# 0.00.25 (43537) Aug 26, 2010 8/26/10 interview version that has Views above Tests in control panel 8/26/10 clean up light bulb icon 8/26/10 clean up pixels along the left and right edges of the light bulb image 8/25/10 delete stubs for Save/Load feature, not needed in this sim 8/25/10 move beaker location to (0,0) 8/25/10 reorganize and document ABSConstants (no values changed) 8/25/10 move some constants from ABSConstants to MoleculesNode 8/25/10 change Molecule.getIcon to Molecule.getImage (it returns an Image, not an Icon) 8/25/10 simplify implementation of MoleculesNode, there was a lot of stuff in here to support unneeded dev controls 8/25/10 delete rendering order strategy for molecules in magnifying glass, we decided on one implementation 8/25/10 clean up constants related to magnifying glass view 8/25/10 fix arg names in IMoleculeLayeringStrategy, they were acid-specific 8/25/10 make control panels use standardized titled border from phetcommon (PhetTitledBorder) 8/25/10 use bold for TitledBorder fonts # 0.00.24 (43464) Aug 25, 2010 8/25/10 change "Show Water" check box to "Show Solvent" 8/23/10 created screenshot that will appear on website 8/23/10 consolidate module package hierarchy 8/23/10 rename TestSolutionModule to IntroductionModule 8/23/10 delete ABSCanvas subclasses that add no additional functionality 8/23/10 migrate PrecisionDecimal to phetcommon 8/23/10 migrate HTMLCheckBox to phetcommon 8/23/10 misc javadoc and cleanup 8/23/10 this sim doesn't need a clock, remove clock from model interfaces, pause clock in all modules # 0.00.23 (43391) Aug 23, 2010 8/23/10 handle disabling of water icon next to "Show Water" check box 8/23/10 simplify AbstractConcentrationGraphNode by removing unnecessary inner classes and unused features 8/23/10 change "Magnifying Glass" radio button to "Molecules" 8/23/10 change "Show H2O molecules" check box to "Show Water" 8/23/10 change "Concentration Graph" radio button to "Concentration" 8/23/10 change "Test Solution" to "Introduction" 8/23/10 modify conductivity tester's brightness model to include a "min brightness" for neutral pH, set to 0.05 8/19/10 position radio button icons close to their associated labels # 0.00.22 (43306) Aug 19, 2010 8/19/10 fiddle with horizontal spacing between bars so that they are close to being aligned with terms in reaction equations 8/19/10 center 3 bars in concentration graph 8/19/10 restructure the scenegraph for concentration graph, so that it will be easier to change bar locations 8/19/10 tweaks to spacing and justification in control panels 8/19/10 change magnifying glass icon to show solution color and some molecules 8/19/10 add icon for "Show H2O Molecules" check box 8/19/10 reduce width of icons for pH Paper and Concentration Graph 8/19/10 add icon next to "Liquid" radio button 8/19/10 crop transparent pixels around lightBulb_icon.png 8/17/10 change "neither" radio button to "Liquid" 8/16/10 workaround for canvas scaling problem, make canvas rendering size square (900x900) 8/16/10 center everything in the play area as canvas is resized 8/16/10 love letter to future developers in implementation-notes.txt 8/16/10 first pass at high-level model description in model.txt 8/16/10 delete portions of the model related to molecule counts, not used in this sim 8/16/10 left justify radio buttons in control panels 8/16/10 fix pH paper cursor to indicate that it can be dragged in any direction 8/16/10 adjust canvas layout # 0.00.21 (43149) Aug 16, 2010 8/16/10 add light rays in conductivity tester (ported to Piccolo from faraday) 8/11/10 create larger battery image 8/11/10 use molecule color for "negligible" in Concentration Graph 8/11/10 center whitespace of chart in beaker 8/11/10 click on icons next to radio buttons to select radio buttons 8/11/10 many fixes to control panels to properly support Reset All # 0.00.20 (42956) Aug 11, 2010 8/11/10 add icons for choices in Views control panel 8/11/10 add icons for choices in Tests control panel 8/11/10 shorten "Conductivity Tester" to "Conductivity" so we have room for icons 8/11/10 implement Kelly's model for mapping pH to light bulb brightness 8/11/10 make light bulb and battery larger, adjust control points on probe wires 8/11/10 allow pH paper to be dragged horizontally, so it can be held up to color key 8/11/10 remove black outline on pH paper, so it's easier to compare to color key 8/11/10 gray out View controls when "Conductivity Tester" tool is selected 8/11/10 put "Show H2O Molecules" check box under "Magnifying Glass" radio button, slightly indented 8/11/10 add symbols and icons after Solution choice names in "Test Solution" tab 8/11/10 Tools -> Tests, View -> Views 8/11/10 display model brightness value for conductivity tester in dev version only 8/11/10 pass dev flag from application to view components 8/11/10 clean up and refinements of ConductivityTesterNode 8/11/10 encapsulate all light bulb parts in one composite node 8/11/10 replace A- molecule image with one that has no "bite" out of it 8/10/10 separate tools controls into Tools and View panels 8/10/10 tweak locations of pH paper and conductivity tester 8/10/10 make pH meter, pH paper, conductivity tester all mutually exclusive # 0.00.19 (42894) Aug 10, 2010 8/10/10 use black line for titled borders 8/10/10 collaboration with Sam on conductivity tester: battery, bulb, cubic wires 8/10/10 make the dipped color on the pH paper bleed up above the surface of the solution 8/10/10 add "conductivity tester" feature to Custom Solution tab 8/9/10 display brightness value on conductivity tester (strong=bright, weak=dim) 8/9/10 add simple wires connecting probes to connectivity tester 8/9/10 add dummy nodes for conductivity tester probes, implement dragging 8/9/10 make all view elements get molecule properties (symbol, icon, color) from the model 8/9/10 add marker classes for acid and base solutions # 0.00.18 (42860) Aug 9, 2010 8/9/10 dev version to demonstrate additional changes to pH paper 8/8/10 decided on a color key (delete ContinousColorKeyNode, rename DiscreteColorKeyNode to PHColorKeyNode) 8/8/10 change pH color from strategy pattern to factory pattern 8/8/10 add pH paper to Custom Solution tab 8/8/10 remove color animation from PHPaper 8/8/10 make SolutionRepresentation handle notification of concentration and strength changes 8/9/10 use pH=7 for color of undipped pH paper 8/9/10 reduce pH paper width by half (60 to 30) 8/9/10 align baselines in reaction equations # 0.00.17 (42853) Aug 9, 2010 8/9/10 dev version to demonstrate revised pH paper 8/6/10 generalize ChemicalSymbolNode (from advanced-acid-base-solutions) for aligning baselines of symbols in equations 8/6/10 display nothing instead of "_ _ _" when pH meter is out of solution 8/6/10 do a linear interpolation between pH colors 8/6/10 alternative color key that shows discrete color "chips" for each integer pH value 8/6/10 pH color strategy that uses specific colors for each integer pH value 8/6/10 use strategy pattern for creating pH colors, until we decide which approach is best 8/6/10 disable color animation for pH paper (see PHPaper.ANIMATE_COLOR) # 0.00.16 (42834) Aug 4, 2010 8/4/10 demonstrate first pass at pH paper 8/4/10 placeholder for conductivity tester visual representation 8/4/10 invert mapping of pH to wavelength, acids should be red-orange, bases should be green-blue 8/4/10 bug fix, pH paper didn't change to correct color if solution was changed while paper is not dipped 8/4/10 pH color key 8/3/10 add listener for pH paper "dipped height" property 8/3/10 clean up listener stuff in PHPaper 8/3/10 added interpolation between colors for the PhPaper 8/3/10 store the dipped height for when the ph paper is removed from the water 8/4/10 added placeholder node for pH paper color key, visible when pH paper is visible 8/4/10 constants for min/max pH 8/3/10 second pass at pH paper 8/3/10 first pass at conductivity tester model 8/2/10 first pass at pH paper (geometry and dragging) 8/2/10 misc javadoc 8/2/10 add model element for reaction equation 8/2/10 fix names of add/remove listener methods 8/2/10 delete ABSClock, document why dummy clock in ABSModule 8/2/10 limit nodes to knowledge of specific model element, rather than the entire model 8/2/10 move "water visible" property to magnifying glass model 8/2/10 SolutionRepresentation base class 8/2/10 adjust layout and location of pH meter so that we have room to dip other things in beaker 7/1/10 remove bogus import of advanced-acid-base-solutions # 0.00.15 (42038) Jun 30, 2010 6/30/10 misc cleanup before putting sim on hold, pending CAB feedback 6/30/10 constrain dragging of pH meter so that only the probe can be submerged 6/30/10 add pH meter shaft and tip sizes to the model, so we can tell when the meter is fully submerged 6/29/10 refine HTMLCheckBox disabled color 6/29/10 move reset functionality into model, factory for creating default solution for each module 6/25/10 disable pickability of nodes that are not interactive 6/25/10 fix pickability of beaker so that tools can be picked when they are immersed in solution 6/25/10 show only molecules in magnifying glass, don't show tools or any other nodes behind the glass 6/25/10 workaround to properly gray out HTML text when "Show H2O Molecules" check box is disabled 6/21/10 implement Reset All for existing functionality 6/19/10 deadline met for interviews (6/21/10) # 0.00.14 (41807) Jun 19, 2010 6/19/10 dev version with fixes and 6/18/10 change requests 6/19/10 move icons into data/.../images/icons 6/19/10 in magnifying glass view, hide minor species for acid (OH-) and base (H3O+) 6/19/10 change "Bar Graph" to "Concentration Graph" 6/19/10 change "Show Water" to "Show H2O Molecules" # 0.00.13 (41783) Jun 17, 2010 6/17/10 dev version with 6/17/10 change requests 6/17/10 enable "Show Water" check box only when Magnifying Glass is selected 6/17/10 show 2 water molecules above "2H2O" symbol in water reaction equation 6/17/10 change strength range: 1e-10 to 1e2 6/17/10 change concentration units from "M" to "mol/L" 6/17/10 hide File->Save/Load menu items, does this sim have this feature? 6/15/10 set a background color for the control panel # 0.00.12 (41734) Jun 15, 2010 6/15/10 dev version with all change requests from 6/15/10 meeting 6/15/10 increase height of concentration graph to fill the beaker 6/15/10 make order of bars in concentration graph match order of molecules in reaction equations 6/15/10 change range of concentration graph's y axis to 1e-8 to 1e2 6/15/10 hide molecule symbols & icons below bars in concentration graph 6/15/10 swap order of check boxes and radio buttons in Tools control panel 6/15/10 disconnect concentration graph from "Show Water" control, always show H2O bar in graph (except for strong base) 6/15/10 new reaction equation for water, 2H2O <-> H30+ + OH- 6/15/10 change order of molecules in reaction equations 6/15/10 use strength=1e-7 for weak acid and weak base in "Test Solution" tab 6/15/10 remove all references to Ka and Kb in "Custom Solution" tab # 0.00.11 (41670) Jun 14, 2010 6/14/10 first version presented to design team 6/14/10 connect "show water" control to concentration bar graph 6/14/10 add concentration bar graph, mostly adapted from advanced-acid-base-solutions 6/14/10 hide pH paper and conductivity test features for interviews 6/14/10 fix strong reaction equations # 0.00.10 (41603) Jun 13, 2010 6/13/10 prevent strength controls from jumping around when slider is hidden 6/13/10 add reaction equations below beaker 6/13/10 pH meter checkbox instead of radio button, on by default 6/13/10 concentration slider tick labels: 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 # 0.00.09 (41585) Jun 12, 2010 6/12/10 dev version to demonstrate progress 6/12/10 make pH meter "on" by default 6/12/10 remove magnifying-glass-prototype from build properties 6/12/10 add drag handler to pH meter, unconstrained vertical dragging, some error in coordinate frame transforms 6/12/10 move origin of PHMeterNode to tip of probe 6/12/10 red foreground color for controls that aren't implemented 6/12/10 wire up visiblity controls for pH meter and magnifying glass 6/12/10 add base class model element for things that have location and visibility 6/12/10 wire up controls for custom solutions (type, concentration, strength) 6/12/10 move some constants to ABSConstants 6/12/10 model refinements 6/12/10 make solution color transparent, put pH meter behind solution 6/12/10 move common canvas code into base class 6/11/10 wire up "Show Water" control 6/11/10 big simplifications to model, eliminate Solute class hierarchy 6/11/10 use strengths and concentrations for "Test" solutions as specified by KL 6/11/10 refinement of Solution and Solute model hierarchies 6/9/10 adapt magnifying glass from prototype 6/9/10 wire up controls to set "test" solutions 6/9/10 fix i18n of pH meter display 6/9/10 remove some bogus dependencies on advanced-acid-base-solutions 6/5/10 pH meter, adapted from advanced-acid-base-solutions 6/5/10 models for "test" and "custom" solutes 6/4/10 beaker model and view 6/4/10 javadoc controls 6/4/10 convenience subclass for radio buttons 6/4/10 add tick marks to concentration slider, doc oddities with this 6/3/10 added simple versions of all controls to control panels (no fancy icons) 6/3/10 skeletons for control panels 6/3/10 skeletons for modules and canvases 6/3/10 localize all strings shown in design doc 6/3/10 reorganize package structure 6/3/10 implement model base classes 6/2/10 sim development begins # 0.00.08 (40783) May 15, 2010 5/15/10 prototype: dev version with smaller beaker and more typical control panel width 5/15/10 prototype: get rid of flashing white rectangle behind magnifying glass that started with 5/13 changes 5/15/10 prototype: move pH meter out of beaker node and on to canvas 5/13/10 prototype: increase Ka max to 1000 5/13/10 prototype: remove drag handlers from magnifying glass and beaker 5/13/10 prototype: update layout as magnifying glass and beaker sizes are changed 5/13/10 prototype: pull up molecule counts to canvas child 5/13/10 prototype: pull up reaction equation to canvas child 5/13/10 prototype: change layout of slider controls so that they take up less horizontal space 5/13/10 prototype: add a dummy second module (tab) to take up vertical space # 0.00.07 (40474) May 6, 2010 5/6/10 prototype: revert to single-layer representation of H2O # 0.00.06 (40054) Apr 23, 2010 4/23/10 prototype: improved H2O visualization 4/23/10 prototype: adjust offset of molecule dots and images so they are centered on random points 4/23/10 prototype: fix random positioning of dots and images so that's it's not a uniform distribution 4/23/10 prototype: implement H2O molecule view with 3 layers of images # 0.00.05 (39950) Apr 16, 2010 4/16/10 prototype: version for interviews 4/16/10 prototype: make H2O molecules invisible by default 4/16/10 prototype: fix layout of reaction equation 4/16/10 prototype: add reaction equation (still has layout issues) 4/16/10 prototype: make molecule counts visible in dev version only, remove molecule icons, make smaller 4/16/10 prototype: show OH counts only in dev version 4/16/10 prototype: make magnifying glass and beaker draggable only in dev version 4/16/10 prototype: make OH dots and images visible only in dev version 4/16/10 prototype: add dev flag to show/hide controls as requested by Kelly 4/16/10 prototype: move all colors to a "Colors" control panel 4/16/10 prototype: make "show H2O" a global control # 0.00.04 (39765) Apr 9, 2010 4/9/10 prototype: publish for team discussion 4/9/10 prototype: located doc for "number of molecules" algorithm, checked into advanced-acid-base-solutions/doc/HA_A-_ratio_model.pdf 4/9/10 prototype: modify some defaults as requested by Kelly # 0.00.03 (39742) Apr 8, 2010 4/8/10 prototype: publish for discussion with Kelly 4/8/10 prototype: round corners of magnifying glass handle 4/8/10 prototype: rewrite molecule counts panel as a node that appears below beaker 4/8/10 prototype: rewrite molecule counts panel as a node that appears below beaker 4/8/10 prototype: bugfix, molecule counts don't update when typing in concentration value 4/8/10 prototype: adjust slider ranges 4/8/10 prototype: add "show H2O" check box 4/8/10 prototype: make transparency default to opaque 4/8/10 prototype: bug fix, set transparency properly on startup 4/8/10 prototype: add ticket marks and 1L label to beaker 4/8/10 prototype: set default dot diameter to 12 4/8/10 prototype: set default molecule representation to "images", change radio buttons order 4/8/10 prototype: use strategy pattern for determining rendering order of molecules 4/8/10 prototype: change defaults for size of beaker and magnifying glass # 0.00.02 (39716) Apr 7, 2010 4/7/10 prototype: publish for discussion with Kelly 4/7/10 prototype: fix molecule counts (again) to be displayed properly on startup 4/7/10 prototype: javadoc 4/7/10 prototype: bug fix in DotsNode transparency control 4/7/10 prototype: make all classes package private, so they aren't used outside of prototype 4/7/10 prototype: use strategy pattern for computing number of molecules to display 4/7/10 prototype: make all control panels sync to model and/or view 4/7/10 prototype: add H2O controls 4/7/10 prototype: handle dot colors properly 4/7/10 prototype: reorder control panel so that most important stuff is at top 4/7/10 prototype: move molecule representation radio to buttons to their own subpanel 4/7/10 prototype: remove H2O visibility flag from model # 0.00.01 (39700) Apr 7, 2010 4/7/10 prototype: publish for discussion with Kelly 4/7/10 prototype: fix bug in dot/image creating that showed 1 dot/image when count was zero 4/7/10 prototype: fix molecule counts to be displayed properly on startup 4/5/10 prototype: add molecule images to count display 4/5/10 prototype: base class for DotsNode and ImagesNode 4/5/10 prototype: add/delete nodes as needed instead of deleteAll 4/5/10 prototype: add image view 4/5/10 prototype: connect molecule counts display to model and dots view 4/5/10 prototype: add pH display 4/5/10 prototype: convert to a PhetApplication subclass 4/5/10 prototype: add dot view 4/5/10 prototype: add weak acid model, extracted from advanced-acid-base-solutions 4/2/10 prototype: control panels and model elements 3/22/10 prototype: add requirements section to Google design doc 3/22/10 prototype: use ph-scale's TestParticleViews as starting point for magnifying glass prototype 3/22/10 create project skeleton in SVN