3.01.05 (7-5-2006) Bugfix: When you charge a capacitor and completely disconnect if, the capacitor loses all its charge. Added readout for inductors. Added component editor for inductors. Bugfix: 'Advanced' border title disappears on control panel when expanding the advanced panel. Added schematic view for inductors. Increased spacing between buttons at the bottom of CCK control panel. Add a per-component menu item for clearing capacitors & inductors? Version 3.01.04 (6-26-2006) Added spanish for new components. Bugfix: Capacitor clip should disappear when capacitors disappear. Version 3.01.03 (6-24-2006) Added a floating graph components for reading current. Added inductors. Version 3.01.02 (6-22-2006) Added charge and current graphics for capacitors. Bugfix: There is some text near the top left of the screen; we can see the descenders dropping down. Added schematic ac graphic Version 3.01.01 Added save/load for AC & Capacitors. Added readout graphics for AC Version 3.01.00 (6-19-2006) Rewrote circuit analysis algorithm. Bugfix: Help panel was gone. Added capacitors and AC Version 3.49 (4-17-2006) * fixed build script, posted 3.49 with improved look and feel (mac support, windows support).