5/20/14 convert 'Return' button from sun.TextPushButtonDeprecated to sun.buttons.TextPushButton 9/25/13 On screens 2-4, moved the items to be in front of the controls and control panel 9/24/13 Write as '50 N' instead of '50N', see #51 9/24/13 Fixed: present and weight text blurry, see #50 9/24/13 Made items go in front of the skateboard 9/24/13 Make sure not to blend outside of 0..1 or it could cause overshooting and oscillation for item motion 9/22/13 Use single file build an inline images & audio 9/7/13 For the motion screens, made the numeric readout look less like a button, gray border, square corners # 1.0.0-rc14 9/7/13 9/7/13 added icicles using the same strategy as mountains and clouds 9/7/13 show the mountains and clouds in a single translated layer, to improve performance axon#5, rework ObservableArray Use 'pool' branch for Vector2 pooling, see scenery#110 Added clouds back Converted MovingBackgroundNode to use cssTransform to improve performance