# 0.01.36 (74429) Sep 28, 2015 9/28/15 dev version requested by KP # 0.01.35 (74081) Jun 24, 2014 6/24/14 dev version requested by KP for use in a talk 12/8/10 move assets used by acid-base-solutions to that project 8/23/10 migrate PrecisionDecimal to phetcommon 8/11/10 replace A- molecule image with one that has no "bite" out of it 8/6/10 generalize SymbolNode and move to piccolo-phet ChemicalSymbolNode # 0.01.34 (39450) Mar 22, 2010 3/22/10 publish a dev version after renaming to "Advanced Acid Base Solutions" 3/22/10 moved dev directory to advanced-acid-base-solutions, fixed up all JNLP and HEADER files, deleted xml and properties files 3/22/10 renamed this project to advanced-acid-base-solutions 1/27/10 #2139, fix offset of "Animate" control panel 10/9/09 migrate PNodeLayoutUtils to piccolo-phet # 0.01.33 (34339) Aug 20, 2009 8/20/09 rename "Matching Game" to "Matching Challenge" 8/20/09 cleanup edges of maximize and minimize button images 8/17/09 stress test i18n layout by making ABSResources.getString double the length of each string 8/17/09 create a translation to test i18n coverage 8/17/09 delete unused strings # 0.01.32 (34137) Aug 14, 2009 8/14/09 another attempt to resolve issue with location of "Ka" button on Windows # 0.01.31 (34135) Aug 14, 2009 8/14/09 fix opacity of PSwing buttons on Mac OS 10.4 8/14/09 another attempt to resolve issue with location of "Ka" button on Windows # 0.01.30 (34132) Aug 14, 2009 8/14/09 resolve some Reset All issues 8/14/09 make equations grow/shrink when "Animate" control is turned on/off 8/14/09 fix: Reset All does not set scaling controls to "off" in Solutions tab 8/14/09 attempt to resolve Solutions canvas layout issues on Mac OS 10.4 with JWS 8/14/09 attempt to resolve issue with location of "Ka" button on Windows 8/14/09 remove "=" from "Ka=" button label 8/14/09 move Reset All button to bottom center of Comparing tab for consistency with other tabs 8/14/09 use standard Reset All button, playing with insets and font looks odd on Mac OS 10.4 8/14/09 don't animate scaling when switching solute, only when user changes "Animate" control 8/14/09 rewrite inner classes of AbstractReactionEquationNode so that scaling of symbols can be animated 8/14/09 animate scaling on/off for terms in Equilibrium Expressions 8/13/09 fix title on "Equilibrium Expression" dialog # 0.01.29 (34016) Aug 11, 2009 8/11/09 many change requests 8/11/09 hide button to show K dialog for "no solute" so we don't see a button labeled "null=" 8/11/09 fix default config for Solutions tab 8/11/09 fix save/load/reset for exclusive views and scaling in Solutions tab 8/11/09 replace MiscControlsNode with LegendControlNode, since we only have one control remaining 8/11/09 delete obsolete equation dialogs (EquilibriumExpressionsDialog, ReactionEquationsDialog) 8/11/09 fix layout of equations and expressions in Solutions tab 8/11/09 add scaling control for equations and expressions in Solutions tab 8/11/09 add tear-off icon to maximize controls for demo purposes, not wired up 8/11/09 add equations and expressions in play area of Solutions tab 8/11/09 make graph, equations and expression mutually exclusive choices 8/11/09 replace equation check boxes with minimize/maximize controls (dummy managed node) 8/11/09 incorporate Kathy's feedback into sim description 8/11/09 minimize/maximize graph using new control 8/11/09 standardize on slightly narrower beaker, so that equations will fit in play area 8/11/09 sim description 8/11/09 change title of K expression dialog to "Equilibrium Expression" (singular) 8/11/09 save/load state of scaling control in K expression dialog 8/11/09 restore scaling state when K expression dialog is reopened 8/11/09 save/load state of K expression dialog (open/closed) 8/11/09 add button next to strength slider to show K expression with scaling control, first tab only 8/11/09 add dialog that shows K expression only # 0.01.28 (33578) Jul 23, 2009 7/23/09 change requests 7/23/09 put a border around "Animate" control, set background to light yellow 7/23/09 change "Animate symbol size" to "Animate" 7/22/09 change strength slider label to "Strength (Ka):" or "Strength (Kb)" 7/22/09 use light yellow background and larger font for control panel in equation dialogs # 0.01.27 (33396) Jul 16, 2009 7/16/09 only update the dots when they are visible 7/16/09 fix: dots should update for K=strong when concentration or solute is changed # 0.01.26 (33285) Jul 13, 2009 7/13/09 turn off -dev flag for interviews 7/13/09 temporarily disable -dev, for interviews 7/13/09 make dot counts visible for -dev only # 0.01.25 (33259) Jul 13, 2009 7/13/09 change requests 7/9/09 change BH+ color to mustard (RGB=192,178,60) # 0.01.24 (33083) Jul 6, 2009 7/6/09 change requests 7/6/09 match concentration if log10 differs by 0.12 7/6/09 match strength if log10 differs by 0.35 7/6/09 add Jack to credits 7/6/09 revise "match" algorithm to use log10(concentration) and log10(strength) 7/6/09 make dot view static while dragging strength slider in strong region 7/6/09 match strength if both solutions have a value in strong range # 0.01.23 (33058) Jul 6, 2009 7/6/09 change requests 7/6/09 fix enable/disable behavior of view check boxes in matching game 7/6/09 change "chemical ion ratio" to "solute ratio" 7/6/09 change "HA/A ratio" to "HA/A solute ratio" 7/6/09 revise ratio check box class hierarchy 7/6/09 change internal terminology from "dissassociated components" to "solute components" 7/3/09 decided to live with space to left of Aqua buttons, makes left-alignment impossible in Matching Game # 0.01.22 (33014) Jul 3, 2009 7/3/09 misc cleanup and fixes 7/2/09 clean up and doc state machine for matching game 7/2/09 fix: setForeground of ratio check box to black when enabled # 0.01.21 (32982) Jul 2, 2009 7/2/09 change requests 7/2/09 fix: shouldn't be able to select solute in match game right control panel 7/2/09 handle special enable behavior for H3O/OH ratio check box in Matching Game view 7/2/09 randomly select one view for "acid or base" question, treat pH meter as a view 7/2/09 disable all view controls during "acid or base" question, show what's selected 7/2/09 hide HA/A from graph and molecule counts for "acid or base" question 7/1/09 prepare View controls in match game for random selection 7/1/09 add ability to hide disassociated componets from molecule counts 7/1/09 don't adjust layout "Solutions" canvas when solute changes, add enough space to accommodate widest View control panel 7/1/09 add ability to hide pH meter 7/1/09 remove "Concentration: 0" for "no solute", simply hide control 6/30/09 fix: selecting "no solute" throws NullPointerException in RatioCheckBox 6/30/09 rename keys and constants for localized strings related to Matching Game 6/30/09 constrain precision of random concentration values so that clicking in concentration textfield doesn't cause an update 6/30/09 handle greying out of disabled "chemical ion ration" check box, see #1704 # 0.01.20 (32851) Jun 29, 2009 6/29/09 demonstrate first complete implementation of Matching Game 6/29/09 changed points scheme to be identical to design doc 6/29/09 instructions for how to continue game after solution has been successfully matched 6/29/09 formatting of points change in correct/wrong message 6/29/09 Swing timers for controlling automatic game state changes 6/29/09 add cursors while game is not interactive 6/29/09 visibility and enabling for game states 6/29/09 add ability to disable all solution controls 6/29/09 organize imports 6/26/09 fix fuzziness during interaction by setting rendering quality in PhetPCanvas 6/26/09 incremental changes and fixes to Matching Game 6/26/09 group nodes together in MatchingGameCanvas so that they're easy to show/hide at different stages in the game 6/25/09 wire up answer buttons to model 6/25/09 update score display when model changes 6/25/09 fix random number generation to work with log10 scale of concentration and strength 6/25/09 add logic for "retry" and "give up" in Matching Game model 6/25/09 Reset All for Matching Game 6/25/09 move game logic into Matching Game model 6/25/09 color the symbols in the ratio check box labels 6/23/09 add all components to Matching Game canvas, rough layout for development 6/23/09 View control panel for Matching Game 6/23/09 add option to disable solute combo box, for Matching Game 6/23/09 first pass at model for Matching Game # 0.01.19 (32680) Jun 23, 2009 6/23/09 publish requested changes for review 6/23/09 custom Piccolo node to align baselines of characters in equations # 0.01.18 (32665) Jun 23, 2009 6/23/09 publish requested changes for review 6/23/09 separate model and view in SoluteComboBox 6/23/09 prevent selection of separators in solute combo box 6/22/09 add separators to solute combo box 6/22/09 custom renderer for solute combo box, so that all items have the same height # 0.01.17 (32638) Jun 22, 2009 6/22/09 publish requested changes for review 6/22/09 scale image files, so that Piccolo scaling is 1.0, improves quality # 0.01.16 (32625) Jun 22, 2009 6/22/09 publish requested changes for review 6/22/09 new icons for MOH and A- 6/22/09 fix: water molecule count exponent is smaller than the others 6/22/09 change scaling control label to "Animate symbol size:" 6/22/09 brighter red (222, 2, 0) for H3O+ # 0.01.15 (32598) Jun 19, 2009 6/19/09 no concentration for pure water on beaker label 6/19/09 Ka > 1 and Kb > 1 for intermediate range of strength slider # 0.01.14 (32592) Jun 19, 2009 6/19/09 demo changes to dot view, symbol legend, decimal places 6/19/09 set all strong acids/bases to have strength in the middle of the strong range 6/19/09 change RatioDotsNode.BASE_CONCENTRATION = 1E-7, so that pure water shows some dots 6/19/09 shown H3O/OH using new algorithm 6/19/09 set strong range to 20-30, set all specific strong acids/bases to K=25 6/19/09 fewer pixels for the strong range of the strength slider 6/19/09 two decimal places for H2O molecule counts 6/19/09 one decimal place for H2O concentration 6/19/09 changes to the descriptions in the legend # 0.01.13 (32581) Jun 18, 2009 6/18/09 demo HA/A- dot view 6/18/09 implement HA/A "ratio" view using Kathy's new algorithm for calculating number of dots 6/18/09 drop "H3O/OH ratio" feature, based on today's design meeting 6/18/09 started on "Matching Game" module (score, message area, buttons) # 0.01.12 (32568) Jun 18, 2009 6/18/09 minor bug fixes 6/18/09 drop "Find The Unknown" module 6/18/08 delete Lewis diagrams for custom bases in Comparing tab # 0.01.11 (32528) Jun 16, 2009 6/16/09 demo completed "Comparing Solutions" tab 6/16/09 delete support for vertical orientation of scaling controls 6/16/09 reset by loading a default config in all modules 6/16/09 rewrite layout code for ComparingCanvas, improve i18n support 6/16/09 add Equations view to Comparing module 6/16/09 add ability to diable Lewis structures in reaction equations 6/16/09 save/load equation scaling in ComparingModule 6/16/09 fix upper bound of strong strength range, 10x too large 6/16/09 make single and double arrow image files the same width so that equations don't shift 6/16/09 scale image files for reaction equation arrows by 65% 6/16/09 support horizontal and vertical orientation of scaling controls # 0.01.10 (32484) Jun 15, 2009 6/15/09 demo progress on "Comparing Solutions" tab 6/15/09 close/restore dialogs when switching modules 6/15/09 localize ComparingViewControlsNode 6/15/09 save/load for Comparing module 6/15/09 first pass at Comparing canvas 6/15/09 refactor beaker view controls for use in other modules 6/15/09 create model for Comparing module # 0.01.09 (32466) Jun 15, 2009 6/15/09 demo H30/OH ratio feature 6/15/09 move solution creation into model 6/12/09 add H3O/OH ratio view, lifted from pH Scale sim 6/12/09 localize symbol legend 6/12/09 javadoc all code 6/12/09 move colors to ABSColors, standardize names 6/12/09 replace duplicate code for equation scaling on/off control 6/11/09 revise implementation of reaction equations to be more type-safe, eliminate duplicate code 6/11/09 fix issues in SolutionControlsNode 6/11/09 revise implementation of equilibrium expressions to be more type-safe, eliminate duplicate code 6/11/09 hide EquilibriumModel inside AqueousSolution, add adapter to strategy 6/10/09 replace "instanceof" with AqueousSolution.isAcidic, isBasic # 0.01.08 (32269) Jun 2, 2009 6/2/09 fix odd behavior at strong/intermediate base boundary, switch symbols/icons/etc before strength notification 6/2/09 move common behavior to Solute base class # 0.01.07 (32265) Jun 2, 2009 6/2/09 dev version with all features except "ratio" views in "Solutions" tab 6/2/09 fix initial layout of acid reaction equation 6/2/09 use a darker color for H2O symbols in equations 6/2/09 hide Lewis structure diagrams for specific acids and bases 6/2/09 address many issues in reaction equations, still some issues 6/1/09 implement concentration scaling in reaction equations 6/1/09 redo reaction equation hierarchy, sort of broken 6/1/09 add bi-directionality of reaction to model 6/1/09 remove strength symbol from model 6/1/09 revise equilibrium expression class hierarchy 6/1/09 optimize layout of equilibrium expression dialog, center expressions, use as little space as possible 6/1/09 remove invisible denominator from equilibrium expression full bounds calculation 6/1/09 show "negligible" for strong bases with count=0 or concentration=0 5/29/09 persistence of "scaling on/off" in equilibrium expressions and reaction equations dialogs 5/29/09 implement scaling in equilibrium expressions 5/29/09 discuss text resize algorithm with Archie, tweak 5/28/09 implement text resize algorithm for concentration scaling 5/28/09 simplify concentration graphs type hierarchy 5/28/09 expand solute interface and make it more common across all acid and base types 5/28/09 simplify molecule counts class hierarchy 5/28/09 terminology change: concentration model -> equilibrium model 5/28/09 ensure that View controls don't overlap beaker 5/28/09 make concentrations graph narrower to accommodate long molecule equations in View controls 5/28/09 make ratio checkbox labels multi-line to mitigate layout problems 5/28/09 move Reset All button to top center to avoid i18n layout conflicts with View controls 5/28/09 discuss i18n layout issues with Archie 5/28/08 OK'ed precision of concentration (4 decimals) with Archie 5/28/09 use PComboBox for solute selection (workaround for PSwing/JComboBox bug on Windows) 5/26/09 explicitly set canvas background color for reaction equations and equilibrium expressions 5/26/09 remove workaround for #1670, fixed in PSwing 5/26/09 workaround for PSwing bounds problem (#1670) in BeakerControlsNode 5/26/09 workaround fullBounds calculation for NegligibleValueNode 5/26/09 deep set of background color on check box control panels 5/26/09 center everything in the play area 5/21/09 rewrite layout of molecule counts, Swing layout strategy isn't working well 5/21/09 tweak base colors 5/21/09 equilibrium expression hierarchy # 0.01.06 (32113) May 29, 2009 5/29/09 dev version for feedback on current status # 0.01.05 (31962) May 20, 2009 5/20/09 dev version for discussion with Archie 5/20/09 update label on checkbox for disassociated components ratio 5/20/09 move PSwing wrapper into control panels 5/20/09 move probe, molecule counts, etc. to children of BeakerNode, to encapsulate layout 5/20/09 make many classes package private 5/20/09 "negligible" for strong acid strength=0 in Concentrations graph 5/20/09 factor out NegligibleValueNode 5/20/09 reimplement Reset All using Load 5/20/09 implement Save/Load for first module 5/20/09 implement Reset All for first module 5/20/09 delete some test mains for controls 5/20/09 increase precision of concentration text field 5/19/09 rotate molecule labels that exceed max width 5/19/09 support arrow keys in concentration text field 5/19/09 rewrite SolutionsCanvas.updateLayout 5/19/09 bigger beaker 5/19/09 fix layout of concentration graph icons and labels 5/18/09 connect concentration graph to model 5/18/09 refactor and repackage molecule counts class hierarchy 5/18/09 class hierachy for concentration graphs 5/18/09 move responsibility for creating Solutes from combo box to factory 5/18/09 fix molecule counts 5/15/09 first pass at connecting molecule counts to model 5/15/09 connect beaker label to model 5/15/09 use molecule counts model from ph-scale 5/15/09 show Concentration=0.0, not editable, when no solute selected 5/15/09 consolidate slider thumb colors 5/15/09 implement StrengthSliderNode.setEnabled 5/15/09 rename Solute.initialConcentration to Solute.concentration 5/14/09 flesh out SolutionControlsNode.setSolute 5/14/09 connect solution controls to model 5/14/09 connect pH probe to model 5/14/09 custom options in solute combo box 5/14/09 model for CustomAcid, CustomBase 5/14/09 add pH model # 0.01.04 (31646) May 13, 2009 5/13/09 demo all user-interface elements in first tab (not connected to model) 5/12/09 revise model 5/12/09 solution controls 5/12/09 more localization 5/11/09 localization 5/11/09 create static instances of all specific acids and bases 5/11/09 lighten pH probe shaft so that molecule count symbols are visible when they overlap the probe 5/11/09 rewrite model, including fictitious "intermediate" acids and bases 5/11/09 start using Java 5 5/7/09 strength slider 5/7/09 concentration controls 5/5/09 remove outlined text from equations, not required, performance/memory issues # 0.01.03 (31315) May 4, 2009 5/4/09 dev version to demonstrate Equilibrium Expressions feature # 0.01.02 (31294) May 4, 2009 5/4/09 more dev controls for Reaction Equations dialog # 0.01.01 (31188) Apr 30, 2009 4/30/09 demostrate scaling in Reaction Equations dialog 4/29/09 Reaction Equations for acids, bases, water 4/29/09 add icons to Symbol Legend dialog 4/29/09 standardize text style for A, B, M 4/29/09 check in Lewis Structure images 4/28/09 first pass at Concentration graph, adapted many pieces from ph-scale 4/27/09 add beaker label, wire up to checkbox 4/27/09 implement Molecule Counts using Swing layout node, wire up to checkbox # 0.01.00 (30589) Apr 20, 2009 4/20/09 Batch deploy as part of IOM milestone with revision 30588 4/15/09 add placeholder for Concentrations Graph, wire up to checkbox 4/15/09 add empty dialogs for Equilibrium Expressions, Reaction Equations, wire up to checkboxes 4/15/09 add Symbol Legend dialog, wire up to checkbox 4/15/09 add misc View controls, not wired up 4/15/09 add beaker controls View, not wired up 4/15/09 create molecule images for general reactions 4/14/09 revise model, still has many unresolved design issues related to strength # 0.0.02 (29629) Mar 22, 2009 3/22/09 Batch deploy for Alpha Simulation Tests 2, svn 29628 # 0.0.01 (28774) Feb 19, 2009 Batch deploy for alpha Simulation Tests, svn 28773 2/10/09 start to flesh out solution controls (molecule combo box, concentration, strength) 2/9/09 change strong base interface, there is no concept of conjugate for strong bases 1/23/09 encapsulate all symbols in ABSSymbols 1/23/09 localize all acid and base names 1/23/09 add molecule counts and pH to model 1/23/09 model for base solutions 1/23/09 model for pure water, acids, bases, acid solutions 1/20/09 start fleshing out user interface of first module 1/19/09 framework for all modules and persistence 1/12/09 set up basic framework, based on sim-template 1/12/09 changes log file created