New in Text: Changed kcal to Cal Relabeled Lipid to Fat Rounded all kcal/day to nearest 1 Rounded weight to nearest 1 Rounded age to 0.1 Removed units from interior of stacked bar chart Lightened caloric intake bar chart colors Added disclaimer Removed fat free mass percent control Relabeled fat mass percent slider to go from "muscular" to "non", changed slider range Added help button for heart graphic, indicates healthy BMI values Moved BMI readout from scale to control panel Fixed layout problem on web start (scale readouts cut off, scale units cut off) Changed "Step button" to correspond to 1 month per press. Changed time readout at bottom should to years instead of seconds. Charts: Fixed: Horizontal graph scale should be linked Increased speed at which scroll bars move in calorie selection panels New in 0.00.21 (4-30-2008) Added more junk foods Exercises are standardized and listed in units of 1 hour each Added bar chart total readout on top of bar chart Renamed Fat Mass % to Body Fat % Fixed: Can't read "protein" word on the bar chart, made text scale down Added numeric readouts to bar chart Improved layout of exercise and calories selection panels, so that things line up and there are no scroll bars Also set text to line up Also, items bunch up near the top when there are a small number of items New in 0.00.20 (4-29-2008) Removed "Restart" button from clock controls Fixed: Sim should not be running on startup Reduced simulation rate to 30% of previous rate Added other base options for diet, including "none" Fixed: Layout for food summary panel should update after food removed Fixed: Character Graphic: 180 lbs should look much fatter Fixed: Fix blinking stroke graphic on the character Fixed: Rename "fat-free mass" to "Other" or "non-fat" mass, sounds too much like "fat-free" used in foods. Fixed: Need better carbs pic for bar chart Fixed: Weight text box needs more columns. Renamed "activity" to "lifestyle" in the stacked bar chart Removed confusing "professional athlete" option 0.00.18 Added better behavior for heart/health indicator, based on BMI Fixed: Constrain slider range: Snap after release Added graphical icons to bar chart elements Fixed: -weight in pounds triple numbers readout on gray slider do not fit inside box alloted Fixed: -dude is too tall (head goes off screen) at 5'9" Calorie editor dialogs pop up south, to not obscure main area, also is smaller Added graphs Added ability to change units between metric and english Fixed BMR to be a function of FFM, not FFM% Lightened up intake colors Added reset all button