Add a movable PE=0 level (graphic & model). Wash out the images, they are still distracting. Put coeff/friction in an advanced button. Zoomable Energy vs Position graphs. Record bug: Record, then live, then record resets to last record state. Add clipping to energy vs position plot. Add game-ish modes to sk8r application . 2-skater mode . Grab the apple? . Jump the buses? Bug: When user drags track that skater is resting on, the skater doesn't move with it. [internal] Figure out the meaning of the magic grab number in EnergyConservationModel Add a helmet. Optional to overlay a position-grid on the real space (to correlate with graph). Maybe "Live" should be changed to "Go" instead of "Play" low priority: User-selectable skater/vehicle graphics. Crashing skater?