# 1.01.00 (30589) Apr 20, 2009 4/20/09 Batch deploy as part of IOM milestone with revision 30588 # 1.00.02 (29629) Mar 22, 2009 3/22/09 Batch deploy for Alpha Simulation Tests 2, svn 29628 # 1.00.01 (28785) Feb 19, 2009 Batch deploy for alpha Simulation Tests, svn 28773 New in 0.00.85 >When dragging an item to the bar chart, it will move to a random position on the plate (or exercise log) >Converted control panel background to green >Made control panel fonts bold >The play/pause/step buttons are be disabled when you reach the 2 year mark, re-enabled on chart area clear or sim reset >Horizontal zoom allows you to zoom in from 2 years, and out to a maximum of 2 years. >Changed bar chart zoom buttons to look like graph zoom buttons >Fixed: Reset all does not reset the calorie axis for the bar charts. >Fixed: When calories drop back down, the zoom buttons go away but the axis does not rescale, so you can end up with a rescaled axis that you can not get back to the standard view (unless you add lots of calories to make the zoom buttons return). Fixed a problem with NaN during MuscleAndFatMassLoss2 that was causing stack overflow (due to inequality of NaN with each other) >Fixed: Can't edit values for height when in metric >Fixed: Red arrow appears on weight slider after changing units New in 0.00.84 Fixed: String not found on startup: serving-cream-filled-cookies Converted to use new PhetApplicationConfig constructor If a person drags food to the bar chart for food it settles onto the plate and if they drag exercise onto the cal burned bar chart it settles into the book. Fixed: Exception when dragging food items on/off plate Fixed: Initial help item does not point to start button Fixed: Made the wiggle-me go away on either play or next month. Fixed: The vertical zoom buttons for bar charts are not equal in size. Time charts go to 2 years instead of 1. Stop time at the end of the chart (2 year maximum duration of simulation). New in 0.00.83 Trial version for usage tracking. New in 0.00.82 Fixed: clicking on "metric" twice disables all radio buttons Fixed: Use the "losing focus" method instead of incremental updates + 5 second sync to accept data from text boxes in control panel New in 0.00.81 Adjustments for stomach sizes, including gender dependence New in 0.00.80 Fixed: Out-of-range value entered in the slider text box doesn't properly revert to accepted value Value reverts after 3 seconds New in 0.00.79 Fixed: Heart should be more unhappy when heart strength is low (right now it still looks a little happy) Removed "?" box next to happy heart. Fixed: Muscles should be smaller for thin person. Almost negligible when BMI gets near 18. Changed muscleWidthBeyondArm from leanMuscleFraction to max( leanMuscleFraction * leanMuscleFraction - 0.2, 0 ) Made textboxes update incrementally as values are entered. New in 0.00.78 (changes by Noah P.) added Activity Level to muscle building formula added multipliers for muscle and fat mass loss (last two variables in each line) Modified formula for calculating % fat based on height, weight so that BMI and % fat better match expected values. Also removed age dependence for simplicity. New in 0.00.77 Heart strength/strain indicators move up with human when window is maximized. New in 0.00.75 Changed bar chart elements to have icon on the left, then title and label with same font on the right Changed bar chart axis graphics to be more sparse New in 0.00.74 Increased readability of categories and values for the stacked bar chart at small sizes Changed the male/female defaults to: Male default height: 5'8", weight 150 lb Female default height: 5'5", weight 135 lb Previously, height and weight were preserved under gender change. Now the values change to the new defaults when changing gender. Fixed the animated drag help items to appear on mouse press instead of mouse drag New in 0.00.73 Muscle diameter for females is 75% of the muscle diameter for males Added new images and changed order for exercise New in 0.00.72 Edited help dialog text Fixed: "Reset All" needs to reset the activity level selector Balanced diet dialogs are disposed during reset all Items disappear if you drop them in the play area, but not on the plate/exercise log Added year month format to control panel Changed label on graphs from "Time" to "Age" Changed year month format on graph horizontal axes Added an animated help message that appears when you start to drag a food or exercise item that suggests you put it on the drop target Fixed: BMR doesn't reset properly (during reset all) if activity level was changed New in 0.00.71 Changed the layout to have the green control panel background extend to the top. This required moving some of the play area objects to the right. This was based on the "eating and exercise layout.pdf" in the doc directory as a guide - we used the "Modified 1" layout. Made the Heart Strength indicator dependent on activity level as well as exercise. Since the values for exercise and activity are month-long averages, it is inconvenient to set the days for which the person was very-sedentary to zero, so instead the following algorithm is used: activityToCount = max( ( averageActivity - 100 ) * 0.75, 0 ) Made the multiplier for fractionFatLost in MuscleAndFatMassLoss depend on gender: -changed multipler (was 3.0) to 3.5 for male, 2.8 for female -changed limiter for FatMassPercent (was 0.33) to 0.28 for male, .35 for female Added a help button, with popup text that says: Change your diet by putting food on/off the plate. Change your Activity level by using the pull down menu or moving exercise on/off the book Removed developer controls, including model controls and color choosers Fixed: BMR at simulation start is different than BMR after reset all New in 0.00.70 Changed the activity level values Made the "Starving" and "heart attack" warnings larger and move more to the left to be in the open play area. Made arrows (currently "<" and ">") on each side of the food/exercise boxes say "< More" and "More >" on the left and right, respectively. Fixed textual descriptions for activity levels Added a warning box when choosing reset all. Fixed: When I switch from female to male, the body fat slider now has two brown rounded rectangles. As soon as I clicked on it, it corrected itself. New in 0.00.69 Activity calories burned is now proportional to weight rather than BMR New in 0.00.68 Added developer control Changed model parameters in muscle gained from exercise and muscle and fat mass loss Changed from 7716 cal/kg to 9000 cal/kg for fat and 4000 cal/kg for muscle Fixed problem with new line in strings New in 0.00.63 Added descriptions for the activity levels (from Noah) Increased slope for low values of exercise in nonlinear effect on heart strength Improvements for food & exercise lists New in 0.00.62 Set the heart strength to start closer to the green instead of in the red by populating the simulation 100 days of 2000 calorie/day exercise. Added log based model for exercise/heart strength In the range 6-25% men, 16%-31% women, the amount of heart strain is 0, and outside of this range, the amount of heart strain is proportional to the distance to the closest point in this range. New in 0.00.57 Moved health indicators behind drag and drop panel (tooltips were obscured) Converted muscle gained from exercise algorithm to use exercise only (instead of exercise + activity) If net calories are gained, then 100% goes into fat in Step 1 (used to be 88% rule as in net calories lost), Step 2 can still convert some exercise into muscle New in 0.00.55 Fixed: Graph time range doesn't update when the user modifies the age Clicking on the track of the slider changes its value. Changed exercise time increment from 1 hour to 15 minutes Cleaned up food and exercise text Improved model for weight loss (88% fat) Heart attack probability is based on heart health, not previous model Added button for estimating body fat percent, see http://www.halls.md/bmi/fat.htm Added heart health information button Converted to use the same 12% rule for weight gain as weight loss (this makes the muscle gained from exercising algorithm less important) Removed "simulation age out of range" message New in 0.00.54 Clean up foods and exercises New in 0.00.53 Added new foods and exercises New in 0.00.52 Finished adding fast food meal and coffee drink to menu Increased columns in balanced food slider Added calculation for body fat % based on height, weight and activity level Added initial implementation of muscle and fat mass loss Added initial implementation of heart strength/strain New in 0.00.51 Fixed: Play area scale doesn't respect control panel height. Fixed: Default height was 6'4" (should probably be put back to 5-8 or 5-6 for female?) Fixed: New sliders need to update when units change english/metric Fixed: New sliders need limits on type-in values Added aligned layout for sliders Fixed: If I set a value beyond the slider, the arrow comes up (very nice) but the tip of the arrow is cut off. Fixed Layout: Move up baseline of buttons and bar chart, make graphs fill width and height Fixed: The "Starving" message did not come up immediately below a certain body fat (4% female / 2% male). It came up only after body fat reached 0% (as far as I could tell). Fixed: If I set a height and weight and adjust body fat, the muscles get smaller, but the rest of the body does not get bigger. Added activity level combo box to control panel. New in 0.00.50 Changed starving message to “Starving!” Changed game over OK button to “Restart” Changed heart attack message to "Increased risk of heart attack." Fixed: Chart seems to skip from half values to integral values Inverted y-values for health indicator (so that y=0 is at the bottom) Removed popup-question mark button for old version of heart BMI readout Arms and legs bulge based on muscle % New in 0.00.49 Added a "Game Over" message to the text messages. Made starvation threshold gender-specific Added developer controls for heart attack scenario New in 0.00.48 Fixed: Buggy behavior when an icon overlaps both the toolbox and the plate (nullpointerexception) Fixed: Balanced diet popup dialog should have a better layout (slider may go off the screen on low resolution screens) Added warnings and game-over due to heart attack or starvation Updated exercises to be weight-dependent New in 0.00.47 Balanced diet has 2000 Calories Removed balanced diet from initial diet Added Balanced Diet to set of available draggable items Added a slider to the Balanced Diet dialog box Moved BMI readout to the scale Removed "Edit Foods" and exercise buttons and popup dialog Added new field to exercise file format that allows specification of weight dependence New in 0.00.46 Removed the Ruler Set new defaults: 5'8" 150 lbs 22 years Changed color for draggable icon labels from yellow to tan Fixed: Food icons should be halfway into the plate before adding them to the model Added a non-disruptive message for age-out-of-bounds New in 0.00.45 Tooltips should always show when grabbing an item, and disappear when dropped Renamed to Eating & Exercise Removed "Athletic Lifestyle" Slider text box values can go outside the slider range Default range on graph changed to 1 year instead 5 years. Time runs more slowly (1/4 as fast) Made scale graphics gray New in 0.00.42 Dragging an item back to the toolbox removes the item Fixed: Draggable icons should disappear on simulation reset or when removed from edit dialog Fixed: Reset all should clean up extra draggable icons New in 0.00.41 Fixed image cropping and transparency Fixed: BMI readout is obscured when overlapping the human outline Added food pyramid, usable from drag and drop interface Fixed: Drag icons should move to the front when selected Added help icon for food pyramid Centered items in drag toolbox Added zoom buttons for bar chart, becomes available when bar chart becomes big enough Removed "choose diet" wiggle-me Added animated scrolling to toolboxes New in 0.00.39 Moved BMI readout to near the heart Fixed: "?" icon should move with the heart Removed BMI readout from control panel (now near heart only) Fixed: I think you can do without the per day label on all the foods. One label for the box could say Base Diet per day. Then all the rest will be obvious. Renamed "Diet" to "Foods". Diet means eating less so you can lose weight to most people. Renamed "non" (from non-muscular) to "fat" Fixed "muscular" label so it doesn't disappear off the panel Changed "press play" help item to appear after adding 3 items to exercise or foods; works with new drag & drop interface Changing gender sets fat free mass percent to the typical minimum for that gender Fixed decimal format in tooltip readouts New in 0.00.36 Added drag and drop Provide a few foods and exercise up front (in drag toolbox), but access to more via scrolling or Edit button Fixed: Resize panel after "start sim" wiggle me is showing causes exception Made food and exercise drag work by mouseover, not by release, to make it easier to see changes Internationalized food and exercise repository by moving keys to food/exercise files and translatable strings to fitness-strings.properties file Lightened up proteins, fats, lipids for projector Tried dark gray color for bar chart text color (not black), looks worse New in 0.00.33 "Grocery Store & Restaurants" changed to "individual items" New in 0.00.32 (5-12-2008) Added a trial fix for mac crash problem. New in 0.00.30 (5-9-2008) Added test harness for crashes New in 0.00.29 (5-7-2008) Fixed a bug that made "Next Month" button clear the graphs Removed disclaimer phrase regarding common sense. New in 0.00.28 (5-7-2008) Fixed: If the user enters an out-of-range value for height, then changes units, the wrong value is set. Also happens at the boundaries of the range. Bugfix in help items Added "/" as delimiter for feet/inches Fixed: Sometimes the weight graph doesn't clear all data lines on reset. New in 0.00.27 (5-7-2008) Fixed: The x-axis on the graph needs to rescale with the input age (most of our kids are 15-16, but the x-axis begins at 22 years regardless. When the simulation is paused and the age changes, the charts domain resets. Added unit labels on the time series graphs Fixed: There is confusion about height input. We need an inches box. If a kid is 5' 5", they are putting in 5.5 ft instead of 5.41 ft. This is messing up their BMI Set to the format, e.g. 5' 8" and decimal for metric Added peanut butter and jelly sandwiches Added animated help items for edit diet and Play button New in 0.00.26 (5-6-2008) Fixed BMI slider; wasn't updating New in 0.00.25 (5-5-2008) Fixed: Chart readouts don't update while simulation is paused. New in 0.00.24 (5-5-2008) Fixed weight readout control, was broken under web start Fixed layout of control panel, aligned text boxes Fixed: Weight in lbs readout on graph does not equal weight in pounds readout on gray slider Added a button that resets the horizontal chart range Fixed: Difference between green cal and red cal lines unclear. Is one cal in and one cal out? Fixed: Rename readouts to "caloric intake" and "caloric burn", make sure they don't overlap Changed x-axis to be in years Changed default vertical ranges Fixed: Weight graph sometimes disappears after rescale or units change Fixed: Scaling is confusing. x and y axis calibration is set out of range on graphs Fixed: Vertical zoom shouldn't go below zero Fixed: Horizontal zoom works properly horizontal range maintained on chart reset Fixed: Zoom in/out should have better behavior Fixed: Charts ranges should reset on sim reset Added ability to change weight units between metric and english Chart vertical range reflects this change as well. Fixed: Protein bar chart text should read out even when too small to show image New in 0.00.23 (5-5-2008) Lightened caloric intake bar chart colors Added disclaimer Removed fat free mass percent control Relabeled fat mass percent slider to go from "muscular" to "non", changed slider range Added help button for heart graphic, indicates healthy BMI values Moved BMI readout from scale to control panel Fixed layout problem on web start (scale readouts cut off, scale units cut off) Changed "Step button" to correspond to 1 month per press. Changed time readout at bottom should to years instead of seconds. Text: Changed kcal to Cal Relabeled Lipid to Fat Rounded all kcal/day to nearest 1 Rounded weight to nearest 1 Rounded age to 0.1 Removed units from interior of stacked bar chart Charts: Fixed: Horizontal graph scale should be linked Increased speed at which scroll bars move in calorie selection panels New in 0.00.21 (4-30-2008) Added more junk foods Exercises are standardized and listed in units of 1 hour each Added bar chart total readout on top of bar chart Renamed Fat Mass % to Body Fat % Fixed: Can't read "protein" word on the bar chart, made text scale down Added numeric readouts to bar chart Improved layout of exercise and calories selection panels, so that things line up and there are no scroll bars Also set text to line up Also, items bunch up near the top when there are a small number of items New in 0.00.20 (4-29-2008) Removed "Restart" button from clock controls Fixed: Sim should not be running on startup Reduced simulation rate to 30% of previous rate Added other base options for diet, including "none" Fixed: Layout for food summary panel should update after food removed Fixed: Character Graphic: 180 lbs should look much fatter Fixed: Fix blinking stroke graphic on the character Fixed: Rename "fat-free mass" to "Other" or "non-fat" mass, sounds too much like "fat-free" used in foods. Fixed: Need better carbs pic for bar chart Fixed: Weight text box needs more columns. Renamed "activity" to "lifestyle" in the stacked bar chart Removed confusing "professional athlete" option 0.00.18 Added better behavior for heart/health indicator, based on BMI Fixed: Constrain slider range: Snap after release Added graphical icons to bar chart elements Fixed: -weight in pounds triple numbers readout on gray slider do not fit inside box alloted Fixed: -dude is too tall (head goes off screen) at 5'9" Calorie editor dialogs pop up south, to not obscure main area, also is smaller Added graphs Added ability to change units between metric and english Fixed BMR to be a function of FFM, not FFM% Lightened up intake colors Added reset all button