# 0.00.02 (57564) Oct 12, 2011 10/12/11 up/down arrows in slider JTextField to increment/decrement 10/12/11 frosty translucent background behind formula on beaker 10/12/11 translucent background behind "Saturated!" 10/12/11 show H2O on beaker when concentration=0 10/12/11 relative layout of Molarity tab 10/12/11 move beaker ticks to left side of beaker, closer to volume control 10/12/11 set columns in slider JTextFields based on number formatter pattern 10/12/11 tweak location of precipitate particles to account for thickness of beaker walls 10/12/11 add saturation point indicator to concentration display 10/12/11 adjust gradients on concentration display to account for saturation point 10/12/11 adjust solution color to account for saturation 10/12/11 add tick marks for min/max range labels on sliders 10/12/11 fix units on concentration display 10/12/11 generalize tick mark for reuse in slider 10/12/11 round corners of slider thumbs 10/12/11 use beaker from ph-scale, show/hide tick mark values 10/12/11 add moles-to-particles multiplier for precipitates 10/12/11 create custom formatter with special handling of zero and ints 10/12/11 add tick marks for min/max range labels on concentration display 10/12/11 make labels less verbose on sliders and concentration display 10/12/11 use water color from ph-scale # 0.00.01 (57499) Oct 11, 2011 10/11/11 dev version to demonstrate functionally-complete "Molarity" tab 10/11/11 add editable text field to sliders 10/11/11 use a commandline arg to show stage bounds, so that it's not distracting in dev versions 10/11/11 implement "show values" for sliders 10/11/11 implement "show values" for concentration display 10/11/11 add colors to Solute combo box 10/11/11 display "Saturated!" when the solution is saturated 10/11/11 show precipitate as a random group of particles at the bottom of the beaker 10/11/11 format solute combo box as "formula: name" 10/11/11 show solute formula on beaker 10/11/11 different solutes have different precipitate sizes 10/10/11 show precipitate numerically 10/10/11 make beaker an observer of solution volume property 10/10/11 add saturation to model 10/10/11 add simple beaker 10/10/11 sliders for molarity tab 10/10/11 concentration display 10/10/11 Molarity model, part of view 10/04/11 created project skeleton