Index of /physics/phet/dev/force1d/v1r4
Name Last modified Size Description

Parent Directory 03-Jan-2005 11:44 -
force1d.jar 03-Jan-2005 12:16 338k
force1d.jnlp 03-Jan-2005 11:49 1k
lib/ 03-Jan-2005 11:46 -
Sam Reid
Progress Report 1-4-2005
This week I finished all basic features for Force1D, and it is
substantially debugged. However, there are still several todo's, known
bugs and open questions, but it is ready for the group to take a closer
Features Mostly Include: x,v,a plots, recording and playback, Barriers,
chart bugfixes
ToDo's Mostly include: improving the user interface, and speed.
Should we be recording change-of-object/change of coefficients (and
gravity) as a function of time? It would be simple enough to program,
and I think it should be included.
Should we always have exactly one "Go, Pause, Clear" panel on the left
hand side? This makes more sense to me than one-per-graph, or
just-one-for-force-graph that disappears when you hide the graph.
Media control should probably have 'step' for this application (see the
jump from static to kinetic.) Maybe even a step back?
Resizable buttons and textfields for chart device?
For more details, please see the rest of the document.
Sam Reid
PhetSlider goes vertical now.
Fixed scales.
Fixed semantics for go-pause-clear.
Fixed default values, so things move under normal conditions.
Tested rescaling under ApparatusPanel2.
Fix type-in box for applied force plot.
Fixed bug: Reset button appears in wrong place for different screen
Added Wiggle me.
Did chart buffering for speed.
Added position and velocity recording.
Charts minimize now, only works for default screen size.
Minimal version of playback is working now.
Can now set up a scenario, then press "Go".
Corrected the graph colors.
Added barriers.
Added FBD subscripts on force arrows.
As a default, only the force chart comes up.
Fixed bug: Screen is rendered about 5 times improperly before showing
up correctly.
Moved media controls to the bottom.
Re-enabled chart readouts.
Re-enabled time label.
Chart title fixed.
Charts redraw plots on relayout().
Fixed Bug: Using paintimmediately on tiny rectangles in getting plots
to repaint leads to a cute animation of redrawing the plots. However,
this is too slow, and should be improved.
Fixed Charts zoom in/out.
Fixed maximum on chart cursor.
Fixed Bug: PlotDevices are getting sliders when they shouldn't.
Could write code to specify exact rendering size and exact scaling
In sliders, static coeff should always be >= kinetic coeff.
Rewind should set the time to zero, and have the man reflect it.
Media control should probably have 'step' for this application (see the
jump from static to kinetic.) Maybe even a step back?
I'm running at 100% CPU
Controls on the right should echo playback.
Charts render awkwardly at different sizes.
Maybe the user shouldn't be able to drag the force arrows off of the
Cursor should be disabled on record.
Resizable components for chart device?
FBD should respond to clicks, not drags.
User has to hit rewind before playback will work.
Entire Walkway graphic should respond to mouse clicks.
x,v,a plots probably shouldn't get go, pause clear & readout
go, pause, clear should probably always be on the left side.
1. Sometimes a heavy object slowing down will make the force arrows
(and forces) flicker.
2. Too much CPU usage (wrong rectangles getting painted.)
3. endPath: bad path every now and then.
BUG: When a PhetGraphic becomes invisible, it should lose mouse focus
and key focus.
Refrigerator too heavy for nomal tasks.
5. ApparatusPanel2 problem: While paused, events do not propagate to
the view (or maybe just don't get painted.), could be problem with
ApparatusPanel2 events or repaints.
6. All text is drooping, don't know why it is offset from expected
location. (Could be registration point code?)
7. On my test machine, some swing components don't repaint properly
until window is resized.
Should we be recording change-of-object/change of coefficients (and
gravity) as a function of time? It would be simple enough to program,
and I think it should be included.
Should we always have exactly one "Go, Pause, Clear" panel on the left
hand side? This makes more sense to me than one-per-graph, or
just-one-for-force-graph that disappears when you hide the graph.
Media control should probably have 'step' for this application (see the
jump from static to kinetic.) Maybe even a step back?
Resizable buttons and textfields for chart device?