Bug: The man doesn't come to rest when friction is on. What's wrong here? Why does 0.006 friction have such a large effect? Is this correct? [internal] Figure out the meaning of the magic grab number in EnergyConservationModel Rescalable Energy vs Position graphs. Have to push record to graph... Record bug: Record, then live, then record resets to last record state. Add clipping to energy vs position plot. Falls through the track at various times? (Wendy) Add game-ish modes to sk8r application . 2-skater mode . Grab the apple? . Jump the buses? Crashing skater? Test 1024x768: Skater is tiny at 1024 x 768 Bug: When user drags track that skater is resting on, the skater doesn't move with it. User-selectable skater/vehicle graphics.