# 1.20.23 (27797) 01-30-2009 > Changed to Motion2D model > Put black outlines on the vel and acc vectors to help them stand out > Reduce speed of preset motions # 1.20.22 (27694) 01-26-2009 # 1.20.21 (27692) 01-26-2009 > Added developer controls for motion behavior > Added cursor to playback speed slider # 1.20.20 (27683) 01-26-2009 > Use analytic values for velocity and acceleration in circular motion > Use analytic values for velocity and acceleration in ellipse # 1.20.19 (27680) 01-26-2009 > Changed default recording time from 30 to 15 seconds > Removed the "Stop/Go" button below the remote control > Added playback speed slider > Compute velocity and acceleration as averages over 6 data points with slope of linear fit (as in rotation sim) > Start the ladybug somewhere other than (0,0) so that the Remote Control position vector will be visible on startup > Added return ladybug button > Bigger circle in middle of remote control. Clicking anywhere on this circle sets vel or acc exactly to zero. > Sim starts paused; starts recording when bug is moved > Show acceleration and velocity even before 20 history points have been recorded > The sim should be running on startup but not recording until the user moves the bug, uses the remote control or chooses a preset motion. > Renamed "clear trace" to "clear" and made it clear history instead of just the graphical trace. > The Ladybug should be smaller - more similar to size of bugs in Rotation. > Fixed: - Vectors in remote are not sized to the same relative proportions as they are on the bug. For example, accel vector is very small on bug, very large in remote. > Set circular motion speed so that dots match up exactly in trace > Set elliptical motion speed so that dots match up exactly in trace > Fixed: In linear mode, bug bounces off the walls at the wrong angles. Should bounce off at the same angle of incidence. That is, if it hits at 30 deg from perpendicular, it should bounce off at 30 deg from perpendicular in the other direction. > Only record once bug is moved. So once out of playback mode, do not record until bug is grabbed. Regardless of how we handle the functionality of buttons. > Centered coordinate frame, and added dynamic model bounds > Fixed: (0,0) should be the middle of the screen instead of the middle of the box that fits on the left portion of the screen > Fixed: Bug sometimes changes direction in the middle of the play area for no apparent reason. > Improved clock control panel layout > Fixed: Don't allow "Rewind" when there is no stored data. # 1.20.18 (27515) 01-21-2009 > Changed velocity color to green > Changed acceleration color to pink > Changed position to blue > Changed line trace to have same color as position > Added a dot to the center of the Remote Control > Made ladybug arrow vectors 1/4 as wide > Removed clock from RecordingControl > Fixed trace to only show last 30 seconds > Increased play area acceleration vector length (by factor of 1.2) > Decreased play area velocity vector length (multiplied by 0.55) > Disabled motions during playback > (add developer control for investigation) Should be able to set a value to the Remote Control, and have it remain even after releasing mouse button. > (add dev control) Remote Control should act as an indicator as well as controller > Added dev control for timeline length > Added developer controls to simulate options for returning to record mode > Improved performance during record, motion is much smoother > Made aspect ratio square # 1.20.17 (27410) 01-17-2009 # 1.20.16 (27408) 01-17-2009 # 1.20.15 (27365) 01-16-2009 # 1.20.14 (27363) 01-16-2009 > Added stubs for control panel, graphics for vectors & path # 1.20.13 (27304) 01-14-2009 # 1.20.12 (27302) 01-14-2009 # 1.20.11 (27301) 01-14-2009 # 1.20.10 (27300) 01-14-2009 > Improved coordinate frames, updated Java Version Checker # 1.20.09 (27226) 01-13-2009 Added test simulation for ladybug-2d 10-08-2008: use PhetApplicationConfig.launchSim 1.20.08 (9-29-2008) Removed speed control slider 8-30-2007: Slider wiggle me is hidden when user enters text in a text box. 7-26-2007: Workaround for font bounds problem in some locales that caused tearing in the time readout 1.16.09 (6-27-2007) Improved motion subproject for MovingManMotionApplication feasibility test 1.16.08 (6-13-2007) Testing beanshell evaluator under web start. 1.16.07 (6-11-2007) Added Play/Pause to Expression evaluator. Fixed a bug in audio resource loading. 1.16.06 (6-11-2007) Improved Slovak localization file.