# 1.01.02 (29629) Mar 22, 2009 3/22/09 Batch deploy for Alpha Simulation Tests 2, svn 29628 # 1.01.01 (28814) Feb 19, 2009 Batch deploy for alpha Simulation Tests, svn 28773 12/11/08 - #1020, use new gun image created by Noah P. 10/8/08 - use PhetApplicationConfig.launchSim 10/8/08 - moved list of rejected features to Unfuddle 807 9/5/08 - remove bogus imports of DialogUtils 6/24/08 - move SphericalNode to piccolo-phet > improve fonts 5/20/08 - call new PhetFont explicitly to create fonts 11/9/07 - move about.credits property to localization file 10/9/07 - migrate "Reset All" and "set minimum width" features to phetcommon ControlPanel 9/11/07 - rename AbstractControlPanel and AbstractModule to prevent name collisions with other sims 8/29/07 - replace RSWiggleMe with piccolo-phet DefaultWiggleMe 8/29/07 - replace JLabel().getFont() with PhetDefaultFont ******* version 1.01.00 (17033) 7/27/07 - new version published as part of new website deployment 7/10/07 - fix modules so that they don't explictly change the clock's run state unless the module is active 6/15/07 - convert description properties to well-formed HTML 4/23/07 - replace SliderControl with LinearValueControl from phetcommon 4/12/07 - merge test-src into src 4/7/07 - encapsulate PhetProjectConfig in RSResources 4/5/07 - set locale in Spanish JNLP file via javaws.locale property 4/5/07 - convert from SimStrings to PhetProjectConfig, pull all String and Image constants into RSConstants 4/5/07 - remove label from BoxOfAtomsNode 3/20/07 - remove DebugUtils and their single usage in AlphaParticles 3/20/07 - move DoubleRange, IntegerRange to phetcommon ******* version 1.00.00 (13862) 3/19/07 - rolled todays changes into 1.00 3/19/07 - refactor ModelEvent/ModelListener to ParticleEvent/ParticleListener 3/19/07 - flatten Model into RSModel to reduce complexity 3/19/07 - remove ModelViewManager framework to improve performance 3/15/07 - change thumbnail image ******* version 0.00.04 (13789) 3/15/07 - move ModelViewManager framework to its own package, target for replacement 3/15/07 - rename BoxOfHydrogenNode to BoxOfAtomsNode, reimplement tiny box 3/15/07 - add dashed line for electron orbit 3/15/07 - debug Reset All feature 3/15/07 - add a more prominent border around groups of controls 3/15/07 - change RSConstants.CANVAS_RENDERING_SIZE to accommodate larger control panel 3/15/07 - use bold font for control to make them slightly larger and more visible on projection screens 3/15/07 - fix SliderControl and control panels so that control & title fonts can be changed easily 3/15/07 - add alpha particles to legend 3/15/07 - set traces "off" by default 3/15/07 - change panel order, move wiggle me to Rutherford Atom panel 3/14/07 - rename SimStrings files to have basename rutherfordscattering_strings 3/14/07 - move images to data/rutherfordscattering/images to avoid namespace collisions 3/14/07 - get version and credits from properties file 3/13/07 - hide value on energy sliders in control panels (DEBUG_SHOW_ENERGY_VALUE = false) 3/13/07 - simplfy ModelViewTransform, improve javadoc 3/13/07 - add description to About dialog 3/12/07 - move RoundGradientPaint to phetcommon 3/12/07 - used PhetPCanvas.getWorldSize 3/12/07 - bug fix in MovingObject.setSpeed ******** version 0.00.03 (13684) 3/9/07 - show outline of nucleus while dragging sliders to preserve responsiveness 3/9/07 - implement dynamic generation of nucleus view in RutherfordAtomNode 3/9/07 - improve distribution of electrons in plum pudding by giving higher weight to values farther from the center 3/9/07 - make nucleus radius proportional to cube root of #protons+neutrons 3/9/07 - use L/8 instead of L/16 in RutherfordScattering.moveParticle 3/9/07 - try to reproduce Sam McKagan's Mathematica test of RutherfordScattering 3/9/07 - make SliderControl clamp textfield entry to min/max range 3/9/07 - fiddle with min/max radius of nulceus so that particles never hit it 3/9/07 - make subsections of control panels more distinct, use consistent fonts 3/9/07 - add icon scaling to Legend so that particle sizes match the play area 3/9/07 - make protons, neutrons & electrons 25% smaller 3/9/07 - change Energy range to [5,12] 3/9/07 - constrain gun to keep alpha particles away from x0=0 3/9/07 - reduce max radius of nucleus 3/9/07 - reorganize RutherfordScattering.moveParticle to improve readability 3/8/07 - add missing SimStrings for title.confirm 3/8/07 - add Legend to top of each control panel 3/8/07 - add "Show traces" control, default on, support in Reset All 3/8/07 - increase electron speed 1.5x, move constant to RSConstants 3/8/07 - change #neutrons range to 20-150 3/8/07 - make "Reset All" restore the default clock state 3/8/07 - add "Reset All" button to all control panels 3/8/07 - reimplement PlumPuddingAtomNode as a BufferedPNode 3/8/07 - generate Sam's node buffering solution into BufferedPNode ******** version 0.00.02 (13613) 3/7/07 - handle algorithm failure gracefully in RutherfordScattering.moveParticle, don't assert or throw exception 3/7/07 - package level javadoc 3/7/07 - javadoc all classes and non-obvious methods 3/7/07 - move number of electrons into plum pudding model 3/7/07 - don't create any alpha particles while sliders are being adjusted 3/7/07 - make textfield editable for energy (will be hidden in production version) 3/7/07 - make textfields editable for #protons and #neutrons 2/7/07 - fix ProGuard config file so it's not using jfreechart/lib/junit.jar 3/7/07 - Spanish translations 3/7/07 - create JNLP files 3/7/07 - change v (velocity) to s (speed) throughout, we're dealing with a scalar quantity 3/7/07 - add final modifier to immutable member data in model 3/7/07 - add vd to AlphaParticle model so that it's accessible by RutherfordScattering 3/7/07 - calculation of D in RutherfordScattering should have v0 in denomincator, error is design doc 3/7/07 - randomly place 79 electrons in PlumPuddingNode 3/7/07 - add dbug code to RutherfordScattering to verify that it fails when D>rNew 3/6/07 - add debug flag to show/hide value on energy control 3/6/07 - rename AbstractHydrogenAtom->AbstractAtom, PlumPuddingModel->PlumPuddingAtom, RutherfordAtomModel->RutherfordAtom 3/6/07 - make control panels observers of model elements 3/6/07 - change energy control so that it adjusts initial speed of alpha particles (range=[2.5,15], default=10) 3/6/07 - use a constant clock with immutable dt 3/6/07 - change #neutrons range to 40-250 3/6/07 - change #protons range to 20-100 ******** version 0.00.01 (13476) 3/5/07 - set up Eclipse .jardec, .mf and ProGuard config files 3/5/07 - jprofile, verify that 48% of time is spent drawing the plum pudding image 3/5/07 - sync with phetcommon revision 13468 3/5/07 - implement orbiting electron in RutherfordAtomNode 3/5/07 - clear alpha particles whenever energy, #protons, #neutrons is changed 3/5/07 - change size of a simple circle in RutherfordAtomNode to represent nucleus 3/5/07 - hook up Rutherford Atom controls to model 3/5/07 - implement RutherfordAtomModel 3/5/07 - modify Rutherford Scattering algorithm 3/5/07 - complete reset method for both modules 3/5/07 - flesh out Rutherford Atom panel 3/2/07 - remove CVS tags from file headers and javadoc 3/2/07 - first attempt at randomly distributing atoms in plum pudding atom 3/2/07 - implement control panel for Rutherford Atom module 3/2/07 - redo slider controls, show current value and provide text entry 3/2/07 - generalize energy control 3/2/07 - add energy control to Plum Pudding control panel 3/2/07 - make big box bigger 3/2/07 - add control panel hierarchy 3/2/07 - make plum pudding image larger, so that it fills the big box 3/2/07 - fix coordinate system mapping problems with zoom indicator 3/2/07 - make box of hydrogen shorter and gold 3/2/07 - check into new SVN project 3/2/07 - get everything to build without errors 3/1/07 - flesh out "Plum Pudding" panel 3/1/07 - cannibalize and simplify code from hydrogen-atom sim 3/1/07 - hook up basic services 3/1/07 - set up application framework