# 0.00.08 (58172) Oct 31, 2011 10/31/11 version for discussion with JC 10/31/11 Dilution: make beakers tall-and-skinny 10/31/11 add ability to specify independent x and y scale for beaker image 10/27/11 change request: order solutes by "rainbow color" (ROYGBIV) in Molarity tab # 0.00.07 (58077) Oct 27, 2011 10/27/11 change some terminology in Solute model (precipitateSize, precipitateParticlesPerMole) 10/27/11 Molarity: center precipitate dev display 10/27/11 common: center root node on the stage 10/27/11 common: move range labels above/below vertical sliders and concentration display 10/27/11 Dilution: use (0,1) for range of M1 and M2 10/27/11 Molarity: minor cleanup in model 10/27/11 Dilution: change V1 range to (0,0.2) 10/27/11 fix SolutionNode to handle zero-volume solution # 0.00.06 (58044) Oct 26, 2011 10/26/11 curved tick marks on beakers (Arc2D) 10/26/11 make all beakers the same size in Dilution tab 10/26/11 add temporary M1 display in Dilution tab, to demonstrate layout issues 10/26/11 cleanup of slider code 10/26/11 further generalization of beaker node, so it can be reused in Dilution tab 10/25/11 [58016] delete more stuff related to "Show values" feature 10/25/11 change min concentration label from "low" to "zero" 10/25/11 [57987] delete code related to "Show values" feature, it was becoming too difficult to continue supporting it 10/25/11 more fleshing out of Dilution model and canvas 10/25/11 i18n of Dilution tab 10/25/11 more fleshing out of Dilution canvas, generalization of components from Molarity tab 10/25/11 start fleshing out Dilution model and canvas 10/25/11 move definition of real solutions into MolarityModel 10/25/11 create stubs for Dilution module 10/25/11 new beaker image from NP, cleaned up wonkiness near the spout # 0.00.05 (57919) Oct 24, 2011 10/24/11 make arrow slightly larger in concentration display 10/24/11 distribute precipitate on bottom of 3D beaker (random distribution of points inside an ellipse) 10/24/11 adjust relative layout of Reset All button, document play area layout 10/24/11 create "points of interest" via composition instead of inheritance 10/24/11 NamedPointsNode for encapsulating information about "points of interest", used for beaker image 10/24/11 make beaker larger 10/24/11 improve slider thumbs 10/21/11 rename tab 2 to "Dilution" # 0.00.04 (57838) Oct 21, 2011 10/21/11 fix: if solution is saturated, show at least 1 precipitate particle 10/21/11 change request: grey out the unavailable portion of the concentration display in saturated solutions 10/21/11 put a thin line around solution surface 10/21/11 horizontally center the "Saturated!" indicator in the beaker's cylinder 10/21/11 change request: remove "Show values" in Molarity tab (but feature may come back in future, so don't remove from code) 10/21/11 change request: different labels on sliders and concentration display in Molarity tab 10/20/11 change solution node to a cylinder 10/20/11 change Reset All button from yellow to light gray, it shouldn't receive that much attention 10/20/11 first pass at a more 3D-looking beaker, using image provided by NP. Solution and precipitate shapes have not been revised. 10/17/11 make beaker label narrower 10/17/11 rename tab "Dilution Equation" to "Dilution Intro" # 0.00.03 (57572) Oct 12, 2011 10/12/11 dev version with JC's change requests 10/12/11 for solute amount slider, display min tick label as "0 mol" instead of "0.00 mol" 10/12/11 use plain font for "M=mol/L", hide when show values is false 10/12/11 change colors as requested by JC 10/12/11 change request: change title on concentration display # 0.00.02 (57564) Oct 12, 2011 10/12/11 up/down arrows in slider JTextField to increment/decrement 10/12/11 frosty translucent background behind formula on beaker 10/12/11 translucent background behind "Saturated!" 10/12/11 show H2O on beaker when concentration=0 10/12/11 relative layout of Molarity tab 10/12/11 move beaker ticks to left side of beaker, closer to volume control 10/12/11 set columns in slider JTextFields based on number formatter pattern 10/12/11 tweak location of precipitate particles to account for thickness of beaker walls 10/12/11 add saturation point indicator to concentration display 10/12/11 adjust gradients on concentration display to account for saturation point 10/12/11 adjust solution color to account for saturation 10/12/11 add tick marks for min/max range labels on sliders 10/12/11 fix units on concentration display 10/12/11 generalize tick mark for reuse in slider 10/12/11 round corners of slider thumbs 10/12/11 use beaker from ph-scale, show/hide tick mark values 10/12/11 add moles-to-particles multiplier for precipitates 10/12/11 create custom formatter with special handling of zero and ints 10/12/11 add tick marks for min/max range labels on concentration display 10/12/11 make labels less verbose on sliders and concentration display 10/12/11 use water color from ph-scale # 0.00.01 (57499) Oct 11, 2011 10/11/11 dev version to demonstrate functionally-complete "Molarity" tab 10/11/11 add editable text field to sliders 10/11/11 use a commandline arg to show stage bounds, so that it's not distracting in dev versions 10/11/11 implement "show values" for sliders 10/11/11 implement "show values" for concentration display 10/11/11 add colors to Solute combo box 10/11/11 display "Saturated!" when the solution is saturated 10/11/11 show precipitate as a random group of particles at the bottom of the beaker 10/11/11 format solute combo box as "formula: name" 10/11/11 show solute formula on beaker 10/11/11 different solutes have different precipitate sizes 10/10/11 show precipitate numerically 10/10/11 make beaker an observer of solution volume property 10/10/11 add saturation to model 10/10/11 add simple beaker 10/10/11 sliders for molarity tab 10/10/11 concentration display 10/10/11 Molarity model, part of view 10/04/11 created project skeleton