# 0.00.03 (54557) Jul 27, 2011 7/26/11 use KL's list of molecules and SDF files 7/26/11 check in SDF files obtained from PubChem (http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi) 7/26/11 use KL's method of creating mep isosurface 7/26/11 intermediate implementation of partial charge view (not positioned correctly) 7/26/11 bond dipole view based on Vector2DNode 7/25/11 intermediate implementation of bond dipole view (offset and magnitude not functional) 7/25/11 add Bond to model 7/25/11 intermediate implementation of two-atom molecule rotation 7/25/11 intermediate check-in of two-atom molecule model and view # 0.00.02 (54482) Jul 25, 2011 7/25/11 add "Import from file" option to Molecule combo box, so that non-developers can experiment Jmol file formats, see #3018 7/25/11 tested more file formats with Jmol, see #3018 7/21/11 tested various file formats with Jmol, see #3018 7/20/11 add developer control for entering and executing Jmol scripts # 0.00.01 (54332) Jul 20, 2011 7/19/11 dev version to demonstrate Jmol features and integration in "Real Molecules" tab 7/19/11 add Jmol classes that are dynamically loaded to proguard-template.pro 7/19/11 add dipole offsets, so that dipoles don't intersect atoms and bonds 7/19/11 add placeholder for periodic table 7/19/11 add "Molecule" label to combo box control 7/19/11 render molecule combo box items at HTMLNodes 7/19/11 delete acetone, because we should only include real molecules with one central atom 7/19/11 add hand cursor to Jmol viewer node 7/19/11 add View control for atom labels 7/19/11 setForeground(red) for controls that are not implemented 7/19/11 remove Jmol atom labels 7/19/11 increase width of dipoles, default is a little difficult to see 7/19/11 add combo box for selecting real molecule 7/19/11 wire up Jmol viewer to controls 7/19/11 integrate Jmol into "Real Molecules" tab 7/19/11 remove dependencies on jmol-phet 7/18/11 feasibility test of many Jmol features 7/18/11 add dependencies on Jmol, create test harness for integration of Jmol with Piccolo 7/13/11 hide clock controls in all modules, this sim has no clock controls 7/12/11 add rudimentary E-field plates 7/12/11 converted to floating control panels 7/11/11 created electronegativity control 7/11/11 created control panels 7/11/11 set up localized strings 7/11/11 created project and set up skeleton