10/8/2013 Made the symbol-to-counts problem not reset the counts if the user doesn't get the answer correct the 1st time. 10/8/2013 Made the level completed screen a bit taller for better layout. 10/8/2013 Added the reward screen. 10/4/2013 Modified the nucleus config algorithm for a somewhat better look. 10/4/2013 Made the timer control button the same width as the sound control on the game screen (just looks better). 10/3/2013 Fixed an error in the math for centering the extended hit area over the up/down buttons. 10/2/2013 Started using particle caching as an optimization. 10/2/2013 Added names for more elements, which solves an issue where the user could get 'undefined' on the interactive symbol node if they went too high on the proton number. 10/2/2013 Improved layout of the interactive symbol so that the interactive numbers line up better with the non-interactive ones. 10/2/2013 Put feedback about time (e.g. "Your New Best!") on a separate line. 10/1/2013 Fixed an issue where the element name could be overlapped by the nucleus in the first two tabs by making some layout adjustments. 10/1/2013 Fixed an issue where the problem answers were still interactive when in "Try Again", "Correct Answer", "Incorrect Answer", and "Displaying Correct Answer" states. 10/1/2013 Changed transform type used for particle movement to be CSS transforms - performs better on iPads. 9/30/2013 Modified the progress tracker indications on the game to represent the best score instead of the most recent. 9/30/2013 Made time continue to run on the games if and when the user switches tabs. 9/30/2013 Improved layout of game start screen based on input received at last design meeting. 9/30/2013 Added display of best time information to the level-completed dialog. 9/30/2013 Changed title text on main game tab to "Choose your Game!", change tab title to "Games". 9/30/2013 Made the particles in the buckets return to original positions when reset pressed (if they had been moved). 9/27/2013 Changed the clock icon to a simple, code-drawn clock. Modified the time on/off button associated with this icon. 9/27/2013 Rounded the corners of the scoreboard node. 9/27/2013 Fixed an issue where the screen at the end of level 1 always showed a score of zero. 9/27/2013 Adjusted layouts of several challenges. 9/27/2013 Fixed an issue where sounds used in the game were too low. 9/26/2013 Fixed an issue where the electrons behaved oddly when extracted from electron cloud. # 1.1.0-dev.2 9/24/2013 replace phet-core.callSuper with Supertype.prototype.method.call( this,...) 9/24/2013 Replaced level indicator on game scoreboard with progress indicator, removed progress indicator from main screen, changed layout of scoreboard. 9/24/2013 Made the half star unclosed on its side, looks better in the game progress indicator. 9/24/2013 Made the time value on the 'level completed' screen say, for example, '11 seconds' instead of 0:11 for times under 90 seconds. 9/24/2013 Changed the shape of the stars used in the game to make them look more fun and a bit less aliased. 9/24/2013 Changed the color of the 'Continue' button on the 'level completed' screen. 9/24/2013 Added stars that show proportion correct to the 'level completed' node, adjusted the layout and size. 9/24/2013 Removed level indication and dividing lines from the 'level complete' screen, changed button to say 'continue', changed size. 9/24/2013 Added different wording to the 'level complete' screen, e.g. 'Excellent!', or 'Great!'. 9/23/2013 Made the scoreboard update as soon as user submits an answer. 9/23/2013 Clear the score between sub-games. 9/22/2013 Added sound. # 1.1.0-dev.1 9/12/2013 Expanded touch areas for the arrows on the game entry dialogs (better for touch screens). 9/12/2013 Switched the side where the arrows are on the game entry dialogs (better for right-handers on touch screens). 9/12/2013 Got scoreboard to track the sub-game score. Scoreboard is expected to change. 9/12/2013 Got scoring working. 9/12/2013 Implemented "level completed" screen. 9/12/2013 Implemented progress indicators (stars) on the game start buttons. 9/9/2013 Implemented problem set generation. 9/4/2013 axon#5, rework ObservableArray 8/28/2013 Ported the symbol-to-schematic problem. 8/28/2013 Ported the schematic-to-symbol class of problems. 8/28/2013 Added progress indicator (stars) to the game start buttons. Not fully operational yet. 8/27/2013 Added game start buttons that match (mostly) the spec. 8/26/2013 Added symbol-to-counts problem type to the game. 8/26/2013 Added code to allow limits to be set for proton count and mass number in the interactive game questions. 8/26/2013 Generalized color and text formatting for interactive symbol, should now be correct in all game problems. 8/22/2013 joist#35, terminology change: tab -> screen 8/9/2013 Removed randomness so that we can more easily recreate issues that are coming up. 8/9/2013 Changed particle movement vector operations to try to solve an issue with occasional long pauses in operation. 7/31/2013 Implemented the various "counts to symbol" problem variations. # 01.00.00 7/31/2013 Added Google analytics 7/31/2013 Integrated improved icons for the first two tabs. # 00.00.00-18 7/30/2013 Integrated fixes from Scenery for issues with touch events and particles 7/30/2013 Fixed an issue where particles were not being returned to their buckets if reset pressed with they were in motion. # 00.00.00-17 7/26/2013 Integrated fixes from Scenery for issues with particles reappearing when resized. 7/26/2013 fix up package.json to work with build.sh changes (chipper#12) 7/26/2013 Removed some console logging. 7/26/2013 Added code to possibly prevent a particle's position from being set to a non-vector value. # 00.00.00-16 7/25/2013 Made the periodic table a touch wider to accommodate some changes to Net Charge meter layout. 7/25/2013 Updated icon images for first two tabs so that they look reasonable on IE10. 7/25/2013 Made the Stable/Unstable option off by default, and made its state affect whether the animation occurs. 7/24/2013 Worked with Jonathan O on a number of performance improvements and optimizations 7/24/2013 add local copy of new ResetAllButton and associated images 7/23/2013 Made a number of display nodes explicitly not pickable in an effort to improve dragging performance on iPad. # 00.00.00-15 7/22/2013 Integrated a reset button that highlights on hover, darkens on press. 7/22/2013 Adjusted the layout of the mass display so that readout is more consistently centered over the graphic. 7/22/2013 Fixed an issue where the plus/minus symbols would go outside the bounding box when all protons and/or neutrons added. 7/19/2013 Changed the mass scale image to be a PNG instead of an SVG, since the SVG looked jagged and weird on some browsers (mostly FireFox). 7/19/2013 Fixed typo on game tab - "Mass and Change" fixed to "Mass and Charge". 7/19/2013 Switched all tabs to SVG rendering in order to try to make the fonts look better across platforms. 7/19/2013 Fixed an issue where the position of the electron representation selection would move between tabs 1 & 2 in some browsers. 7/19/2013 Swapped positions of the label control box and the reset button. 7/19/2013 Changed the background color of the symbol tab icon to match the current color on the tab. 7/19/2013 Make the check boxes less eye catching. 7/19/2013 Added new icon for the game 7/18/2013 Modified answer entry layout for counts-to-charge problem 7/17/2013 Implemented counts-to-charge problem 7/16/2013 Implemented schematic-to-element problem 7/16/2013 Added credits 7/16/2013 Added the scoreboard 7/15/2013 Turned touch-to-snag back on # 00.00.00-14 7/12/2013 Made the change meter background be drawn rather than an SVG - this improves performance. 7/10/2013 Made electrons stack better in the bucket. 7/10/2013 Made first and second tab use same base class so that they look more alike. 7/10/2013 Improved layout to work better and to look more like design doc. 7/9/2013 Implemented the ability to switch between orbital and cloud representation for electrons. 7/8/2013 Implemented ability to turn the labels on and off on the 1st tab. 7/4/2013 Implemented the feature where the nucleus vibrates when unstable. 7/3/2013 Implemented the counts-to-element problem for the game. 7/3/2013 Added basic game logic. 6/26/2013 Re-enabled the feature for getting particles by dragging on buckets, since the related Kite problem is now fixed. # 00.00.00-12 6/25/2013 Added better highlighting of selected element in the periodic table. 6/25/2013 Changed background colors so that tabs 1 & 2 can be more easily distinguished. 6/24/2013 Made scale and charge meter larger on the symbol indicator so that they render decently on an iPad. 6/24/2013 Specified font for accordion box labels. 6/24/2013 Moved the buckets and changed the size so that they will stay within the layout bounds. 6/24/2013 Drastically modified the 2nd tab so that it looks like the first, but with a symbol instead of charge and mass meters. 6/24/2013 Integrated new scale image. 6/24/2013 Implemented arrow for the charge meter. # 00.00.00-11 (Note - This file has not been well maintained) 6/14/2013 Moved the ion indicators on both tabs so that they aren't just above an electron. 6/14/2013 Replaced a backbone trigger with an Axon trigger, since they are now supported. Removed backbone as an include. 6/14/2013 Modified neutron bucket color so that caption is more visible. 6/14/2013 Incorporated the common reset button. 6/14/2013 Changed layout of the first tab so that the "Neutral Atom" label isn't occluded by other items on the canvas. 6/14/2013 Changed size of particle display font to save some space on the canvas. 6/14/2013 Fixed an issue that could cause the symbol node to try to add more electrons or protons than were available. 6/14/2013 Converted spinners to a button that looks more like what is in the spec. Moved to github, restructured to match most recent guidelines. # 00.00.05 (70969) Dec 4, 2012 12/4/12 First version with basic functionality (excluding charge indicator). Changed project name from build-an-atom-html5 to build-an-atom-html. # 00.00.04 (70352) Nov 16, 2012 11/16/12 Deploy to capture this version of test suite. # 00.00.03 (70339) Nov 15, 2012 11/15/12 Capturing a snapshot. # 00.00.02 (69952) Nov 5, 2012 11/5/12 Changed name of index file to avoid instant startup on dev page. # 00.00.01 (69948) Nov 5, 2012 11/5/12 Initial test deployment.