# 3.20.30 (74331) Mar 15, 2015 # 3.20.29 (74185) Sep 2, 2014 # 3.20.28 (73981) Apr 25, 2014 # 3.20.27 (73950) Apr 17, 2014 # 3.20.26 (73913) Mar 21, 2014 # 3.20.25 (73912) Mar 21, 2014 # 3.20.24 (73910) Mar 21, 2014 # 3.20.23 (73900) Mar 13, 2014 # 3.20.22 (73894) Mar 11, 2014 # 3.20.21 (73892) Mar 10, 2014 # 3.20.20 (73829) Feb 7, 2014 # 3.20.19 (73826) Feb 7, 2014 # 3.20.18 (73825) Feb 7, 2014 # 3.20.17 (73824) Feb 7, 2014 # 3.20.16 (73449) Sep 10, 2013 # 3.20.15 (72861) Apr 24, 2013 4/24/13 redeploy sponsorship prototype, requested by KD # 3.20.14 (72343) Feb 27, 2013 2/27/13 Deploying version for use in research study. Sim Sharing: Changed message order for wires so that "moved" messages precede "junction formed" messages when dragging a component creates a junction. Sim Sharing: Changed message order for circuit components so that "moved" messages precede "junction formed" messages when dragging a component creates a junction. # 3.20.13 (72303) Feb 26, 2013 2/26/13 Deploy to dev for review by UBC researchers. Sim Sharing: Removed message sent when popup triggered for wire. This is more consistent with handling of popup menus for other components. Sim Sharing: Fixed issue where move message for junction is sent after junction is replaced, so it is no longer attached to anything. Sim Sharing: Fixed an issue where with wire was reporting a "moved" message when the user just clicked on it. # 3.20.12 (72278) Feb 25, 2013 2/25/13 Publishing to dev for review of sim sharing changes. Sim Sharing: Fixed an issue where battery current could report current changes when the change was below the resolution of the message, resulting it what looked like redundant messages. Sim Sharing: Fixed an issue where battery current could be reported as -0.00. Sim Sharing: Made junction move messages include the components that are included in the junction. Sim Sharing: Made the moving of a junction only send out a message when movement is complete. Sim Sharing: Changed the messages for formation and removal of junctions to include the junction identifier. Sim Sharing: Added "reverse light bulb" message, see #3497 Sim Sharing: Added "reverse battery" message, see #3497 Sim Sharing: Added "show value" message for all component types, see #3497 # 3.20.11 (72254) Feb 21, 2013 # 3.20.10 (72253) Feb 21, 2013 Sim Sharing: Fixed: nonContactAmmeter was sending messages when it was unchecked, see #3497 Sim Sharing: Removed message about nonContactAmmeter reported at startup, see #3497 Sim Sharing: Report location on screen where components are moved to as a parameter of the "moved" message, see #3497 Sim Sharing: Fixed: When "more volts" gets checked it should not send "user voltageEditor" changed message, see #3497 Sim Sharing: Fixed: When battery right click menu appears, it was sending user voltageEditor message, see #3497 Sim Sharing: Under the "Advanced" controls: Wire resistivity - Instrument as done for the other sliders, i.e. need start drag, drag (time limited), and end drag. Sim Sharing: Send messages when switches are opened or closed Sim Sharing: Voltmeter - value thresholding so that sim sharing messages are only sent when the readout seen by the user changes Sim Sharing: Time limit current messages from ammeters Sim Sharing: Time limit voltage messages from voltmeter Sim Sharing: Made the log voltage match the voltmeter voltage by rounding to the same number of digits Sim Sharing: Send messages when voltage/resistance editor window activated/deactivated/closed Sim Sharing: Made the model ID match the user ID for sim sharing messages from the series ammeter. Sim Sharing: Improved value thresholding for series ammeter so that sim sharing messages are only sent when the readout seen by the user changes. # 3.20.09 (72232) Feb 20, 2013 2/20/13 Deploy to dev for review with UBC researchers. Sim Sharing: Added instance id to battery current messages. Sim Sharing: Added message rate limiting to battery current messages. Sim Sharing: send grab bag item message, see #3497 Sim Sharing: send message when grab bag button pressed, see #3497 Sim Sharing: send message about connections to ammeter, see #3497 Sim Sharing: send message about connections to voltmeter probes, see #3497 Sim Sharing: send startDrag/endDrag for resistance/voltage sliders, see #3497 Sim Sharing: send startDrag/endDrag for voltmeter leads, see #3497 Sim Sharing: send startDrag/endDrag for non-contact ammeter, see #3497 Sim Sharing: renamed "ammeter" => "nonContactAmmeter" Renamed VirtualAmmeterNode => NonContactAmmeterNode Sim Sharing: Added messages for moving the ammeter probe (limit to every 500ms), see #3497 Sim Sharing: Added messages for moving the voltmeter probe nodes (limit to every 500ms), see #3497 Sim Sharing: Added messages for all components on the control panel Sim Sharing: Added messages for flames turning off and on Sim Sharing: Added messages for rotation/endpoint movement (limit to every 500ms) Sim Sharing: Added message for: Configured value (battery voltage, resistance) changed (limit to every 500ms) Sim sharing: Added sim sharing message for changes of current detected by series ammeter. Sim sharing: Changed the sim sharing message from the voltmeter to say "undefined" instead of "NaN" when it has no value to show. This is more consistent with what the non-contact ammeter does. Sim sharing: Added messages from non-contact ammeter for changes to current reading. Sim sharing: Added messages from non-contact ammeter for connections formed and broken. Sim Sharing: Added messages for changes to the connection status of the voltmeter leads. Sim sharing: Added messages for changes to the voltage measured by the voltmeter. Sim sharing: Added notification message for breaking of connections. Sim sharing: Added notification message for the formation of connections. Sim sharing: Added instance identifiers to the circuit elements. # 3.20.08 (71979) Feb 5, 2013 2/5/13 Deploying to dev for review and discussion of progress on data logging feature. Sim sharing: Made the check boxes for the voltmeter and the two types of ammeters send up sim sharing notifications. Sim sharing: Added sim sharing message that indicates when a circuit component (called a 'branch' in the source code) is removed from the play area. Sim sharing: Added sim sharing message that indicates when a wire segment has been moved by the user. Sim sharing: Added sim sharing message that indicates when components in the circuit have been moved by the user. Sim sharing: Added user component IDs for all the basic circuit elements that can be added from the tool box. Sim sharing: Generalized sim sharing message for component creation, moved message sending into Circuit class to avoid creation messages at startup (due to creation of tool box nodes). UBC study: Changed study name from "ubc-feb-2013" to "ubc-spring-2013". UBC study: Changed configuration to launch DC-only version of sim. UBC study: Added prompt for student ID. # 3.20.07 (71899) Jan 29, 2013 1/29/13 Deploying initial version for UBC study to dev for some early testing. Made UBC study flavor request all permissions. Added new flavor for UBC study, targeted for February 2013. Removed "goldberg" flavor. # 3.20.06 (66288) Jul 26, 2012 # 3.20.05 (66287) Jul 26, 2012 7/26/2012 Added a new sim that has 1.0 Ohm internal resistance batteries by default # 3.20.04 (65848) Jul 16, 2012 7/16/12 dev version that reflects changes to sponsor feature 7/16/12 #3380, add "-sponsor-off" arg to build.properties for production version of CCK DC 7/16/12 #3380, restore sponsor prototype files for CCK DC 5/29/12 #3166, deleted sponsor prototype files # 3.20.03 (61560) Feb 21, 2012 2/21/12 new dev version for sponsor prototype, KD was having problems running the previous version 2/21/12 #3166, create a separate flavor for sponsor prototype, so we don't have to keep enabling/disabling in circuit-construction-kit-build.properties 2/8/12 #3166, disable sponsor prototype in circuit-construction-kit-build.properties # 3.20.02 (61116) Feb 8, 2012 2/8/12 dev version with change requests to sponsor prototype 2/8/11 #3166, enable sponsor prototype in circuit-construction-kit-build.properties 2/8/12 #3166 change request: use a generic company (Your Company) instead of CU for the sponsor prototype 12/12/11 #3166, disable sponsor prototype in circuit-construction-kit-build.properties # 3.20.01 (59298) Dec 12, 2011 12/12/11 dev version to demo sponsor prototype 12/12/11 #3166, enable sponsor prototype in circuit-construction-kit-build.properties 12/12/11 #3166, add files related to sponsor prototype Fixed: Advanced panel doesn't close on reset all, resolves #2959 Removed unused noninternationalized code # 3.20.00 (53075) Jun 12, 2011 6/12/11 > added new translation credits features # 3.19.03 (52827) Jun 7, 2011 Fixed: "resistivity" doesn't reset when "reset all" is pressed, resolves #2934 Fixed: "show values" checkbox doesn't reset when "reset all" is pressed, resolves #2933 # 3.19.02 (52727) Jun 7, 2011 Fixed: "Advanced" label missing from control panel, resolves #2921 Fixed: light bulb units were listed as "bulb" instead of "Ohms" in the light bulb resistance control, resolves #2920 Fixed: listeners are removed while iterating over listener list, see #2919 Reformatted according to current PhET IntelliJ code style 6/7/11 removed duplicated code in Electron's internal observer, see #2919 # 3.19.01 (52605) Jun 2, 2011 4/14/11 replaced images for 'bag.gif', 'stopwatch-thumb.png', 'dog.gif'. see #2800 2/27/11 #2756, replaced validateTree() with validate() Converted to use SimpleObservable.getObserverList instead of Array version Removed unused override, no functional change Switched to use PhetTitledBorder, see #2477 Changed control panel fonts to default for consistency with other sims and to get rid of new vertical scroll bar Converted to checkboxes instead of buttons for show values Switched to standard reset all button # 3.19.00 (41978) Jun 28, 2010 # 3.18.14 (41931) Jun 25, 2010 > Component values are accepted after typing in the component editor and clicking elsewhere, instead of requiring the user to press "OK" first Added a focus listener to the text field in the slider and made the listener commit the changed value. See #2399. # 3.18.13 (41856) Jun 22, 2010 Improved usage of JNLP IO API, see #2397 # 3.18.12 (41854) Jun 22, 2010 # 3.18.11 (40774) May 15, 2010 Fixed: remove junctions that have been orphaned by removal of a branch, see #1826 # 3.18.10 (40765) May 14, 2010 > Fixed: sometimes dotted circle junctions are left behind, see #1826 # 3.18.09 (40735) May 13, 2010 Removed warning message from circuits with a capacitor and small resistance, see #2087 and #2323 # 3.18.08 (40572) May 11, 2010 > Prevent electrons from bunching up in pairs, see #1828 # 3.18.07 (40398) May 4, 2010 Changed default timestep parameters from (1E-6,1E-6) to (1E-5,1E-5) Changed default resistivity from 1E-8 to 1E-4 # 3.18.06 (40396) May 4, 2010 > Improved quantitative accuracy of the physics engine for circuits with capacitors and inductors Added developer controls for trading off accuracy and speed in the physics engine Added timestep subdivision algorithm for improving the physics engine, see #2241 > Removed show equations feature, see #1913 # 3.18.04 (38771) Feb 18, 2010 2/18/10 Deploy to dev Added a warning error message for potentially problematic circuits. # 3.18.02 (38103) Jan 14, 2010 > Added "virtual lab" simulations 1/14/10 Added virtual lab versions and updated names. # 3.18.01 (38101) Jan 14, 2010 # 3.18.00 (37980) Jan 8, 2010 1/8/10 public version for milestone "full redeploy, 2010 Q1" # 3.17.24 (37754) Dec 29, 2009 > Fixed a bug that made the circuit run very quickly while dragging voltage or resistance sliders, see #2040 # 3.17.23 (37750) Dec 29, 2009 Removed vertical struts to decrease height of control panel content, see #2039 Put lifelike and schematic on the same line to reduce control panel height, see #2039 > Improved layout in control panel to remove scroll bars in AC version. # 3.17.22 (37339) Dec 11, 2009 12/11/09 test version for milestone "full redeploy, 2010 Q1" # 3.17.21 (36812) Nov 19, 2009 Redeploy for testing, with phetcommon changes in clock control panel # 3.17.20 (36660) Nov 15, 2009 Signify a circuit change and recompute physics when an element is added to the play area, resolves #1889 Small refactors # 3.17.19 (36620) Nov 13, 2009 > Fixed stopwatch to correspond to sim time (was off by 100x or so), see #359 # 3.17.18 (36091) Oct 26, 2009 > Fixed: advanced wire resistivity slider starts at incorrect slider position, resolves #1842 > Made it so the switch graphic is shown as closed when loading a closed switch, resolves #384 # 3.17.17 (36021) Oct 22, 2009 > Fixed time scale for e-e repulsion to match scale as in 3.17.00, resolves #1828 # 3.17.16 (35899) Oct 16, 2009 > Added a workaround to help improve behavior for situations such as a battery connected directly to a capacitor, see #1813 # 3.17.15 (35749) Oct 12, 2009 # 3.17.14 (35746) Oct 12, 2009 > Made it possible to change the background color using the menu options # 3.17.13 (33522) Jul 21, 2009 # 3.17.12 (33462) Jul 19, 2009 > Make default frame size 1024x768 Removed PhET icon logo with weblink Increase font in play area to compensate for new size # 3.17.11 (33457) Jul 19, 2009 > Rewrote voltage calculation to use node voltages # 3.17.10 (33455) Jul 19, 2009 # 3.17.09 (33439) Jul 19, 2009 7/19/09 made it so open switches are treated as OpenComponents, not resistors with high resistance, see #367 # 3.17.08 (33030) Jul 5, 2009 # 3.17.07 (32918) Jul 1, 2009 # 3.17.06 (32767) Jun 26, 2009 > Fixed a bug that prevented components (e.g. batteries) from being updated while machine locale and selected locale differ in decimal character, see #1700 # 3.17.03 (32287) Jun 3, 2009 6/3/09 Fixed a bug that prevented the model from updating. # 3.17.02 (32285) Jun 3, 2009 6/3/09 Added battery internal resistance # 3.17.01 (32260) Jun 2, 2009 Converted to Scala MNA implementation Added numbers and units back to chart time axes, see #1333 # 3.17.00 (30589) Apr 20, 2009 4/20/09 Batch deploy as part of IOM milestone with revision 30588 # 3.16.05 (30174) Apr 1, 2009 > Removed numbers and units from chart time axis, see #1333 # 3.16.04 (29974) Mar 27, 2009 3/27/09 #1526, incorporate Romanian sim translation # 3.16.03 (29914) Mar 26, 2009 3/26/09 #1526, this version to be used for Romanian translations # 3.16.02 (29629) Mar 22, 2009 3/22/09 Batch deploy for Alpha Simulation Tests 2, svn 29628 # 3.16.01 (28780) Feb 19, 2009 Batch deploy for alpha Simulation Tests, svn 28773 #3.16.00 12-1-2008 Deploying version to tigercat with tracking for testing purposes. # 3.15.04 11-29-2008 Deploying version with tracking for feasibility tests. # 3.15.03 (26342) 11-19-2008 Deploying version with tracking for feasibility tests. # 3.15.02 (26340) 11-19-2008 Deploying version with tracking for feasibility tests. # 3.15.01 (26335) 11-19-2008 Deploying version with tracking for feasibility tests. New in 3.15 Published 3.14.01 on main site as 3.15 New in 3.14.01 Added right click help message 10-8-2008: use PhetApplicationConfig.launchSim New in 3.13.24 Fixed: AC Source: internal resistance display for AC voltage is incorrect (always zero) Reduced pencil lead resistance from 3000 to 300 Ohms Renamed Clear to Reset, moved out of File Save/Load panel Renamed File to Circuit in Save/Load panel 10-15-2007: Fixed: "Internal Resistance" controls for battery are unavailable 10-15-2007: Removed model-wide flag for internal-resistance; internal-resistance is now always available for each model component 9-24-2007: Fixed: "Advanced" controls should be show/hide, not enable/disable 9-24-2007: Fixed: Voltmeter sometimes shows "-0.00 V" 7-25-2007: added initial support for loading saved cck files from previous web version 7-17-2007 Fixed a bug that prevented saving when the user chose a file extension other than .cck 3.06.03 (6-6-2007) Added docs to the dev site. 3.06 (12-20-2006) Added interationalization for toolbox strings. 3.05 (12-20-2006) Posted on main site as 3.05 3.04.15 (12-20-2006) Fixed a bug that prevented saving circuits from webstart. 3.04.14 Trial version to test save/load. 3.04.13 Trial version to test save/load. 3.04.12 (12-20-2006) Reduced ammeter size. Moved switches to be in front of other components (Except for selected components.) Improved title font for component editors. 3.04.11 (12-18-2006) Removed phetcommon tab, which was used for testing purposes. Clicking on the background de-selects the highlighted element (if any). Fixed: Connected wires look as if there is a gap between the copper part of the wires. Fixed: When dragging a junction in a connected circuit, there becomes a gap in the electron flow 2 components away. Fixed: When adjusting a voltage or resistance continuously with a slider, the circuit doesn't update until stopped dragging. Fixed: "Show Connection at Right" for bulb turns the bulb upside-down. Fixed: Bulb left/right directions are backwards. Converted "show values" checkbox to a pair of buttons (on control panel). Fixed: Sometimes readout is still displayed after its component is deleted. Fixed: Bulb rays are grabbable. Fixed: Zoom in/out incorrectly translates the play area. Fixed: Zoom in/out makes it possible to lose the voltmeter. Fixed: Number of significant digits in slider is different from on-component readout. Fixed: Virtual Ammeter doesn't update unless dragged. Fixed: AC Voltage source is off by a factor of 5. Fixed: AC Edit dialogs are initialized incorrectly. Renamed "Frequency" to "Change Frequency" in AC Voltage Source menu. Renamed "Edit Capacitance" to "Change Capacitance" in capacitor menu. Renamed "Edit Inductance" to "Change Inductance" in inductor menu. Removed Zoom handler. Voltage Strip chart probes now work correctly at different zoom levels. Fixed: Capacitor reads ohms instead of Farads. Fixed: Battery voltage editor has incorrect behavior when switching to larger range & back. Fixed: Capacitor editor initialized to wrong value. Fixed: Inductor reads ohms instead of Henries. Bugs fixed in 3.04.09 bug report [1-12, 14-15, 18, 21-24, 27, 30, 36] Bugs recommended but skipped [16, 26, 32, 33] 3.04.10 (12-12-2006) Added a launch file for DC Only version. 3.04.09 (10-9-2006) Fixed grab bag button & toolbox so they don't obscure one another. 3.04.08 (10-9-2006) Bugfix: Grab bag button obscured the toolbox at low resolution. 3.04.07 (10-9-2006) Generalized the about dialog, added spanish, etc. 3.04.04 (10-9-2006) Feasibility test for repainting problem workaround. 3.04.03 (10-9-2006) Reduced bulb size 75% to match previous version. Reduced battery size and fixed aspect ratio to match previous version. Reduced voltmeter size to match previous version. Bugfix: right-click causes some components to jump around. Bugfix: single left-click causes components to jump around. 3.04.01 (10-9-2006) Added a cursor hand to the phet logo, which links to main page. Added an improved about dialog, with license, projects, link to main page, and phet icon. 3.04.00 (10-9-2006) Finished main body of piccolo translation, still needs thorough testing. 3.03.06 (10-5-2006) Piccolo version includes most tools, most functionality. 3.03.02 (9-20-2006) Partial completion of translation to Piccolo. 3.02.02 (9-3-2006) Added local jnlp file implementation. Switched to Windows look and feel preferred over Ocean. Bugfix: AC Circuit with open switch crashes (see MNACircuit line 524) 3.02.01 (8-21-2006) Renamed "sp" to "es" for internationalization. 3.01.12 Added "(DC & AC)" to the title. 3.01.11 (7-10-2006) Added a Pause/Play/Step control panel. Moved the charges from the centerline of a capacitor, when there is only 1 column of charges. Bugfix: Stopwatch was intercepting mouse events (even when disabled). 3.01.10 (7-10-2006) Added 'Amps' units to current readout. 3.01.09 (7-10-2006) Improved graphics for lower resolution. Bugfix: Text for stopwatch is broken. 3.01.08 (7-9-2006) Strip charts show a gap in the data when not taking data. Inductors auto-discharge when not in a loop. Capacitors Capacitor charges are be blue for negative, red for positive. Square plates are 3d Area is a function of capacitance. Bugfix: In-circuit ammeter fails to move off the toolbar correctly. 3.01.07 (7-7-2006) Improved graphics for the voltage strip chart. Strip charts start reading from the right. Strip charts maintain the correct time-range. 3.01.06 (7-7-2006) Charts can now be removed. Bugfix: Charts don't show any data, when first data points are out of range. Bugfix: Time-series charts looked non-smooth for simple AC RC circuit >>We can no longer have simulation time dynamic because it destroys smoothness of the plots; converted to static. Added x and y axis labels for the stripcharts. Added the Voltage chart: a 2-terminal version of the current meter. Added a timer. 3.01.05 (7-5-2006) Bugfix: When you charge a capacitor and completely disconnect if, the capacitor loses all its charge. Added readout for inductors. Added component editor for inductors. Bugfix: 'Advanced' border title disappears on control panel when expanding the advanced panel. Added schematic view for inductors. Increased spacing between buttons at the bottom of CCK control panel. Add a per-component menu item for clearing capacitors & inductors? Version 3.01.04 (6-26-2006) Added spanish for new components. Bugfix: Capacitor clip should disappear when capacitors disappear. Version 3.01.03 (6-24-2006) Added a floating graph components for reading current. Added inductors. Version 3.01.02 (6-22-2006) Added charge and current graphics for capacitors. Bugfix: There is some text near the top left of the screen; we can see the descenders dropping down. Added schematic ac graphic Version 3.01.01 Added save/load for AC & Capacitors. Added readout graphics for AC Version 3.01.00 (6-19-2006) Rewrote circuit analysis algorithm. Bugfix: Help panel was gone. Added capacitors and AC Version 3.49 (4-17-2006) * fixed build script, posted 3.49 with improved look and feel (mac support, windows support).