# 0.00.12 (49385) Mar 1, 2011 3/1/11 dev version that creates molecules stacks from bottom up, to correspond to behavior of spinner arrows and bar charts # 0.00.11 (49382) Mar 1, 2011 3/1/11 dev version that adds support for decomposition reactions 3/1/11 change request: add layout support for decomposition reactions (1 reactant, 2 products) 3/1/11 rename equation base classes to support decomposition reactions 3/1/11 change request: "H2 + O2 -> H2O" to "H2O -> H2 + O2" (decomposition reaction) in first tab 3/1/11 allow equations with 1 reactant in the model, to support decomposition reactions 3/1/11 change request: move "Make Ammonia" radio button first in button panel # 0.00.10 (49356) Mar 1, 2011 3/1/11 add test-game-reward to build file, so that team can experiment with reward parameters 3/1/11 change request: revert to horizontal layout of equation choice radio buttons 3/1/11 change request: change "Make Water" to "Separate Water" 3/1/11 add game reward node, identical to what was done in RPAL, but using atoms, molecules and smiley faces 3/1/11 fix: add game results "popup" to gamePlayParent node, not directly to canvas 3/1/11 fix: hide game results "popup" when game is completed # 0.00.09 (49327) Feb 28, 2011 2/28/11 dev version that displays bar charts or balances scales in the Game for "unbalanced" answers 2/28/11 change request: use more verbose names for equations in first tab, use vertical layout of radio buttons 2/28/11 remove P4 + 6F2 -> 4PF3 from first tab (dev) 2/28/11 standardize placement of answer, below left box 2/28/11 add "Developer->Show answer" menu item, off by default 2/28/11 account for arrow head offset in layout of bars in chart, so that bar doesn't move around horizontally 2/28/11 make GameResultNode use Function1 for creating content below face node 2/28/11 make NotBalancedNode immutable, create popups as needed 2/28/11 first pass at showing bar charts or balanace scales in "not balanced" popup 2/28/11 randomly choose bar charts or balance scales for each Game problem 2/28/11 make "not balanced" result aware of the current equation 2/28/11 move GameResultNode inner subclasses to their own files 2/28/11 replace duplicate alignment code in GameCanvas with PNodeLayoutUtils.alignInside 2/28/11 adjust layout when "Not Balanaced" popup bounds changes 2/28/11 feature request: add developer control for showing/hiding bar charts and balance scales in Game # 0.00.08 (49226) Feb 24, 2011 2/24/11 dev version to demonstrate Game 2/24/11 change "molecules are hidden" color to white, so it's visible on default black background 2/24/11 tweak the equation layout so that symbols like C2H5OH don't crowd the plus signs 2/24/11 rename package module.balanceequation to module.introduction 2/24/11 push "Hide molecules" feature into BoxesNode, to remove duplicate code in canvases 2/24/11 implement "Hide molecules" feature for Game 2/24/11 rename GamePrompt to GameState, document the approach used in Game 2/24/11 change internal terminology from "problems" to "equations" in Game 2/24/11 consistent handling of vertical spacing in Game 2/24/11 rename "Balance Equation" tab to "Introduction" 2/24/11 rename "Game" tab to "Balancing Game" 2/24/11 make popups for game results draggable, in case they obscure something 2/24/11 reduce height of Game boxes since max coefficient is smaller 2/24/11 reduce max coefficient in Game to 7, delete 1 equation that had higher coefficents (P4 + 10Cl2 -> 4PCl5) 2/24/11 tweak atom scaling factor with KL, make smaller atoms smaller 2/24/11 tweak some molecule conformations with KL 2/23/11 fix recording of best times 2/23/11 create and center "Game Over" display at completion of game 2/23/11 add sounds to Game 2/23/11 indicators for 3 game outcomes: balanced, not balanced, balance but not simplified 2/23/11 make smiley face larger in first tab, smaller in Game tab 2/23/11 add smiley/frowny face to Game 2/23/11 disable highlight of arrows, etc. in Game while user is solving a problem 2/23/11 show correct answer in Game 2/23/11 refactor duplicate code in Game canvas 2/23/11 toggle Game coefficients between editable and read-only 2/23/11 partial implementation of game view 2/23/11 first pass at game model, untested and not hooked up to view 2/23/11 change stroke width to 1.5 for bars, arrows, equals sign, balance scale beam (to match look of 0.00.06) 2/23/11 workaround: scale spinners on Mac, set font size for spinners on other platforms # 0.00.07 (49107) Feb 22, 2011 2/22/11 dev version to demonstrate rescaling of atoms 2/22/11 adjust model-view transform in AtomNode 2/22/11 scale spinners and radio buttons because setFont doesn't work on Mac 2/22/11 change scaling of everything in the view so that canvas transform is not scaling things up, this made molecules look fuzzy 2/22/11 fix test app to use same canvas size as the sim 2/22/11 tweak model-view transform so that 60 of largest atom fit on balance scale's beam 2/22/11 add an equation containing P to dev version of first tab, for testing largest atom size 2/22/11 make balance scale's beam 5% longer 2/22/11 change model-view-transform for atom radius 2/22/11 change diameter to radius in Atom model 2/22/11 improve the look of atom piles on balance scales, make atoms sit directly on top of other atoms instead of floating above 2/21/11 adjust vertical offset of balance scales so that it works for max situation (60 atoms with diameter of 110pm) 2/21/11 make bars a bit taller 2/21/11 base class for molecules that consist of 3 atoms in a horizontal line # 0.00.06 (49080) Feb 21, 2011 2/21/11 dev version to demonstrate atom color, atom diameters, and molecule structures 2/21/11 add TestMoleculeNodes to build properties 2/21/11 request: add "play area color" control to TestMoleculesNode 2/17/11 add molecule sizes to model, display relative sizes in view 2/17/11 changed P4 structure to be tetrahedral 2/17/11 changed PCl5 structure so that 2 H's are on the vertical axis, and 3 H's are arranged in a triangle in the horizontal plane 2/17/11 change structure of several molecules, based on meeting with KL 2/16/11 factory for creating problem sets 2/16/11 change box color to black 2/16/11 change canvas color to RGB=(204,204,204) 2/15/11 change HF to look like HCl 2/15/11 completed implementation of all two-product equations 2/15/11 completed implementation of all one-product equations 2/15/11 add more molecule nodes (created using Piccolo to look like RPAL image files) 2/15/11 add test app for viewing all molecule nodes 2/14/11 add some level-2 game equations 2/14/11 create molecule symbols based on atom list 2/14/11 move equation radio buttons to upper right 2/14/11 moved strings, colors, etc. into atom and molecule constructors 2/14/11 cleaned up relationship between Atom and AtomNode 2/14/11 add symbols for additional molecules and atoms 2/10/11 migrate GameSettings to common.games 2/10/11 add Game Settings panel 2/10/11 change "Show molecules" to "Hide molecules" in Options menu # 0.00.05 (48801) Feb 9, 2011 2/9/11 dev version with change requests from KL 2/4/11 restore the smiley face that appears for balanced equations 2/4/11 move equation selection radio buttons to upper left 2/4/11 change order of radio buttons to None, Balance Scales, Bar Charts 2/4/11 game settings model, candidate for phetcommon 2/4/11 constrained properties, candidates for phetcommon 2/4/11 add strings for Game to English strings file 2/4/11 display "molecules are hidden" in Boxes when molecules are hidden # 0.00.04 (48661) Feb 4, 2011 2/4/11 dev version with change requests and fixes 2/4/11 fix #2715, JSpinners cause ClassCastException, rewrote parts of EquationNode 2/4/11 workaround for #2710, change background color of all PSwing(JComponent) when canvas color changes 2/4/11 change request: move equation radio buttons to upper right 2/4/11 change request: move Reset All button to lower right 2/4/11 remove Reset All button from Game tab # 0.00.03 (48621) Feb 4, 2011 2/4/11 dev version with team change requests for 1st tab 2/3/11 make balance scales light up when equation is balanced 2/3/11 convert not-equals sign to a strokable path 2/3/11 convert "=" sign to a strokable path so that it can "light up" without disappearing on a light-colored background 2/3/11 add colors for Cl,F,P 2/3/11 add "Under Construction" notice to Game tab 2/3/11 change request: make arrows and "=" light up when equation is balanced 2/3/11 change request: use a lighter color for the boxes 2/3/11 add developer controls for setting play area and box colors 2/3/11 encapsulation of global properties 2/3/11 change request: move view radio buttons to bottom of play area 2/3/11 change request: delete smiley face from 1st tab 2/3/11 change request: set default view to "None" 2/3/11 change request: hide zero-height bar in bar charts view 2/3/11 change request: add atom icons to bar charts view 2/3/11 change request: increase size of atom symbol in bar charts view # 0.00.02 (48563) Feb 2, 2011 2/2/11 dev version for team discussion, all features implemented in 1st tab 2/2/11 replace atom and molecule image files with Piccolo code 2/2/11 make Reset All in any tab perform a reset of global settings (eg, Options->Show molecules) 2/2/11 move ResetAll button to upper left to free up vertical space (will be needed in Game) 2/2/11 enable Reset All confirmation, for discussion 2/2/11 center justification of balance scales 2/2/11 share one instance of HorizontalAligner 2/2/11 center justification of bar charts 2/2/11 revert to HorizontalAligner for aligning equation and molecules 2/2/11 horizontally align equation terms and molecule columns 2/2/11 adjust box size and separation 2/2/11 abandon HorizontalAligner approach to alignment of multiple representations 2/2/11 capitalize view choices 2/2/11 fix: order of bars should be the same for reactants and products 2/2/11 move atom counting to Equation model 2/2/11 change request: make equality sign in bar charts the same color as equation arrows 2/2/11 change request: make '+' in equations black 2/2/11 change request: do not reset coefficients when switching equations 2/2/11 change request: add "none" as a choice of visual representations 2/2/11 fix: set background for control panels in play area 2/1/11 doc 2/1/11 remove unused code # 0.00.01 (48489) Feb 1, 2011 2/1/11 dev version for discussion with KL, no horizontal alignment 2/1/11 fix layout of balance scales so that fulcrums remain in fixed locations 2/1/11 wire up Options->Show molecules 2/1/11 add skeleton for Options menu 2/1/11 implement tilt of balance scale beam 2/1/11 completed piles of atoms on balance scales 2/1/11 first pass at piles of atoms on balance scale beam, has some problems 2/1/11 reduce max limit of bars, don't add additional height for arrows, reduce size of bars 1/31/11 add dev team credits 1/31/11 make smiley face much smaller, change layout 1/31/11 add dev node that shows the balanced equation 1/31/11 partial implementation of balance scales view (fulcrums only) 1/31/11 completed bar charts view with simplified horizontal alignment 1/31/11 partial implementation of bar charts view 1/27/11 add enum of atoms 1/26/11 bar that displays atom count 1/26/11 add atom colors 1/26/11 add atoms to model 1/26/11 add image files for atoms 1/25/11 check in images of individual atoms to assets directory, provided by KL 1/11/11 show smiley face in "Balance Equation" module when equation is balanced 1/11/11 allow size of boxes to vary by instance, since Game will require larger boxes 1/11/11 add stubs for Game model and canvas 1/11/11 add control for choosing the visual representation of "balanced" 1/11/11 add boxes that show molecules corresponding to equation coefficients 1/11/11 add "balanced with lowest coefficients" to model 1/10/11 debug node to indicate whether equation is balanced 1/10/11 display equations, editable and read-only 1/10/11 add Reset All button, wired up to model 1/10/11 add control for selecting equation 1/10/11 create model for "Balance Equation" tab 1/10/11 create stubs for canvases 1/10/11 create English strings file based on design doc 1/10/11 created balancing-chemical-equations project skeleton