# 0.00.13 (44455) Sep 28, 2010 9/28/10 change dielectric constant range to 1-5, per Noah P. 9/28/10 change battery voltage range to +-1.5V, per Noah P. 9/27/10 rename ScaleButtonNode to ZoomButtonNode, since my people are calling it a "zoom button" 9/27/10 create nodes for positive and negative charges, use in other places that require + and - 9/27/10 create scale button programmatically, image files looked lousy because these buttons are so small # 0.00.12 (44365) Sep 24, 2010 9/24/10 replace PText("-") with PPath(Rectangle2D) on current indicator, so that "-" can be precisely centered # 0.00.11 (44358) Sep 23, 2010 9/23/10 make current indicator fade out faster (500 ms) 9/23/10 change current indicator to use a constant transparency (0.75f) rather than proportional to dV/dt # 0.00.10 (44355) Sep 23, 2010 9/23/10 modulate transparency of current indicator proportional to dV/dt, fade out when dV/dt=0 9/23/10 hide clock control panel, this sim contains no animations that should be pausable 9/23/10 make sim clock accessible to model 9/23/10 fix Add/Remove Wires button layout so that it doesn't overlap current indicator 9/23/10 create current indicator node, place on canvas, not wired up 9/23/10 increase value font size for bar meters 9/23/10 allow separate fonts for label and value on capacitor drag handles 9/23/10 use bold font for bar meter titles 9/23/10 reduce number of decimal places to 2 for all bar meters 9/23/10 use the same exponent for bar meter value and label, with max label format 10^N # 0.00.09 (44322) Sep 22, 2010 9/22/10 use the same exponent for bar meter value and label, with max label format 10x10^N [44320] # 0.00.08 (44318) Sep 22, 2010 9/22/10 use the same exponent for bar meter value and label, with max label format 1x10^N [44316] # 0.00.07 (44315) Sep 22, 2010 9/22/10 remove tool tip and flashing max label from bar meters # 0.00.06 (44263) Sep 21, 2010 9/21/10 dev version to discuss scale button on bar meters 9/21/10 use + and - magnifying glass images to indicate what the meter scale button will do 9/21/10 new images for the meter scale button, enable/disable button as appropriate 9/21/10 add ticks outside the bar meter track for min and max labels 9/21/10 add tooltip to meter scale button 9/21/10 add scale button to bar meters, flash max range label when it changes 9/21/10 move meter nodes to new capacitorlab.view.meters package 9/7/10 fixed plate area drag handler, use only x drag coordinate because y dimension is foreshortened for pseudo-3D perspective 9/7/10 resolve ordering problem with plate area drag handle offset 9/7/10 doc and consolidate duplicate code in BoxNode 9/7/10 replace EasyGridBagLayout with GridPanel throughout 9/7/10 created GridPanel, will test it here than migrate to phetcommon 9/2/10 move all drag code to new capacitorlab.drag package 9/2/10 make dielectric directly draggable, use same handler as drag arrow 9/2/10 promote drag handlers from inner classes to top-level types 8/31/10 move "Model Values" check box to Developer Controls panel 8/31/10 migrate ColoredSeparator to phetcommon 8/31/10 replace borders with separators in subpanels 8/31/10 replace CLTitledControlPanel with PhetTitledPanel 8/26/10 add stubs for Multiple Capacitors tab 7/9/10 attempt to fix plate area drag handle, still broken 7/9/10 move model listener responsibilities into drag handle nodes 7/9/10 fix drag handles for dielectric offset and plate separation 7/8/10 add overload indicator to bar meters 5/21/10 started work on a model-independent voltmeter (incomplete, see TODO.txt) 5/20/10 copy voltmeter image files from CCK, confirmed licensing with Sam R. 5/20/10 capacitance meter 5/20/10 create base class for bar meters, refactor existing meters # 0.00.05 (40913) May 19, 2010 5/19/10 dev version to verify model changes 5/19/10 implement new model of charge, surface charge density, and E-field, as specified by NP 5/19/10 change variable names in ModelValuesPanel to match variable names in design doc 5/19/10 rework model assertions and arg checking 5/19/10 new model of surface charge density, to avoid divide-by-zero errors when area=0 5/19/10 assert necessary model conditions 5/19/10 add support for negative dielectric offset 5/19/10 add Stored Energy meter 5/19/10 consolidate meter range constants in CLConstants # 0.00.04 (40879) May 19, 2010 5/19/10 new model, plate charge meter, disconnect plate charge control 5/18/10 reorganize model to be similar to specification 5/18/10 add dielectric offset to model values display 5/18/10 add descriptions to model values display via tool tips 5/18/10 display model values in a dialog, too crowded in the play area 5/18/10 implement new model provided by NP, using "2 parallel capacitors" approach 5/17/10 display plate charge value the same way in control and meter 5/17/10 add background to plate charge control 5/17/10 custom Piccolo slider for plate charge, first pass 5/17/10 change model so that user can set either voltage or charge 5/17/10 create spreadsheet version of model, for verification and debugging 5/17/10 revise model description 5/17/10 change format of values in Developer meter 5/15/10 concise model description in doc/model.txt # 0.00.03 (40785) May 15, 2010 5/15/10 add surface charge density to Developer Meter 5/13/10 handle battery connection properly, move it out of battery and into circuit 5/13/10 add constants to Developer meter 5/13/10 fix Qexcess model 5/13/10 Plate Charge meter: change label, show +- value, red/blue bar based on +- # 0.00.02 (40610) May 11, 2010 5/11/10 dev version to demonstrate a couple of meters 5/11/10 format numbers in developer meter 5/11/10 add check box, background and close button for developer meter 5/11/10 make meters invisible by default 5/11/10 fix dragging of Plate Charge meter, constrain to canvas, keep visible when canvas is resized 5/11/10 first pass at Plate Charge meter, meter works, close button works, drag behavior is broken 5/11/10 implement questionable model for Qexcess 5/11/10 move dielectric constant for air to Air class # 0.00.01 (40556) May 10, 2010 5/10/10 dev version for verifying physical model specification 5/10/10 implement Qexcess, but the specification appears to be wrong 5/10/10 identified bugs in physical model specification, fixed in code 5/10/10 add some things to DevModelDisplayNode 5/10/10 use max plate separate for default, so that we have min model values 5/10/10 bug fix in capacitance model 5/10/10 set all default values to mins 5/10/10 don't show dielectric constant in combo box for custom dielectric material, since it's mutable 5/10/10 update DevModelDisplayNode when custom dielectric constant is modified 5/10/10 show full precision of values in DevModelDisplayNode, so we can see which digits are changing 5/10/10 change plate separation range to 5-10mm, so that dielectric has a substantial thickness 5/10/10 use ranges specified by Noah P, recalibrate locations and model-view transform 5/10/10 developer node for displaying various model values 5/10/10 remove obsolete developer controls so I don't have to convert them from mm to meters 5/10/10 reduce width of Dielectric Constant text field 5/10/10 add air as a dielectric material 5/10/10 convert model from millimeters to meters throughout, to match the specification 5/10/10 utilities for converting between model and view units 5/10/10 implement battery-capacitor circuit model 5/10/10 add dielectric inside/outside area to capacitor model 5/10/10 add arg checks to capacitor model 5/6/10 change meter name from "Charge" to "Plate Charge" 5/6/10 change "Disconnect/Connect" button to "Add/Remove Wires" button, center above top wire 5/5/10 add cursor handler to disconnect/connect button 5/5/10 make voltage slider knob larger, use same colors as drag handles 5/5/10 remove developer control panel from Dielectric module control panel 5/5/10 implement handlers for drag handles (still has some coordinate frame conversion issues) 5/5/10 use strategy pattern for determining how to color the faces of a box 5/5/10 custom renderer for combo box that provides choice of dielectric materials 5/5/10 add wire to model 5/5/10 fix positioning of plate area drag handle 5/5/10 change layout of plate area drag handle to line up with plate surface diagonal 5/4/10 add drag handles for plate area and separation (not wired up) 5/4/10 generalize components of drag handles 5/4/10 migrate HighlightHandler to piccolo-phet 5/4/10 generalize the handler for highlight nodes, see HighlightHandler 5/4/10 add offset value display to drag handle 5/4/10 doc capacitor properties 5/4/10 add dielectric gap to model and view 5/3/10 first pass at drag handle for dielectric offset (not wired up) 5/3/10 add more horizontal space between battery and capacitor 5/3/10 add connect/disconnect button 5/3/10 add battery connectivity to model 5/3/10 add wires, no model, purely visual representation 5/3/10 change origin marker to a bullseye, so it won't be confused with a positive charge 5/3/10 align capacitor's geometric center with the origin of the model coordinate system 5/3/10 wire up more controls to model 5/3/10 wired up developer controls to model 5/3/10 added developer controls for direct-manipulation properties that aren't implemented yet 5/3/10 simplified the model, deleted Plate and Dielectric classes 4/30/10 change viewing angle to match design document 4/30/10 adjust mvt offsets 4/30/10 add model origin marker to scenegraph 4/30/10 add location to battery and capacitor models 4/30/10 add model-view transform 4/30/10 utilities for find the area and centroid of a polygon 4/30/10 make custom dielectric material mutable 4/30/10 i18n of dielectric material names 4/29/10 quick-and-dirty first pass at pseudo-3D representation of plates and dielectric 4/28/10 add control for selecting specific dielectric materials 4/27/10 add control panel for dielectric properties (not wired up) 4/27/10 make all control panels the same width 4/27/10 add control panels for Introduction module (not wired up) 4/27/10 add various localized strings 4/27/10 i18n of units in voltage slider 4/27/10 clean up and rename battery slider 4/27/10 add interactivity to battery slider 4/26/10 more work on battery slider (incomplete) 4/26/10 check in battery slider knob images, copied from faraday 4/26/10 framework for modules, canvases, control panels, etc. 4/26/10 battery node with no slider 4/26/10 check in battery images and assets received from Noah P. 4/26/10 start modeling size attributes 4/15/10 create project skeleton in SVN