# 2.09.04 (61015) Feb 3, 2012 # 2.09.03 (61014) Feb 3, 2012 > Fixed: Tracks will not connect when dragged directly out of the toolbox > Moved track toolbox in front of the grid > When bumping up tracks, make sure they sit at y=0 instead of y=0.1 meters # 2.09.02 (60933) Feb 1, 2012 > Bump the tracks back onscreen if they are moved out of bounds # 2.09.01 (60906) Feb 1, 2012 > energy-skate-park-basics: Bump up the tracks if they go below the ground > Fixed a bug in track building # 2.09.00 (60887) Jan 31, 2012 > Improvements for control panels # 2.08.30 (60883) Jan 31, 2012 Energy Skate Park: Fill up the track toolbox when deleting a track (but not when tracks are joined) Energy Skate Park: Fixed: Pie chart button doesn't reset on "Reset All" # 2.08.29 (60879) Jan 31, 2012 Energy Skate Park Basics: Fixed: When a user deletes a track, it goes back into the toolbox Common: Fixed: Deleting a track by deleting its control points causes an exception # 2.08.28 (60873) Jan 31, 2012 Energy Skate Park: Switched back to sim speed slider instead of radio buttons for this sim Energy Skate Park: Removed limitation on number of tracks # 2.08.27 (60857) Jan 31, 2012 Fixed buggy behavior for connecting tracks For purposes of limiting created tracks, count the number of created tracks, not the total number of joined tracks (which changes as more tracks are joined) Updated credits > Added new sim "Energy Skate Park: Basics" # 2.08.26 (60834) Jan 31, 2012 Removed easter eggs that allow the user to add and remove skaters with "a" and "r" keys Changed Energy Skate Park main (non-basics) application "friction" text back to "track friction" since it does not apply to the ground Renamed "Track friction" to "Friction" Handled code review requests, see #3232 # 2.08.25 (60735) Jan 30, 2012 Energy Skate Park Basics: Make the "Return Skater" button return the skater to the original location, if the skater hasn't been moved yet Energy Skate Park Basics: Hide the bar chart when the user switches tabs Energy Skate Park Basics: Internationalized speedometer # 2.08.24 (60714) Jan 27, 2012 Fixed: Pie chart disappears with friction on in left well of double-well on tab 2 Fixed: Speed readout doesn't reset on "reset all" # 2.08.23 (60707) Jan 27, 2012 Fixed: Track button screen shots have track overlapping the control panel # 2.08.22 (60675) Jan 26, 2012 # 2.08.21 (60673) Jan 26, 2012 # 2.08.20 (60573) Jan 24, 2012 Fixed: Parabola shifts to the left when switching tracks and switching back # 2.08.19 (60504) Jan 23, 2012 Moved the grid behind the control panel # 2.08.18 (60491) Jan 20, 2012 Made the grid gray instead of black # 2.08.17 (60486) Jan 20, 2012 # 2.08.16 (60085) Jan 10, 2012 # 2.08.15 (60083) Jan 10, 2012 Energy Skate Park Basics: Simsharing: #3201: Added trackIndex to distinguish from trackName Energy Skate Park Basics: Simsharing: #3201: Added track ID's Energy Skate Park Basics: Simsharing: #3201: Fixed location and simsharing of play area "return skater" button Energy Skate Park Basics: Simsharing: #3201: Removed extraneous output on startup and when switching tracks Energy Skate Park Basics: Simsharing: improved names for track buttons, see #3201 Energy Skate Park Basics: send a message when the skater bounces off a track, see #3201 Energy Skate Park Basics: Internationalize new features in ESPB like sim speed slider "slow motion" "normal" Energy Skate Park Basics: Send a message when creating track, see #3201 Energy Skate Park Basics: renamed "restart skater" to "return skater" in order to match the button that appears in the play area Energy Skate Park Basics: Simsharing: added message for when the skater is dragged and released, see #3201 Made spline and spline node dragging bounds respect dynamic change in window size and aspect ratio # 2.08.14 (59924) Jan 5, 2012 Energy Skate Park Basics: Added sim sharing for skater mass, see #3201 common: Make it so the track cannot be dragged out of the rectangle (minX=0, maxX=12, maxY=8) (doesn't dynamically adjust to aspect ratios) common: Only show the grid for y>=0 common: Moved the grid a little to the left (and the default parabola a little to the right) so the grid numbers will be to the left of the default tracks common: Fixed: The speedometer would go into some strange behavior if the skater was left unreturned for a bit of time (the needle would just start spinning for no apparent reason). This was caused by the skater falling off the edge of the world. common: Limited the number of user-created tracks to be 4 Removed the "simulation is paused" message when paused (unnecessary remnant) Made return skater button same color as restart skater button # 2.08.13 (59889) Jan 4, 2012 Energy Skate Park Basics: Added a "restart skater" button # 2.08.12 (59884) Jan 4, 2012 common: Converted sim speed slider to "normal" and "slow motion" radio buttons common: Changed "Return Skater" button to be green instead of orange to distinguish from "Reset all" Button Energy Skate Park Basics: Reduced the size of the "W" track and adjusted layout so it doesn't overlap the control panels Energy Skate Park Basics: Moved the pre-set parabola to the left so it doesn't encroach on the control panel Energy Skate Park Basics: Simsharing: fixed: sim speed slider needs a name, see #3201 Energy Skate Park Basics: Simsharing: added message when changing tracks with track button, see #3201 # 2.08.11 (59612) Dec 21, 2011 Fixed: There seems to be a bug with the Track Friction still - if you turn it on, then off, the friction continues to affect the skater. Fixed: Latent (enabled) value for the friction slider should be set to halfway on reset Reduced snap distance to 1/3 of the previous value # 2.08.10 (59417) Dec 16, 2011 12/16/2011 common: Don't allow to drag through the floor if any (no floor in space when g=0) # 2.08.09 (59415) Dec 16, 2011 12/16/2011 common: Grab onto a nearby track while dragging # 2.08.08 (59163) Dec 8, 2011 12/8/2011 common: Improved performance for Energy Skate Park grid # 2.08.07 (59055) Dec 5, 2011 basics: Made splines go in front of the control panel in "Track Playground" tab # 2.08.06 (59024) Dec 5, 2011 12/5/11 basics: Change the height of the skater when his mass changes 12/5/11 basics: Added a mass slider to the intro tab 12/5/11 common: changed text background on clock control slider to white 12/5/11 basics: Added a speedometer node 12/5/11 common: Removed docked time control panel and converted to floating clock controls 12/4/11 common: Fixed: Initial conditions for "stick to track" not respected in 3rd tab 12/4/11 common: Fixed: Drag to add track should have track centered in box horizontally, move down from the text, center the text 12/4/11 common: Made the mountains 25% smaller so they won't overlap the W track in tab 1 of basics sim 12/4/11 common: Changed "Drag to add track" to "Tracks" 12/4/11 basic: Make x=2 meters the dark line with labels 12/4/11 basic: Put the numbers on the left side of the line instead of the right side 12/4/11 basic: Fixed: When closing the bar graph, checkbox should get unchecked 12/2/11 basic: Fixed: After changing friction then reset all, friction not disabled in Friction tab 12/2/11 basic: Merged control panels in the track playground tab 12/2/11 basic: Merged control panels in the friction tab # 2.08.05 (58976) Dec 1, 2011 12/1/11 basic: made the icons in the control panel clickable for toggling their respective properties 12/1/11 common: Removed padding from mountain image 12/1/11 common: Made "drag to add track" box rounded and added insets 12/1/11 common: Use orange piccolo button for "Return Skater" button for both sims 12/1/11 common: Replaced house and mountain images with higher resolution versions from NP 12/1/11 common: use PhetColorScheme.RED_COLORBLIND instead of Color.red 12/1/11 common: require pie values to be positive 12/1/11 basics: Fixed initial value of track friction for the slider 12/1/11 basics: Fixed: when transitioning from a spline to the floor, there is a thermal energy discontinuity 12/1/11 basics: Made floor friction same as track friction 12/1/11 common: Fixed: Tracks are no longer interactive in non-basics mode 11/30/11 basics: Converted friction slider to be Piccolo based. 11/30/11 basics: Made the selectors for track shapes highlight when selected. 11/30/11 basics: Move the double-well to the right so it will have its lowest peak directly on the 6 meter mark for the grid 11/30/11 common/basics: check in asset file with revised mountains image 11/30/11 common: fix NullPointerException that happens in the case where the user's first interaction with the spline toolbox is a mouse press with no drag 11/30/11 common: revert to original images for mountains and house, there's something odd going on here... 11/30/11 common: switch from Color.red to PhetColorScheme.RED_COLORBLIND for colors that are displayed using text with a black drop shadow (other uses of Color.red should be reviewed) 11/30/11 basics: i18n of new friction slider 11/30/11 common: new images for mountains and house (but they still need to be 1.5x larger so we're not scaling up) 11/30/11 common/basics: check in asset file for new icons and images 11/30/11 common/basics: replace ImageLoader.loadBufferedImage with EnergySkateParkResources.getImage 11/30/11 common: switch to EnergySkateParkResources.getImage for loading various planet images 11/30/11 common: position Bar Graph dialog closer to the initial position of the main frame 11/30/11 basics: left justify controls in ViewControlPanel 11/30/11 common: change "Show Grid" to "Grid" (this could be done for basics only, but didn't seem worth the effort) 11/30/11 common: rename EnergySkateParkStrings to EnergySkateParkResources, since it now loads strings and images 11/30/11 basics: add icons to ViewControlPanel 11/30/11 basics: check in icon files for charts and grid controls 11/30/11 basics: fixed: "friction" is forgotten when switching tracks 11/30/11 basics: fixed: "stick to track" is forgotten when switching tracks 11/30/11 basics: clarify mapping of friction slider value to model value 11/30/11 common: explicitly close XMLDecoders in EnergySkateParkIO 11/30/11 basics: Fixed reset all in "track playground" tab 11/30/11 basics: don't add zoom controls to the play area 11/30/11 common: add ability to specify whether zoom controls should be added to the play area 11/30/11 basics: promote visibility control panel to top-level class ViewControlPanel, for symmetry with TrackControlPanel, and so we can work on module and control panel separately 11/30/11 basics: remove "Energy Graph" title from control panel, since it now contains a grid control 11/30/11 basics: Start without any track in the track playground tab 11/30/11 basics: Made grass frictionless in tab 1 11/29/11 basics: Do not bump splines above the ground by the width of the track so that y=0 won't be perturbed 11/29/11 basics: Move splines so that they sit on the ground 11/29/11 common: Made every other vertical grid line bold instead of every fifth 11/29/11 basics: Added 'show grid' to all tabs 11/29/11 basics: fix Reset All for all tabs. But for unknown reason, loadDefaultTrack needs to be called at end of module subclass constructors. 11/29/11 common: add missing @Overide to AbstractEnergySkateParkModule.reset, and call super.reset 11/29/11 basics: add ':' before "Basics" in title, the titling convention used in other basics sims (eg, states-of-matter) 11/29/11 basics: i18n of tab labels 11/29/11 basics: made it so the user can't manipulate the tracks in tabs 1-2 11/29/11 basics: change TrackControlPanel to extend ControlPanelNode, so that setting control panels to same width will be easier 11/29/11 basics: add ticks to Track Friction slider 11/29/11 basics: remove code that was constructing strings keys dynamically for the energy legend 11/29/11 basics: inline i18n of strings 11/29/11 basics: make “Bar Chart” a checkbox instead of a button, set its state when dialog is closed from window dressing 11/29/11 basics: extract constant TITLE_FONT for the title of controls, use it for "Energy Graphs", "Track Friction", "Stick to Track" 11/29/11 basics: remove horizontal separator line between "Track Friction" and "Stick to Track" controls 11/29/11 basics: move "Bar Chart" control above "Pie Chart" control 11/29/11 basics: Reset All button should be orange in all tabs 11/29/11 common: change wording of "Bring back the PhET skater" to "Return Skater" 11/29/11 common: remove italic font from energy legend # 2.08.03 (56847) Sep 22, 2011 Energy Skate Park Basics: Initialize the skater beneath the track so the user has to move it to start the sim # 2.08.02 (56801) Sep 21, 2011 Energy Skate Park Basics: Fixed reset all for track friction value Energy Skate Park Basics: Fixed reset all for track friction on/off Energy Skate Park Basics: Fixed reset all for stick to track on/off Fixed reset all for pie chart Fixed reset all for track selection Basics: Moved tracks to the right since they were going offscreen # 2.08.01 (56115) Sep 2, 2011 Improved friction and stickiness controls Added bar graphs Removed keyboard-driven rocket thrusters Moved the legend out from behind the control panel Fixed sky graphics Moved the house to the right and the mountains to the left Added buttons to switch track Added control panel in intro tab Moved help to Energy Skate Park Started new energy-skate-park-basics flavor Made fields final, removed unused classes Reformatted and optimized imports # 2.08.00 (53070) Jun 12, 2011 6/12/11 > added new translation credits features # 2.07.01 (52603) Jun 2, 2011 4/27/2011 switched Microsoft Clip Art Images for 'bugboard.gif', 'bulldog.png', 'rocket5.png', 'ruler-thumb.png' Moved spline computations from phetcommon to common/spline since it depends on Jama Moved spline computations from energy-skate-park to phetcommon for reuse in fluid-pressure-and-flow Optimize imports, see #2071 # 2.07.00 (38314) Jan 28, 2010 1/28/10 redeployed to production server. # 2.06.03 (38266) Jan 26, 2010 1/26/10 > Removed the "Bounciness" and "Stickiness" controls for the skater, see 2129. # 2.06.02 (38254) Jan 25, 2010 1/25/10 Got rid of some warnings that were being printed to the console. # 2.06.01 (38252) Jan 25, 2010 1/25/10 >Added back the "Tracks" menu (by popular demand). # 2.06.00 (37993) Jan 9, 2010 1/9/10 public version for milestone "full redeploy, 2010 Q1" # 2.05.10 (37904) Jan 5, 2010 Switched to use PaintImmediateDialog instead of ESPPaintImmediateDialog, see #2042 # 2.05.09 (37764) Dec 29, 2009 > Performance improvements Made it so that the PaintImmediateDialog repaint timer doesn't repeat, see #2042, see #2072 > Made the window come up at the default size of 1024x768 and centered, see #2071 > Removed the phet logo from the control panel so that vertical scroll bars are not visible by default # 2.05.08 (37622) Dec 19, 2009 Removed console debug output, see #2044 # 2.05.07 (37348) Dec 11, 2009 12/11/09 test version for milestone "full redeploy, 2010 Q1" # 2.05.06 (32959) Jul 1, 2009 > Added Joules and meters on the Energy vs. Position graph > Improvements for internationalization # 2.05.05 (32357) Jun 9, 2009 6/9/09 Attempt to fix an issue where newly added strings are not appearing when loaded into translation utility. # 2.05.04 (32242) Jun 1, 2009 # 2.05.03 (32241) Jun 1, 2009 6/1/09 Improvements for internationalization # 2.05.02 (31740) May 15, 2009 5/15/09 another dev version for testing Arabic, this time with locale-specific JARs # 2.05.01 (31739) May 15, 2009 5/15/09 dev version requested by Kathy to review Arabic translation # 2.05.00 (30610) Apr 20, 2009 4/20/09 Batch deploy as part of IOM milestone with revision 30609 # 2.04.07 (30241) Apr 6, 2009 # 2.04.06 (29629) Mar 22, 2009 3/22/09 Batch deploy for Alpha Simulation Tests 2, svn 29628 # 2.04.05 (28788) Feb 19, 2009 Batch deploy for alpha Simulation Tests, svn 28773 10-13-2008: disable some ancillary and test code that is using obsolete PhetApplication constructors 10-13-2008: [811] use PhetApplicationConfig 8-20-2007: energy-skate-park: converted to use IProguardKeep 2.03.01 (8-7-2007) Fixed: When dropping on track, if just underneath, should attach anyways Changed friction to be visible in pie chart by default Changed "return character" to "return skater" and "choose character" to "choose skater" Removed "Show Background" checkbox Changed planet selection panel from 1x4 layout to 2x2 Added help items for skater, track, and track construction 2.02.13 (7-10-2007) Fixed: In the Energy vs. Time graph, the "Clear" button actually closes the graph, rather than just clearing the graph. Fixed: In the Energy vs. Time graph, the zoom feature does not work properly. It appears to zoom in and out on the graph, but the scale of the energy does not change (the numbers don't change). Fixed: The PE=0 line doesn't properly change with the scale of the play area, so if you zoom in and out on the play area, it may cause the PE=0 line to go above or below where it was before in relation to the character. If the red dot goes below the PE=0 line when zooming out, then the pie chart doesn't disappear, even though it appears that the PE should be negative. 2.01.11 (7-3-2007) Fixed screenshot for dev page. 2.02.10 (7-3-2007) Bugfix: incorrect computation of radius of curvature near theta=PI was causing incorrect dynamics 2.02.09 (7-3-2007) Added a Test track "Fly Off (bug)" -to display this error case, select it from the track menu then press return skater -should fly off on 3rd oscillation 2.02.07 (7-1-2007) Moved grid lines down to meet floor at y=0 Added bold lines every 5 meters in grid node 2.02.04 (6-30-2007) Measuring tape location is reset properly Fixed: zero-point potential checkbox doesn't reset properly Added grid reset feature Fixed: path record feature doesn't reset properly Fixed: pie chart "show with thermal" feature doesn't reset properly Fixed: "show background" feature doesn't reset properly Fixed: "stickiness" slider doesn't reset properly Fixed: "edit skater" advanced panel doesn't collapse on reset Fixed: "friction" advanced panel doesn't collapse on reset 2.02.03 (6-29-2007) Made charts disappear on simulation reset Reset button also resets simulation speed 2.02.02 (6-25-2007) Added height and speed readouts to path readouts Added cursor hand to path points and readouts 2.01.13 (6-9-2007) Fixed: If the skater is on the floor when gravity changes to 0.0, floor persists in space Fixed: Performance degradation during playback in space 2.01.12 (6-9-2007) Removed "Return skater to x=... y=..." button. Made the red-dot the value used for determining when the skater is offscreen: -for showing the "return skater" button in the play area -for determining whether a "return skater" location has failed, and the skater should be moved to the initial location 2.01.11 (6-9-2007) Set "Reset Skater" button to move the skater to the default location. Added "Return Skater" button to move to the last set restore point. 2.01.10 (6-8-2007) Fixed: Adding a skater with 'A' was broken Fixed: On the E vs. T graph, only one �pause� button should be visible at a time, other button should be grayed out and read �record� or �playback�; it is confusing to see 2 pause buttons at once Fixed: The playback button should be enabled during record; when pressed during recording, it should reset the playback timer and start playback. Moved renderer selection to a right-click menu Right-click on the chart to select the renderer controls. 2.01.09 (6-8-2007) Added developer controls for choosing E vs. T renderer. -You should always leave "buffered" on, unless comparing to "Jfreechart" renderer -The main 2 renderers to consider on are "Piccolo" and "Direct (immediate)" o "Piccolo" does layering correctly o "Direct (immediate)" sometimes interleaves layers, but has higher performance (may not be a concern in this application) -Use the "Show Regions" checkbox to see differences in painted regions 2.01.08 (6-8-2007) Changed recording max time from 50 sec to 20 sec. Readouts on E vs. T plot no longer update during "live mode" 2.01.07 (6-4-2007) Added improved time series controls for main window and Energy vs. Time graph If the user grabs the skater during playback mode (whether or not it is paused), it changes to record (or live) mode. Reworded �Record Path� to �Show Path� "Playback" auto-restarts playback timer if already at the end of the sequence. Change of character is correctly recorded and played back. Added an ellipsis for menu items or buttons that pop up a dialog Fixed: On the tracks that open in roller coaster mode, when you right click, you cannot change the mode Fixed: "Bring back the skater" button should have setopaque false for mac Fixed: Dropping the character outside of the visible range, and then pressing "return the character" returns him to the same offscreen location. -This makes it very difficult to retrieve the character. Fixed: Jet pack graphic doesn't update when thrust changes Removed clock icon Fixed: Readout for �show path� follows last point Rewind button is disabled during record and playback. Made simulation continue after recording time runs out Energy vs. Time readouts update even when mode is live, not record Fixed: Planet radio buttons are deselectable Fixed: Gravity shows as negative zero in space Internal changes: -Fixed: Splines are using manual copy methods, should be using serialization 2.01.06 Consolidated "Record Path" and "Pause" buttons in the control panel. Mountains and house now disappear when "show background" is deselected 2.01.05 (5-30-2007) Moved "with thermal" to same line as pie chart Renamed "Plots" panel to "Energy Graphs" Moved pie chart to Energy Graph section Reordered graphs to pie, bar, position, time 2.01.04 (5-30-2007) Skater reorients angle on a bounce (this item appears in the Options menu) Fixed: Something preventing characters from being grabbed near the left side of the screen Removed "Frictionless Landing" option Increased available zoom-in range Fixed: Grid should continue in the �y direction in space, instead of stopping at y=0. Fixed: In space, splines are still being bumped up above y=0 Fixed: Performance issue when friction > 0 Removed duplicated computation in radius of curvature approximation. Fixed: Grid doesn't turn white when slider is used to select g=0. 2.01.03 (5-23-2007) Fixed: Simulation crashes when E vs. T graph is open and Reset is pressed. Fixed: Numerical readouts are difficult to read on E vs T graph when data overlaps text. Increased maximum zoom out range. Fixed: E vs. X graph, data obscures the legend Fixed: E vs. X graph, data falls outside the chart boundary. Fixed: Bar Graph, data obscures the title Fixed: Playback, then pause, then "Slow Motion" shouldn't reset the playback sequence. Fixed: Record button is grayed out during playback. Fixed: Energy vs. X graph doesn't update during playback. 2.01.02 (5-21-2007) Mountains rescale on zoom-out. Zoom in/out has improved performance. Increased extent of grid. Grid axes are now in bold to differentiate from grid lines. Added tests for fallthrough. When joining tracks, whether the resultant track is in "roller-coaster" mode depends on the mode of the larger constituent track. Grid changes color based on location, to make it more visible against dark background. Fixed: Track popup menu sometimes has the wrong initial value for "roller-coaster mode" Bugfixes for Energy vs. Time chart. Fixed: Legend on Energy vs. Position chart bulges when cursor passes through. Fixed: Zoom buttons are reversed on Energy vs. Position chart. Added a horizontal zoom for Energy vs. Position chart. Standardized zoom buttons for Energy vs. Position chart. Fixed: "Copy chart" copies images of zoom buttons. Fixed: Bar Graph doesn't show negative values well. Fixed: Slow response time for zoom in/out on Bar Graph. Fixed: When zooming out the Bar Graph, Thermal energy doesn't scale properly. Fixed: Measuring tape doesn't scale during zoom in/out. Fixed: Floor still exists in space. Moved "Clear Heat" button from pie chart panel to above Friction Slider. Removed "Clear Heat" button from Friction advanced panel. Moved "Choose Character" button higher in the control panel. Fixed: Pressing "Playback" no longer requires pressing "Rewind" in advance. Fixed: Sometimes the last point in a recording is omitted on playback. Added a red record button. Changed record button text to REC Removed extraneous "Go" button in the playback panel area. Fixed: Zero-point potential's location is not recorded and/or played back Fixed: Floor graphic doesn't update correctly during playback. 2.01.01 (5-10-2007) Test build process. 2.01 (5-10-2007) Same as 2.01.00 2.01.00 (5-10-2007) Same as 2.00.02 2.00.02 (5-5-2007) Changed the name of the Return Skater button under Reset to Return Character. I could also easily make this match the name of the particular skater, as in the "Return Character" button in the play area. Bugfix: When you choose a character and then Reset, the Skater doesn't look the same. For example, he is very tiny after using the ball. And kind of sideways after the bug. Added "Clear Heat" button in pie chart control panel. Made "Clear Heat" buttons become disabled when the system's thermal energy is zero. Added user-presentable "Tracks" menu. 2.00.01 (5-4-2007) Fixed slider to have range that spans all characters Workaround for AbstractValueControl to repeatedly call setValue() without performance degradation 2.00 same as 1.05.28 1.05.28 (5-3-2007) Moved energy error notification enable/disable to options menu. Moved track 1.5 meters to the right so it doesn't look like it's sitting on the mountain. Switched gravity slider to use LinearValueControl, changed looks slightly. 1.05.27 (5-1-2007) Changed default stickiness to 0.9 and bounciness to 0.6. Added a threshold to prevent tiny bounces (if v/(g*dt) < threshold, track is grabbed) 1.05.26 (4-27-2007) Made it so tracks remain a certain threshold above ground (10 cm); to make it more difficult to direct the skater underground. Bugfix: if skater moves beneath ground, he is instantly transported above ground. The ball character should be slightly larger than the dots that appear in record path (or make the dots appear behind the ball). >>This is true at default zoom. Bugfix: When you zoom out, the area that you cannot play on gets bigger (because the ground gradually takes up 1/2 of the screen). Bugfix: roller-coaster mode isn't being saved/loaded correctly. Added "skater restore point" to file save/load to be able to share initial conditions. Toned down the colors on bulldog skateboard. Reduce the length of the bulldog skateboard by about 15% so that his skate board is the same size as the PhET guy�s. Made the bug about � to 1/3 the length of his board, and made his board the same size as the PhET skater. Made the proportions of all the possible skaters accurate in the Choose Character menu. Added an option under Edit Skater to enable "Frictionless Landing" in which the perpendicular part of velocity is not converted to thermal. >>Probably what we want here is if the incident angle is less than greater than 45 degrees, it should be a hard landing (normal velocity converted to thermal) , otherwise "frictionless landing". Bugfix: a bounciness of 1.0 and a stickiness of anything less than 1 thermo energy is reduced on a bounce eventually acquiring a nice huge negative thermo energy. 1.05.25 (4-26-2007) Added restore point, so when user presses "Return Skater" or "Bring Back..." it is placed in the last location the user specified. This information is cleared when "Reset" is pressed. Reduced the radius for track autoconnect. 1.05.23 (4-24-2007) Testing build process. 1.05.22 (4-24-2007) Fixed a bug in playback/record, file save/load, and test running that caused the simulation to crash. Workaround for file extensions in Java Web Start save/load. 1.05.20 (4-23-2007) Fixed text for record button (previously said "Record Path") Added roller coaster mode to new physics implementation Fixed Skater edit control: added "restore defaults", moved bounciness control Skater starts on the track in the default case (to avoid friction); if the user has moved or edited the track, skater starts at previous position. Bugfix: Bar chart should update during playback Changed default value for "Show Thermal" in pie chart to be off Added ability to disable track "auto connect" by holding Ctrl key during drag Bugfix: Track control point doesn't jump to attachment point during proposed match 1.05.19 (4-11-2007) Bugfix in playback/record. 1.05.18 (4-10-2007) Added ball graphic Wired up bounciness control Converted old tests to new format. Track bumps up on mouse release when beneath ground Added energy error indicator Bugfix: running tests with a non-default character, dimensions & character don't match. Bugfix: Thrusting while on track with friction enabled causes incorrect energy behavior (total energy is conserved, thermal energy fluctuates) 1.05.17 (4-4-2007) Added a test case. 1.05.16 (4-3-2007) <14173> Added skater graphics. Bugfix: Tests wouldn't launch 1.05.15 (3-31-2007) Cars (& similar objects) have been removed since they are self-powered. Removed unused image files Shrank the bulldog to 1/3 current size. Reworded �Bring Back Skater� to �Bring Back [character name]� Fixed: Character falls through the track sometimes at high speeds. (Still falls through sometimes at combinations of large speeds & large curvature) 1.05.14 (3-31-2007) Fixed: The very right hand 1/2 inch or so of image is solid color on earth/space. (aspect ratio problem) Added character selection dialog ("Choose character" from control panel) 1.05.13 (3-30-2007) Fixed: "Press arrow keys to add thrust" should disappear after thrusting. Changed default track graphics. 1.05.12 (3-30-2007) [14118] Fixed: Memory leak in EnergySkateParkSplineListAdapter Fixed: Dragging skater should clear heat Fixed: Return skater should clear heat Fixed: Pie chart button should be enabled on ground Fixed: Bar chart should clear heat when paused Fixed: Ground should come back when dragging gravity slider above 0.0 Added editor for track graphics (right click track -> Edit) Made it easier to grab PE=0 line Added gradient for sky on earth. 1.05.11 (3-29-2007) Many bugfixes for new physics. Fixed graphics for direction skater is facing. Added special friction for ground (friction for all tracks, averaged with skater friction?) Fixed: Return skater in space resets gravity. Skater cannot be dragged underground. Fixed: Skater should point at track while dragging. 1.05.07 (3-4-2007) <13466> Added 1-d test case. 1.05.06 (2-28-2007) Added 1-d track collisions & reattachment. 1.05.04 (2-18-2007) Added tests for L&F 1.05.03 (2-14-2007) "Save" also saves skater's rotation, position, etc. Added tests for motion. Added a test for new spline mechanics. 1.05.02 (2-5-2007) When potential energy is negative, pie chart is invisible and pie chart button is disabled. After the maximum number of history points (max=100), history points start disappearing. History points are now purple rather than yellow. Control points can no longer be dragged below ground. Added a control for whether normal velocity should convert to parallel velocity, or convert to thermal during a landing. Removed negative potential energy (black). 1.05.01 (1-17-2007) Fixed a bug in Normal Force computation. Fixing the bug in Normal Force computation caused spurious off-track velocities (since buggy normal forces were directed slightly into the track). -Introduced a velocity threshold that has to be met before flying off the track. 1.05 (1-17-2007) Posted on main site. 1.04.01 (1-12-2007) Bugfix: When in Gravity=0.0, skater gains energy when grabbing on to track and loses energy when stopping at end of track. 1.04 (1-10-2007) Bugfix: Launch fails on European language format ("0,00" parse error") 1.03 (12-12-2006) Posted on the main site as 1.03 1.02.27 (12-11-2006) Bugfix: The performance degrades significantly after 10 minutes or so. Added a temporary workaround that keeps the recorded data under a manageable size without influencing the rest of the simulation. The user can record about 45 seconds of data, the system automatically switches to live (non-record) mode when this is filled up, the user then has to manually press "clear" before they can record a different dataset. 1.02.26 (12-2-2006) Added zoom buttons to bar graph. Bugfix: The record path data stays the same size relative to the man so is unreadable when zoomed out. Bugfix: Resizing the window shouldn't reset zoom. 1.02.25 (12-1-2006) Bugfix: When you have more than one guy (after hitting A) the Return Skater pop-up feature isn't working well. 1.02.24 (12-1-2006) Bugfix: There shouldn't be a negative potential energy entry in the energy-position graph. 1.02.23 (12-1-2006) Bugfix: Sometimes the normal force is negative when it should be zero. Bugfix: Sometimes when paused, 'go' is unavailable. Added pause message to play area for when 'go' is paused (instead of just when 'record' is paused.) Bugfix: When energy vs position graph is copied, if the data is off-the-chart, it comes up bogus. Relabeled the "show pie chart" checkbox to "show pie chart". Added a legend item for black potential energy. Bugfix: Energy vs time chart has 'java application window' covering up the good parts. This window has a bigger default height. Bugfix: Reset from space causes crash. Added more key options: 'a' for add skater, 'd' for delete, 'r' for remove Added an onscreen zoom button. Moved pie chart legend to top-right. Bugfix: In E vs. T graph, rescaling the y axis shouldn't center on the E=0 axis. Bugfix: For E vs T. graph (and maybe other graphs), should have moving man style zoom buttons. Bugfix: The skater falls through the ground outside the range -10 to +10 Extended the range of the ground to -100 to +100 (handles most cases with current camera zoom) 1.02.22 (11-29-2006) Bugfix: when entering playback mode, floor track duplicated. Bugfix: Record, pause, switch location, go should remain in the newly selected location. Now 'Go' doesn't initialize to the last-recorded-state before starting. Bugfix: Pausing 'go' then pressing 'playback' should have 'slow' enabled. Energy vs. Position graph 'copies' stay in front of the simulation frame. Energy vs. Position graph changed text-labeled zoom buttons to magnifying glass icons. 1.02.21 (11-29-2006) Removed the floor from outer space. Stretched outer-space graphic to fit screen without floor graphic. Set color of ground to match location (i.e. earth is green, moon is gray). The skater points his feet toward the closest track when the user is dragging him. Changed "Friction>>" to "Track Friction>>" for the friction button. Changed "Record Path" from a checkbox to a button. "Record Path" was moved below the tool checkboxes. Clear thermal when manipulating the skater. The energy dissipates in a smooth animation, not all at once. Resetting the skater clears the thermal energy. Changed "Hide Thermal" to "Show Thermal" for the pie chart controls. Show Thermal is now default for pie chart. Bugfix: The values for energy show up under the yellow record dots so you can't read the values. Bugfix: Reset does not get rid of the tape measure if you have it out. Bugfix: The potential Energy Reference line is Red but potential energy on the graphs is blue. 1.02.20 (11-15-2006) Removed logo panel for users with screen height<=768 pixels. Bugfix: after record and playback, the rocket graphic doesn't appear 1.02.19 (11-15-2006) Bugfix: potential energy (pie chart) is wrong when PE=0 line makes PE negative Made pie chart piece black for negative potential energy. Bugfix: reset sometimes causes a crash. 1.02.18 (11-15-2006) Bugfix: Skater with mass of 1kg gets stuck a lot. 1.02.17 (11-15-2006) Bugfix: fixed a bug introduced in 1.02.16 that caused thrust to behave incorrectly in free fall and spline mode. 1.02.16 (11-15-2006) Bugfix: When the interacts with the track, energy is not conserved. Now energy is conserved when possible, unless the user has added energy to the system. 1.02.15 (11-15-2006) Improved spline traversal code: more accurate representation of normal force small bugfixes & parameter edits Bugfix: There is an error with friction on the ground, and falling through the ground. Bugfix: Deleting a control point during spline traversal crashes the application. Bugfix: Gravity value doesn't change sometimes after a record/playback. Bugfix: Identified a problem that caused skater to get stuck on the high part of his spline traversal, or in low gravity. 1.02.14 (11-10-2006) Bugfix: History buttons are displaying total energy without thermal, and calling it total. -Added a thermal energy readout, and fix the total energy value to reflect all energy (not just mechanical energy). Reduced maximum allowed friction. Removed keypress focus from friction control (so it won't change while using thrust). Bugfix: Skater rotates back and forth quickly when at the bottom of a potential well (with friction). Skater can traverse the track while underground. Relabeled "Slow Motion" to "Playback Slow" Bugfix: After some combination of recording and playback, the track graphic becomes dissociated from the skater. -The skater will continue to traverse the path where the track used to be, even after it has been dragged. -This solution is a bit of a hack, not elegant, passes tests, but not guaranteed accurate. 1.02.13 (11-10-2006) Set the bounciness to correspond to the bounciness slider. Set the minimum mass of the skater to 1.0 kg. Fixed a bug that caused save/load to fail sometimes. 1.02.12 (11-8-2006) Bugfix: When you move from space to earth the "use arrow keys to thrust" stays up. Bugfix: When I pulled up energy vs time graph, and messed around with pausing, using cursor, and trying to go again ... it got confused. (Right now I can't get the guy to start moving again ... even when I hit Reset.) Added friction for bounces, when friction is enabled. Added coefficient of restitution as a nonlinear function of friction coefficient. Added insurance that the skater won't pass through a spline while in free-fall. Removed some bogus collision code (for handling ends of spline). Added code that prevents the skater from bouncing back and forth centered on a track. Added save/load for splines & skaters. Added roller-coaster mode (sticky tracks). Deleted some spline traversal code that caused the skater to get stuck. 1.02.11 (11-3-2006) Made the "Return The Skater" button pop up when the skater is partially offscreen (rather than when he is completely offscreen). Bugfix: The man jiggles around when on a nearly horizontal piece of track. 1.02.10 (11-3-2006) Added a "Step" button to playback, live, and record modes. Added another mechanism to reduce energy errors in spline traversal mode. This prevents the problem where the skater gets stuck at a high point at slow velocity. 1.02.09 (11-2-2006) Improvements in spline traversal. Consolidate top/bottom splines. Rewrote Track Toolbox to work at different scales. Track Toolbox code is more elegant. Fixed: Dragging a control point of the skater's track can cause him to freeze. Fixed: Track graphic is stopping one segment before the end of the track. 1.02.08 (10-25-2006) Removed track graphic at ground-level. Added friction to ground. Added preliminary collision code to avoid getting stuck in a track (needs more testing). 1.02.07 (10-18-2006) Bugfixes in old references to FreeSplineMode (1st version) 1.02.06 (10-18-2006) Added improved frame sizes for deployment Added tests Bugfix in spline traversal (if error is too high, rollback change, don't use global energy) 1.02.05 (10-18-2006) Rewrote spline traversal physics. Added tests. 1.02.03 (10-11-2006) Added smoothing for spline traversal (to smooth out jerkiness e.g. at bottom of parabola) Added code so the skater can fall off of spline when his velocity dotted with the unit normal of the segment is positive. Found an instance of unconserved energy and remedied it. Bugfix: pressing go after playing back a sequence inverts the angle. Bugfix: Jet pack isn't visible after reset. Bugfix: When I go to space or set gravity to zero, if I don't use the arrows before I hit RESET, the arrow keys don't work. For example, if you go to space and then hit Reset, the arrows work the far right slider. Bugfix: If you use the space simulation, and change to gravity and back, sometimes (can't be sure how exactly) the thruster/jets don't show on the skater in space mode, though he does move as if they are firing. Seems like the simulation of his jet pack is not quite getting reset. 1.02.02 (10-11-2006) Bugfix: When he's stationary and the track is moved he doesn't fall. Bugfix: When he's oscillating on the track and I lift the track up the skater can end up oscillating back and forth, as if a track was there, but it's not really there. Fixed a memory leak. Bugfix: 'Reset Skater' turns him upside down sometimes. Bugfix: Reset doesn't work any more ... the skater is just frozen (and the red dot doesn't go with him). Bugfix: After a long time, the man is stopped and when I tried to grab him, all I could move around was the little red dot, not the actual skater. 1.02.01 (10-11-2006) Revision of dynamics to address problem at the bottom of a potential well. 1.02 (7-10-2006) Made the grid overlay x-axis match the Energy-Position plot's x-axis. 1.01 (7-10-2006) Posted on main site. 0.00.28 (6-8-2006) Updated gravity controls. Bugfix: Performance degrades when showing history points. Bugfix: Grid intercepted mouse clicks. 0.00.26 (6-8-2006) Fixed gravity controls. Bugfix: readout of history points is incorrect. 0.00.25 (6-7-2006) Added an optional overlay grid. Fixed a bug in the wiggle me. 0.00.24 (6-6-2006) Bugfix in the build process (wouldn't run under 1.4) 0.00.23 (6-6-2006) Renamed JNLP Launch title from Energy Sk8r to Energy Skate Park Brightened the skater image. Performance bugfix. -Version 0.00.22 (6-2-2006) Decreased the sensitivity of the 'return the skater' button; skater has to be completely offscreen (not partially offscreen) Moved the pie chart legend to the bottom of the page. Added a jet pack graphic which points the correct direction. Bugfix: Background color doesn't match image color for different screen sizes. Reduced download size by 120kb (removal of unused images). Added a wiggle me hint for using the arrow keys to apply thrust; the hint appears when choosing zero-gravity first time. Added zoom in/out for energy-position plot. Bugfix: Setting record, then live, then record resets to last record state. -Changes for 0.00.21 (5-29-2006) Added a button to return the skater when he has flown out of view. Moved friction & clear heat controls to an expandable advanced panel. Removed the text field and numerical tick labels from friction slider; labeled extrema "none" and "lots" Bugfix: Clear button erroneously shows 'this simulation is paused' when it is not. Bugfix: The measuring tape's initial readout is incorrect. Added tool icons. Increased the initial and "return" height of the skater; increased the initial track to ensure a smooth first ride. -Changes for 0.00.20 Changed the look and feel to platform specific. Bugfix: The scale for the readings on the path data is unreadably huge. Made the view of history point data toggle-based, so 2 can be visible at once. Added a warning box to the reset button that says, Are you sure you want to reset? Bugfix: Removed the ability to drag (pan/zoom) the bar graph graphics. Removed the minimize button from the bar chart. Removed the "Total Energy" entry from the pie chart legend. Added a "Clear Heat" button to the bar graph window. Bugfix: When minimizing and restoring the window, the chart & graph windows don't restore their state. Bugfix: The charts all flash up on the screen for a second during startup. Added a helmet graphic. -Changes for 0.00.19 (5-14-2006) The simulation is now titled 'Energy Skate Park' The skater's potential energy is now zero when he's on the ground (by default). The skater cannot be dragged outside the window, or below ground. -Changes for 1-2-2006, 0.17 �Play� has been changed to �Go� for clarity. Add a movable �zero-point potential energy� graphic Add a clear button to e vs t graph in skater. Remove "minimize" button from e vs t in skater. Background is on by default Improved backgrounds a bit (tone down, position properly) -Changes for 12-23-2005, 0.15 Paused shows up in the play area when skater is paused. Renamed �Live� to �Play� Radio buttons match slider values. (all off when no exact location). Energy vs. Time chart comes up recording. Added color code legend for pie chart. Energy vs Position graph has a color-coded legend. Energy vs Position graph doesn't fade during pause. Renamed �Coefficient of Restitution� to �bounciness� Reset starts module running (not paused) Reset button changes the values in �edit skater� Save graphs (e.g. to compare friction on to friction off). -Changes for 11-17-2005, 0.13 Fix playback panel button sizes for 1024x768. Move Energy vs position button near other plot buttons. Rename 'show plot' to Plot Energy vs Time Rename 'reset skater' to 'return skater' Energy Vs. Position plot: fix horizontal range rename 'title' to 'energy vs. position' horizontal axis label Earth background is kPhet Make object mass switchable. Add a control for coeff of restitution. Fix horizontal range on Energy vs Position graphs. Turned model and view upside down. Paint like Jupiter/Earth/Moon/Space. Change Locale (background & gravity). The ground can be driven on and only bounced off. -Changes for 11-14-2005, 0.10 Added performance enhancements for energy-position graph Added a vertical location indicator in energy-position graph Bugfix: A bounce entails a loss of energy (which I didn't intend). Add coefficient of restitution. -Changes for 11-8-2005, 0.09 Improved performance on energy vs. position plot. Data points fade on the energy vs. position plot. Gravity is user-settable. Better center of mass for the skater. -Changes for 11-7-2005, 0.08 1. Fixed a bug in the friction update 2. Switched to Runge-Kutta 4th order differential equation solver. 3. Max selectable coeff of kinetic friction is 0.04 4. Added plot of energy vs position (experimental, not optimized). 5. Move labels below bar chart. 6. Colorize bar chart labels. 7. Added thermal energy to plot 8. Fixed a bug that prevented the splash screen on startup. 9. Minimized download size. -Changes for 0.07 and earlier Record history dots Measuring tape Man can be re-centered without restarting application. pie chart Area is proportional to energy (not Diameter)