0.00.14 Got rid of “Gun Type” pull-down menu. Changed “Gun Controls” label to “Electron Gun Controls” Atoms have been replaced with graphics of spheres. Reduced range for velocity slider to 700km/s - 1840km/s. Removed all controls on control panel below “Radius.” Changed the default value for “vertical position” to 0.35 units. Removed “show expectation value” options from options menu. Got rid of digits after decimal point on angle on protractor. Moved atom graphics to background. Changed protractor angle to read 0-180 on both sides. Made angle indicator appear on graph when opened, if the protractor is out. Removed units on y-axis of graph. If you close the graph with the x, the checkbox becomes unchecked. Removed the “zooming out” magnifying glass icon that appeared on startup. 0.00.13 (6-28-2006) Increased the max particle velocity by a factor of 4. New in 0.00.12 (6-11-2006) Rebuild with latest QWI. *New in 0.11 (2-21-2006) Save Snapshot layers the data in the same graph. Added a graph legend (shows what fraction of the default velocity you used). Save Snapshot datasets cycle colors (if it hits a light color like yellow, just record another data point). Edge-based intensity reader is used by default (not radial) *New in 0.10 (2-20-2006) Atoms are square by default. Saved-Snapshot remains "in-front," rather than being hidden by the application. Fixed edge intensity reader to center on head atom (rather than center of the screen). Decreased memory requirements on startup. *New in 0.08 (2-18-2006) Center the protractor on the lead atom. Added "save snapshot" feature to the Intensity Plot. You can choose between Square/Circular atoms in the control panel. *New in 0.07 Feasibility test for square atoms. *New in 0.06 (2-6-2006) Added single particle fire button. Fixed y0=0 crash bug. *New in 0.05 (2-6-2006) Added indicator graphic for protractor angle on plot. Improved protractor graphics. Wave clears when parameters are changed. *New in 0.04 (2-5-2006) Added particle controls; *New in 0.03 (2-5-2006) Added a plot. Set electrons as only gun type. Removed screen graphic & unnecessary controls. *New in 0.02 (2-5-2006) Added a protractor. *New in 0.01 (2-4-2006) Added controls for lattice spacing Added controls for atom radius Started new project for Davisson-Germer