# 0.00.04 (39765) Apr 9, 2010 4/9/10 prototype: publish for team discussion 4/9/10 prototype: located doc for "number of molecules" algorithm, checked into advanced-acid-base-solutions/doc/HA_A-_ratio_model.pdf 4/9/10 prototype: modify some defaults as requested by Kelly # 0.00.03 (39742) Apr 8, 2010 4/8/10 prototype: publish for discussion with Kelly 4/8/10 prototype: round corners of magnifying glass handle 4/8/10 prototype: rewrite molecule counts panel as a node that appears below beaker 4/8/10 prototype: rewrite molecule counts panel as a node that appears below beaker 4/8/10 prototype: bugfix, molecule counts don't update when typing in concentration value 4/8/10 prototype: adjust slider ranges 4/8/10 prototype: add "show H2O" check box 4/8/10 prototype: make transparency default to opaque 4/8/10 prototype: bug fix, set transparency properly on startup 4/8/10 prototype: add ticket marks and 1L label to beaker 4/8/10 prototype: set default dot diameter to 12 4/8/10 prototype: set default molecule representation to "images", change radio buttons order 4/8/10 prototype: use strategy pattern for determining rendering order of molecules 4/8/10 prototype: change defaults for size of beaker and magnifying glass # 0.00.02 (39716) Apr 7, 2010 4/7/10 prototype: publish for discussion with Kelly 4/7/10 prototype: fix molecule counts (again) to be displayed properly on startup 4/7/10 prototype: javadoc 4/7/10 prototype: bug fix in DotsNode transparency control 4/7/10 prototype: make all classes package private, so they aren't used outside of prototype 4/7/10 prototype: use strategy pattern for computing number of molecules to display 4/7/10 prototype: make all control panels sync to model and/or view 4/7/10 prototype: add H2O controls 4/7/10 prototype: handle dot colors properly 4/7/10 prototype: reorder control panel so that most important stuff is at top 4/7/10 prototype: move molecule representation radio to buttons to their own subpanel 4/7/10 prototype: remove H2O visibility flag from model # 0.00.01 (39700) Apr 7, 2010 4/7/10 prototype: publish for discussion with Kelly 4/7/10 prototype: fix bug in dot/image creating that showed 1 dot/image when count was zero 4/7/10 prototype: fix molecule counts to be displayed properly on startup 4/5/10 prototype: add molecule images to count display 4/5/10 prototype: base class for DotsNode and ImagesNode 4/5/10 prototype: add/delete nodes as needed instead of deleteAll 4/5/10 prototype: add image view 4/5/10 prototype: connect molecule counts display to model and dots view 4/5/10 prototype: add pH display 4/5/10 prototype: convert to a PhetApplication subclass 4/5/10 prototype: add dot view 4/5/10 prototype: add weak acid model, extracted from advanced-acid-base-solutions 4/2/10 prototype: control panels and model elements 3/22/10 prototype: add requirements section to Google design doc 3/22/10 prototype: use ph-scale's TestParticleViews as starting point for magnifying glass prototype 3/22/10 create project skeleton in SVN