolution screens, see #2860 # 1.03.00 (38018) Jan 11, 2010 1/11/10 public version for milestone "full redeploy, 2010 Q1" # 1.02.01 (37368) Dec 11, 2009 12/11/09 test version for milestone "full redeploy, 2010 Q1" # 1.02.00 (30671) Apr 21, 2009 4/21/09 Batch deploy as part of IOM milestone with revision 30670 # 1.01.02 (29629) Mar 22, 2009 3/22/09 Batch deploy for Alpha Simulation Tests 2, svn 29628 # 1.01.01 (28804) Feb 19, 2009 Batch deploy for alpha Simulation Tests, svn 28773 10/8/08 - use PhetApplicationConfig.launchSim 10/8/08 - moved list of rejected features to Unfuddle 804 9/8/08 - localize x-axis labels on graphs > improve fonts 5/20/08 - replace Font with PhetFont 4/28/08 - add PhetLookAndFeel to main 1/7/08 - replace "Lucida Sans" with PhetDefaultFont 11/9/07 - move about.credits property to localization file 8/27/07 - replace "Lucida Sans" with PhetDefaultFont.getDefaultFontName() # 1.01.00 (17033) 7/27/07 - new version published as part of new website deployment 7/2/07 - wrap the body of main in invokeLater 6/15/07 - convert description properties to well-formed HTML 4/7/07 - encapsulate PhetProjectConfig in OQCResources 4/5/07 - set locale in Spanish JNLP file via javaws.locale property 4/5/07 - convert from SimStrings to PhetProjectConfig 4/5/07 - consolidate all string constants in OQCStrings 3/20/07 - move TrigCache to phetcommon, convert to an instance instead of static methods 3/20/07 - rename packages that contained "enum" keyword, use "enums" instead 3/14/07 - rename SimStrings files to have basename opticalquantumcontrol_strings 3/14/07 - move images to data/opticalquantumcontrol/images to avoid namespace collisions 3/14/07 - get version and credits from properties file 3/12/07 - update JNLP files, thumbnail, ProGuard config 3/12/07 - update SimStrings files 3/12/07 - change "Shaper" class prefix to "OQC" 3/12/07 - rename package from "shaper" to "opticalquantumcontrol" 3/12/07 - rename project from "shaper" to "optical-quantum-control" (11/29/06) - reformat description in SimStrings file to fit new About dialog (7/12/06) - change codebase tag in JNLP files to work with PhET installer (1/2/06) - changes to support new ModulePanel layout (12/27/05) - changes to support phetcommon's new Module and Clock architecture (12/14/05) - minor changes to support separation of phetcommon and phetgraphics into separate CVS projects # 1.00.00 (11/8/05) - change Explanation image file from PNG to JPG format to reduce JAR size (11/8/05) - change x-axis titles from "t (ms)" to "t (ns)" on input & output graphs # 0.00.08 (11/6/05) - relocate the "Mask" bubble in Explanation dialog (11/6/05) - change "Congratulations!" back to "Match!" (11/6/05) - add real Explanation dialog, localized # 0.00.07 (11/4/05) - change "match" dialog to make it look less like an error dialog # 0.00.06 (11/1/05) - change match threshold to 95% (11/1/05) - change closeness calculation (11/1/05) - normalize all the output pulse amplitudes, so that absolute value of largest amplitude is 1 (11/1/05) - make the Help>Explanation dialog show an image file (placeholder image for now) (11/1/05) - resize molecule images (11/1/05) - resize Kaboom! image (11/1/05) - move "Reset" button out of AmplitudesView, make it reset to input pulse amplitude values (11/1/05) - add a "Mask" label pointing at the amplitudes control panel (11/1/05) - allow closeness to be any value, since we seem to have some problems here (eg, -353% closeness) (11/1/05) - bugfix: use the same molecule index to get the output pulse amplitudes and the molecule graphic (11/1/05) - bugfix: set the min y-axis range to +-1 (not +-4/pi) in PulseChart (11/1/05) - scale all displayed Fourier series (input, output, user) by 0.13 (11/1/05) - initialize user's Fourier series to be the same as the input pulse (11/1/05) - show input pulse as a Fourier series with 7 harmonics, all with amplitude 1.0 # 0.00.05 (10/31/05) - make handle on magnifying glass slightly larger (10/31/05) - change closeness range from 0...1 to -1...+1 (10/31/05) - make the amplitude sliders 200 pixels tall so that there is one pixel for each possible value (10/31/05) - change amplitude range from +-4pi to +-1 (10/31/05) - change "match" threshold from 95% to 90% (10/31/05) - add description to About dialog (10/31/05) - made the amplitude sliders as tall as possible (190 pixels) (10/31/05) - adjust locations of help items to fix some i18n layout issues (10/31/05) - Spanish translations (10/31/05) - move PulseChart to shaper.charts (10/31/05) - document all code # 0.00.04 (10/28/05) - remove unused entries in SimStrings file (10/28/05) - add wait cursors to "Reset" and "New Output Pulse" buttons (10/28/05) - absorb GameManager code into MoleculeAnimation, a bit easier to understand (10/28/05) - move BoundsDebugger to new shaper.debug package (10/28/05) - change chart x-axis labels from deprecated PhetTextGraphic to HTMLGraphic (10/28/05) - rename Molecule enum to MoleculeEnum (10/28/05) - add some help items (10/28/05) - totally rewrote, expanded and generalized HelpBubble (10/28/05) - put a magnifying glass on the spot where the molecule is # 0.00.03 (10/27/05) - hide the cheat panel whenever a new game is started (10/27/05) - left-justify instructions for less potential i18n issues (10/27/05) - make kaboom larger, fix its registration point and location (10/27/05) - add visual cues that molecule view is a zoom view of a molecule that is in the beam path (10/27/05) - add spikey surface to diffraction gratings (10/26/05) - slow down explosion accelaration (10/26/05) - made "kaboom" graphic using AMR Explosion plug-in for Photoshop (www.amrgraphics.com) (10/26/05) - added Help>Explanation and a dummy dialog (10/26/05) - bugfix: sum absolute amplitudes when determining alpha of coherent output light beam (10/26/05) - tweak focal point of output light components (10/26/05) - put common gray color in ShaperConstants (10/26/05) - make molecule graphics bigger so that they fill the animation frame (10/26/05) - set a minimum alpha value for light beams with non-zero amplitudes (10/26/05) - "Save for Web" all molecule graphics (10/26/05) - change the molecule graphic to match the output pulse preset (10/26/05) - make a total of 8 molecule graphics, one for each output pulse preset (10/26/05) - change animation background to black (10/26/05) - calculate "closeness" using Mike Dubson's formula (10/25/05) - slow down the molecule animation, make the acceleration rate configurable (10/25/05) - put the molecule animation in the top-most graphics layer (10/25/05) - make the molecule parts travel across the entire apparatus panel when it explodes (no clip) (10/25/05) - remove the "Show output pulse" control (10/25/05) - put "New output pulse" button on output pulse view (10/25/05) - change alpha of light beam to match amplitudes (10/25/05) - change title to "Optical Quantum Control", per Carl # 0.00.02 (10/24/05) - setIgnoreMouse(true) where ever possible (10/24/05) - physically connect molecule animation to output pulse view (10/24/05) - molecule animation (10/21/05) - convert all uses of PhetTextGraphic to HTMLGraphic, fix locations (10/21/05) - phetcommon: create PhetTextGraphic2 to fix serious registration problems (10/21/05) - sync all views before the GameManager tells us we've won (10/21/05) - make graph backgrounds wider so that x-axis label isn't clipped on Windows # 0.00.01 (10/20/05) - don't test for a match while an amplitude slider is being dragged (10/20/05) - replace CheatDialog with a PhetGraphic that is positioned above amplitude sliders (10/20/05) - bugfix in EasyGridBagLayout.setInsets (10/20/05) - add "Cheat" dialog (10/20/05) - add Help items to amplitude controls (10/20/05) - move "How close am I?" out of control panel and into animation area (10/20/05) - add rainbow light beams going from the gratings to the mirrors (10/20/05) - add white light beams going from the graphs to the gratings (10/20/05) - calculate and set value for "How close am I?" readout (10/20/05) - change closeness readout to a JTextField so that it updates (JLabel wouldn't update) (10/20/05) - wire up "New Output Pulse" control (10/20/05) - wire up "Show goal pulse shape" control (10/20/05) - set amplitudes of output pulse waveform (10/20/05) - use pink color from A11 of Fourier for the output pulse color (10/20/05) - add correct input pulse waveform: F(t)=Exp[-((10 pi t)^2)/2] (10/20/05) - reposition graphs so bottom of output pulse graph isn't cut off (10/20/05) - change violet RGB values at SamM's request (10/19/05) - everything should be in cosine, not sine, mode (10/19/05) - 75% of the user interface implemented, most of the model implemented (10/18/05) - hide clock controls (10/18/05) - set up dev/shaper subdirectory in PhET development area (10/18/05) - add entires in CVSROOT/loginfo and modules files (10/18/05) - checked into CVS as project "shaper" (10/18/05) - set up the application framework