PhET-iO Sonification Wrappers
Balloons and Static Electricity
Build an Atom
Faraday's Law
Gravity Force Lab: Basics
John Travoltage
Molecules and Light
Ohm's Law
Ohm's Law, tones for slider changes, loop for current sound
Ohm's Law, tone for current
Ohm's Law, simple metronome for current
Ohm's Law, percussion sequence for current
Ohm's Law, pre-recorded loop for current
Ohm's Law, slider tones only
Ohm's Law, slider tones and simple metronome
Ohm's Law, slider tones and percussion sequence
Ohm's Law, sound effects for sliders, percussion sequence
Ohm's Law, tone for current, modulation rate for sliders
Ohm's Law - options for the sounds, version 2
Ohm's Law - clicks for the sliders, recorded loop sound for current
Resistance in a Wire
Resistance In A Wire, tones for slider changes, resistance sound - option 1: fades in when the R value changes
Resistance In A Wire, tones for slider changes, resistance sound - option 2: fades in when the slider is not
Resistance In A Wire, tones for slider changes, sequencer loop for resistance - option 4
Resistance In A Wire, tones for slider changes, no resistance sound
Resistance In A Wire, tones for slider changes, resistance sound
Resistance In A Wire, incremental marimba sounds for resistance, no slider tones
Resistance In A Wire, marimba sounds for resistance when interaction ends, no slider tones
Resistance in a Wire - options for the sounds
Resistance In A Wire, tones for slider changes, marimba sounds for resistance when interaction ends
Resistance In A Wire, no slider sounds, resistance sound