# 1.0.0-dev.2 2/11/14 2/11/14 fix SurfaceType enum 2/11/14 wire up controls to placeholder nodes in JSmolViewerNode 2/11/14 implement stubs for all JSmol functions 2/11/14 add Electronegativity Table to 'Real Molecules' screen 2/11/14 add placeholder for JSmol viewer 2/11/14 Real Molecules: add molecule combo box 2/11/14 add color key for ROYGB surface 2/11/14 differentiate between RWB and ROYGB color schemes for electrostatic potential 2/11/14 flesh out model for 'Real Molecules' screen 2/11/14 add control panel for 'Real Molecules' screen 2/11/14 add view properties for 'Real Molecules' screen 2/11/14 add skeleton for 'Real Molecules' screen # 1.0.0-dev.1 2/5/14 2/5/14 disabled animation of e-field alignment until I can fix it 2/5/14 disabled snap-to-tick for EN slider, made it easy to enable 2/5/14 add arrows around atoms that can be dragged to change bond angle 2/5/14 add handler for showing arrows around atoms that can be dragged to change bond angle 2/5/14 add drag handler for changing bond angle 2/5/14 simplify scenegraph for molecule nodes 2/5/14 reduce radius of radio buttons throughout 2/5/14 add relativeNode to MoleculeAngleHandler so that rotation works correctly for triatomic molecules 2/5/14 make bonds pickable by setting strokePickable = true 2/5/14 fix: when you try dragging a molecule, it will jump to zero angle first 2/4/14 override setVisible for surfaces, so they update when made visible 2/4/14 rename MoleculeAngleHandler 2/4/14 flesh out TriatomicMoleculeNode 2/4/14 electrostatic potential surface 2/4/14 move transform creation to Molecule model element 2/4/14 electron density surface 2/4/14 separate out view properties for each screen, instead of using a union of all screen view properties 2/4/14 flesh out 'Three Atoms' screen 2/4/14 consolidate into one control panel per screen 2/4/14 consolidate use of getDeltaEN in DiatomicMolecule, flip signs on partial charges 2/4/14 add partial charges to view 2/4/14 flesh out DiatomicMoleculeNode, add drag handler to rotate molecule 2/4/14 rename Molecule2 -> Molecule, MPModel2 -> MPModel 2/4/14 consolidate into one type for creation of e-field plates 2/4/14 move controls to their own directory 2/4/14 color keys for electron density and electrostatic potential 2/3/14 adjust layout for usability on tablets 2/3/14 ported BondCharacterNode 2/3/14 ported ElectronegativityControlNode 2/3/14 ported BondNode, bug fix and simplifications in Bond 2/3/14 ported AtomNode 2/3/14 'View' control panel 2/3/14 control panels for surface type and e-field 2/3/14 view for e-field plates 2/3/14 flesh out 'Two Atoms' view, with placeholders for all nodes 2/3/14 remove mvt, this sim has no mvt 2/3/14 ported entire 2D model 2/3/14 port English strings only for now 2/3/14 created GitHub repository, set up sim skeleton