-Bug Report (6-25-2007) I just found a new bug in Gas Properties. If you pump in a bunch of molecules, say, more than 300, the number of molecules in the box fluctuates, and if you try to select the number of heavy molecules in the textbox to change it, the cursor automatically moves to the textbox for the number of light molecules, so you can't edit the number of heavy molecules. Balloons and Buoyancy has the same problem, but Reversible Reactions does not. In Version 3.02.02 and earlier, the number of molecules still fluctuates, but at least when you try to select the number the cursor remains in the same box, rather than moving to a different one. v3r25 seems to be the last version where the number of molecules doesn't fluctuate. -Bug Report (6-25-2007) Also, if I open the lid to let particles out, the number of particles in the textbox starts decreasing as particles leave the box, but then as soon as I close the lid, the number of particles jumps back up to a much higher number than it was the instant before when the lid was open. I've checked it out with low numbers of particles, and it looks like particles are actually suddenly appearing in the box when you close the lid. Here are the bugs that Alex always sees: 1. When there are a lot of molecules in the tank, some will escape out the sides. 2. When the temperature is at 0K, the molecules continue to twitch. Even if the ice is left on for a long time. 3. If you keep cooling the take after it has reached 0K, then when you try to warm it up, it takes as long to warm it up to 1 K as you spent cooling it after it reached 0K. 4. When I let all the molecules out, there were still two heavy species and the counters said 2 heavy and 12 light but there were no light species in the tank. 5. When on constant temperature, the fire and ice go up and down on their own even if there is no gravity and nothing is being done to the simulation. To keep constant temperature? 6. If the lid flies off during constant temperature, the fire turns on full blast but when I switch to none under constant parameter the fire does not go off. 7. When the lid is barely open, molecules can get out even though the space is much smaller than the molecules. 6-25-2007 -demote from gold star to beta - Hot air balloon stove resets when reset button is hit - Changed color of wiggle me and help - Put color L&F on panels - Enable reset for all modules - Look in to moving wall collisions - ScalarDataRecorder should computeDataStatistics everytime a datum is added if it isn't a clocked recorder. When I do it, then make computeDataStatistics() private. - make needle on dial gauge triangular - Test setting locale via command line parameter, not property - Put pump, box and mannequin on common baseline - consolidate MoleculePanel classes in RigidHollowSphere and HeliumBalloon - set default energy so kinetic energy is never < 0 - make more versatile & robust collision detection system that works heirarchically with object types - when hot air balloon is putting in heat, the whole system heats up, but only when gravity is on - rename and consolidate collision expert/detector classes - Sam, clockStateListeners - Make the stove a model element and move IdealGasModel.addHeatFromStove() to Stove.stepInTime() - check CollidableBody.stepInTimeNoNotify() - pressure slice graphic overlays mannequin - scalarDataRecorder should be re-written so it doesn't need a clock, but rather observes an ScalarReporter - clean up constraints. In particular, there is a lot of duplication in HollowSphereMustContain and HollowSphereMustNotContain - hierarchy of Body/.../IdealGasParticle is way too big. Clean it up!