# 0.00.75 (64581) Jun 1, 2012 Improved performance when animating bar chart bars even further # 0.00.74 (64576) Jun 1, 2012 Improved performance when animating bar chart bars # 0.00.73 (64573) Jun 1, 2012 Renamed "Fraction Matching Game" to "Fraction Matcher" Added new sim for "Fraction Matching Game" # 0.00.72 (64542) May 31, 2012 Build a fraction tab: Block against unnecessary repainting for target cell highlighting Build a fraction tab: Fixed: Score cell should pulsate then stay highlighted Build a fraction tab: Made number toolbox light gray Build a fraction tab: Removed fraction skeleton from toolbox, moved to play area # 0.00.71 (64503) May 30, 2012 Matching game tab: Improved performance/smoothness for bar animation and fly back animation Matching game tab: Make sure not all representations are numeric and not all non-numeric # 0.00.70 (64490) May 30, 2012 Matching game tab: Added random fill for pies and horizontal/vertical slices Matching game tab: Fixed buggy outline for triangles Matching game tab: Fixed buggy outline for circles Matching game tab: Made outline stroke thicker than slice stroke Matching game tab: Converted PiesSetNode to Pattern Matching game tab: Converted VerticalBarsNode to Pattern Matching game tab: Converted HorizontalBarsNode to Pattern Matching game tab: Fixed: The "diagonal interleaving L shape" is too bit big on the lower levels when there are 6 L's (level 2) Matching game tab: Animate the bars 2x as fast # 0.00.69 (64421) May 29, 2012 Equality lab tab: Improved control panel location # 0.00.68 (64419) May 29, 2012 Equality lab tab: Changed from text radio buttons to icon radio button strip # 0.00.67 (64410) May 29, 2012 Equality lab tab: Make representation control panel a little bigger to use up space freed up from reducing right hand side representations. Equality lab tab: Wired up "same as left" representation vs "number line" buttons Equality lab tab: Made representations different colors and added radio buttons Switched to language level 5.0 Build a fraction: Changed background to white # 0.00.66 (64062) May 9, 2012 Build a fraction: Hide the denominator dotted line when the user is dragging 0 Build a fraction: Prevent putting 0 in denominator, prevent putting a number in numerator or denominator if already filled Build a fraction: Disable number pickability when on a fraction, so mouse clicks will fall through to the fraction itself Build a fraction: Fixed: Numbers should move when dragging a fraction Build a fraction: i18n Build a fraction: Fixed: draggable numbers don't attach to fraction directly from tool dragging Build a fraction: Make draggable numbers bigger, make draggable fraction bigger, center drag area on draggable fraction Build a fraction: Increased container size and removed stroke from pieces so they don't look like they are already in a container Build a fraction: Centered the drag area on the draggable fraction Build a fraction: Made the background cream Added draggable fractions Build a Fraction: Added draggable numbers Matching game: Color each bar the same color as the corresponding representation Matching game: Animate bars when checking answer Matching game: Fixed: patterns scramble as you drag them Intro tab: Fixed: Number line doesn't show when selected Matching game: Removed unused code and renamed classes # 0.00.65 (63965) May 6, 2012 Added draggable pieces # 0.00.64 (63963) May 5, 2012 Added draggable containers Build a Fraction tab: Started canvas Prepended "with" to copy methods for lombok data classes Added a new (empty) tab for "Build a Fraction" Intro tab: Fixed: Bucket clipping area was omitted while fixing #3314 # 0.00.63 (63725) Apr 24, 2012 Matching Game: switched from MatchingGameCanvas to ClientMatchingGameCanvas to improve performance, see #3314 Intro tab: Only update and render views when visible, see #3314 Intro tab: Added developer menu items for debugging performance, see #3314 Intro tab: Improved performance for cake slice dirty rectangles, see #3314 Intro tab: Fixed performance in PieSetContentNode for dirty rectangles, see #3314 [63694] # 0.00.62 (63618) Apr 19, 2012 Matching Game: Added interleaved L-shape Matching Game: Added 6-star # 0.00.61 (63609) Apr 18, 2012 Matching Game: Added L-shaped diagonal Matching Game: Added tetris pieces Matching Game: Added random fill at higher levels Matching Game: Added scaled representations at levels 5-6 Matching Game: Improved scoreboard layout and smilie face size # 0.00.60 (63599) Apr 18, 2012 Isolate instantiation of regression tests Fixes for the game over dialog Hide the timer if not selected in the settings dialog Added timer to scoreboard # 0.00.59 (63576) Apr 18, 2012 Added a flag to disable function recorder Matching Game: Show the current level and a menu button Matching Game: Added object ID's and test for rendering strategy Matching Game: Keep track of score Matching Game: Improved game over handling Matching Game: Added a game over dialog Matching Game: Fixed: User shouldn't be able to interact with any fractions while showing clues or correct answer Matching Game: Improved "next" behavior Matching Game: Animate to the correct answer Matching Game: Fixed: buttons don't appear for the left scale Matching Game: Fixed bugs in button enable/disable when autospin + max/min reached Matching Game: Show a smilie face and score readout when checking the answer and it is right Matching Game: Play audio for right/wrong answers Matching Game: After getting it wrong, hide the "check answer" button until they remove something from the platform or put something else up there. Matching Game: Started adding "try again"/"show answer" buttons Matching Game: Extended max level to 6 Matching Game: Wired up game dialog with audio settings Matching Game: Added dialog for game start Added docs for regression testing Regression test: store results in separate thread and improved performance Converted from F2 updates to F Isolated sources of randomness Send messages in matching game Send messages for audio check box Send different messages for representations in equality lab Send messages when number line knobs are dragged Send messages when the lock is toggled Send messages when the scaled up value changes Send messages when the container state changes Added messages for changing representations Added messages for dragging slices Added messages for numerator and denominator spinners Added messages for max spinner Added sim sharing event messages Make public properties private in SpinnerButtonNode, to confirm that they don't need to be exposed (and some of them don't really need to be properties) Refactored RadioButtonStrip for use in fluid pressure and flow # 0.00.58 (62682) Mar 20, 2012 Equality Lab: Fixed: If in number line when pressing "reset all", it creates 6 instead of 4 containers on each side # 0.00.57 (62599) Mar 19, 2012 Intro: Added different colors for horizontal bars, vertical bars and orange glasses # 0.00.56 (62498) Mar 12, 2012 Intro & Equality Lab: Fixed: Out of memory exception when adding/subtracting lots of 3d cake slices # 0.00.55 (62473) Mar 12, 2012 Equality Lab: Made the green arrow draggable Matching Game: Limit values to <= 2.0 since otherwise it would go off the chart for the number line # 0.00.54 (62462) Mar 12, 2012 Matching Game: Fixed: 2x2 and 3x3 grid don't show the right value # 0.00.53 (62448) Mar 12, 2012 Equality Lab: Added left/right spinners Matching Game: Removed values for denominator > 10 Matching Game: Scale representations to a width of 110 so it will be a good fit for the starting cells and score cells Equality Lab: Put the fraction that is on the bucket on the left hand side, to help students visually parse. Intro: Moved the vertical bars down to center them between icon bar and top of fraction # 0.00.52 (62396) Mar 10, 2012 Intro & Equality Lab: Fixed: When clicking on a water glass, the dragged amount doesn't subtract from the original amount (just during press--it updates on drag) Matching Game: Fractions return to the closest open cell, not just the one from which they originated Equality Lab: Fixed: Pies don't fill on Equality lab Matching Game: Removed plus signs, grids and pyramids from level 1 # 0.00.51 (62332) Mar 8, 2012 Matching Game: Made plus signs larger when there are less plus signs Matching Game: Added a 2x2 grid Matching Game: Added plus sign representations for denominator 2-6 Matching Game: Added a developer control for resampling the current level Matching Game: Added developer controls Matching Game: Fixed: scales + number line should be centered vertically between cells at top and bottom Matching Game: Moved scales and starting cell areas down a little bit Matching Game: Added some vertical padding to the top of the cells Matching Game: Center "my matches" under the top left cell Intro & Equality Lab: Fixed: If you change the denominator then click on glass then it creates a cup of the incorrect height Intro & Equality Lab: Fixed: When clicking on water glasses (or maybe others), it leaves one behind and doesn't update the numerator right away Intro & Equality Lab: Fixed: Double clicking causes problems for bars, makes things go out of sync Intro & Equality Lab: Fixed: Put the clipping region just below the bucket Intro & Equality Lab: Fixed: The image of the "cup" on the Equality Lab bucket isn't right (it shows the vertical boxes). Matching Game: Fixed: Some edges appear to get cut off in the matching game when the matches are put in the containers # 0.00.50 (62249) Mar 6, 2012 Matching Game: Fixed: Audio turns off after each level Matching Game: Added delay time to the pitch playback so that low sounds don't end too quickly Matching Game: Avoid matching numerical representations Matching Game: Fixed: With numbers larger than 1, the representations shrink a bit too much when in the containers Matching Game: Fixed: With the "+" representation, several edges seem to get cut off Matching Game: When a match is kept, have the matches in the containers be each closer to the equal sign instead of pushed to the edge of the match "container" Matching Game: Made the equals sign in score cells larger Matching Game: Made yellow bars in equals sign thicker Matching Game: Changed "My matches" to "My Matches" Equality Lab: Fixed: The numbers do not look quite centered over the fraction dividing line Equality Lab: Move the "right side" spinners over to the right (currently very tight to the fraction line on the equivalent fraction) Equality Lab: Fixed: The icon for the horizontal bar on the bucket appears to have the right most edge cut off Equality Lab: Fixed: The "icons" for both the horizontal bar and water cups should be shrunk slightly to fit better in the buttons Fixed: The the representation control panel icons should be square Equality Lab: Fixed: The Reset All button should have the same position as in tab 1, it is currently tucked more in the corner. Intro: Fixed: Thicker borders should be grayed out when nothing in the pie Intro: Increased spacing between the cakes Intro: Shrink the cup "icon" 10 percent or so to fit better in the icon button Intro: Fixed: The cups are not centered in the display area Intro: Shrink the vertical bar "icon" in the vertical direction and give it an aspect ratio more similar to the representation Intro: Shrink the vertical bars somewhat vertically Intro: Space the vertical bars a bit more horizontally Intro: Increased the font size for the max number text Intro: Vertically center the pie representations in the negative space between the icon bar and the top of the fraction Equality Lab: Added an arrow pointing to the number line location because the ticks can get too close together to distinguish between them Equality Lab: Increased vertical space between horizontal bars # 0.00.49 (62179) Mar 5, 2012 First 2 tabs: Fixed: Clicking on an in-flight pie piece causes numerator to get out of sync, by making it so you can't drag an animating piece Equality Lab: Fixed a bug that caused the highlight to cover up tick marks on the scaled number line Equality Lab: Reduced the width of the horizontal bars, and reduced its bucket width to match the others Fractions Intro: Changed all inner stroke widths to 1.0 while leaving the exterior stroke width thick Fractions Intro: Removed unused cake code Fractions Intro: Fixed: Cake container slices do not match up exactly with the slice locations # 0.00.48 (62151) Mar 3, 2012 Matching Game: Rounded edges of the equals sign and tuned its size and stroke thickness Matching Game: Reduced pitch by an octave Matching Game: Change all representations to be blue and green Matching Game: Moved "keep match" button to the side of the scale Matching Game: Added "My Matches" text under the score cells Matching Game: Added "play again" button above "next level" button. Matching Game: Made the score cells bigger Matching Game: Changed "Keep" button to "Keep Match" with a line break # 0.00.47 (62116) Mar 2, 2012 Equality Lab: Made it so you can't drag the blue representation Equality Lab: Center representations vertically Equality Lab: Made representation control panels 20% smaller Equality Lab: Added scaled number line representation Intro: Fixed: Number line should respect the user-selected max Equality Lab: Added scaled water glasses representation Equality Lab: Align the right side of the water glasses with the right edge of the representation control panel Equality Lab: Changed max number of filled containers to 4 Intro: Fixed: Account for max value when changing the denominator enabled/disabled Intro: Fixed cake image angles for denominator = 2 Intro: Fixed cake image angles Intro: Moved up bucket 20px # 0.00.46 (62047) Mar 1, 2012 # 0.00.45 (62028) Feb 29, 2012 # 0.00.44 (61986) Feb 29, 2012 Intro: Applied workaround for other representations so they don't get out of sync Intro: Fixed more inter-representation synchronization Intro: Fixed: There is a bug where if you just put the mouse over a piece and click over and over, the bucket continues to fill Intro: Fixed: For vertical bars (and all representations), animating pieces should be in front instead of behind. Intro: Fixed: Cake piece angle sometimes seems buggy Intro: Fixed: Cake pieces are floating out of the bucket Intro: Fixed: Cake pieces are too high--too close to the top control panel, move them down a bit Intro: Fixed: Number line causes exception when dragging or clicking past the max # 0.00.43 (61954) Feb 29, 2012 Intro: Made it so you cannot drag the bucket icon Intro: Increased the bucket size by 35% vertically, downward Intro: Stagger vertical and horizontal bars vertically in the buckets to make them more distinguishable Intro: Moved the fraction control away from the left edge and closer to the bucket Intro: Put more horizontal space between bucket icon and fraction icon on bucket Intro: move max to upper right (right side of representation control panel). Matching Game: Shrink values >1 more so they will both fit in the score box. Matching Game: Added fraction representations for numbers > 1 Matching Game: Added audio buttons Matching Game: Made audio off by default Matching Game: Made black outline of "=" sign a bit thicker Matching Game: Got rid of solid black "=" sign & click-to-toggle Matching Game: Show the name of the next level Matching Game: Fixed: Shouldn't be able to drag pieces out of the scoreboard # 0.00.42 (61921) Feb 28, 2012 Moved the matching grid up a little to give it more negative space on the bottom Added more levels and randomization Fixed: make fractions sit on the scale instead of centered on it # 0.00.41 (61879) Feb 28, 2012 Added prototype for matching game Buffer audio to avoid mark/reset not supported error # 0.00.40 (61737) Feb 24, 2012 Added special case for half-pies since they should be vertical instead of horizontal (like pies) Added bucket/dragging for cake slices # 0.00.39 (61666) Feb 23, 2012 Fixed: exception when removing a slice after max spinner reduced Fixed: When adding cups with the spinner, container cup fills up before animated cup gets there Made it possible to drag water away from cups When decreasing the max below the current value, animate slices to return Put the "Max" label centered above the spinner and number Reduced the size of the bucket icon so that larger representations will fit Made the bucket bottom "bottomless" so the long vertical bars don't stick out the bottom # 0.00.38 (61577) Feb 22, 2012 Fixed: Vertical bars should fill from the bottom to match water glasses Fixed: Slices duplicated when dragging out of containers (not just bucket) Fixed: Bucket pie slices shouldn't jump around when changing the max spinner Made empty containers gray, but have them turn black when it contains anything (as in toggle-based version) Disable numerator spinner as a function of min/max spinner Update numerator/denominator based on max Centered containers horizontally on the screen based on max value Wired up max spinner (still several special cases to handle) Added a spinner for Max (not wired up) Made bucket supply of slices limitless Added a fraction readout on the bucket next to the icon For icon on bucket, show an entire "full icon" and the piece within it Added shadows for animating pieces Added buckets/dragging for vertical bars # 0.00.37 (61374) Feb 15, 2012 Added buckets/dragging for horizontal bars Factored factory pattern out of PieSet in preparation for more bucket/drag representations # 0.00.36 (61366) Feb 14, 2012 Workaround for a bug: when dragging number line quickly, pie set gets out of sync. So update it when representations change When increasing numerator, take from slices in front (higher z-ordering) Reduced shadow offset to 50% distance Made shadow black with 75% opacity # 0.00.35 (61302) Feb 13, 2012 Show a shadow behind the object so it will look like it is a bit out of the screen and hence not part of the fraction Added a piece icon to the bucket Performance improvements: don't construct water glasses unless visible # 0.00.34 (61278) Feb 13, 2012 # 0.00.33 (61275) Feb 13, 2012 Fixed: if a slice is moving toward the pie when the user presses "down" on the numerator, it should turn around and head back to the bucket Changed from IntClientProperty back to IntegerProperty Fixed a bug in PieSet.toContainerState Generalized interfaces to SettableProperty and IntClientProperty Switched to immutable model with public property interface When changing the numerator, move pieces from the bucket to the pies Fixed: When animating to bucket, pieces should rotate up and have their tip go to the tip location Fixed: When animating to bucket, pieces should have their tip go to the tip location Fixed: Exception when dragging a piece that animated to the bucket. Animate pieces to the bucket Fixed: Pieces don't drag the right amount when the screen is scaled Fixed: Pieces should be pointing up in bucket so they are in alignment with nearest target cells Randomize the location of slices in the bucket Fixed: Get rid of pie slice line Fixed bucket location Added Lombok for data classes Added pie model and view to main sim Require pieces to intersect with cells before they are dropped Fixed: when dragged, piece should not be contained by a cell Added detection of cells Removed "click to toggle" cell feature In the icon, change the number line to go from "0 to 1" with no tick marks in between to give a consistent view of "the whole" Fixed: The number of pieces in the bucket should be equal to the max numerator value - number in the slices Fixed: Adding values with the bucket should change the spinner Hide the bucket for number line Fixed: Pieces should be the right size or jump to right size when dragged out of bucket Added buckets # 0.00.32 (61123) Feb 8, 2012 Intro tab: When changing the denominator, have pieces stay as close to their original location as possible (no animation) instead of all filling from the left Make the bars a little smaller in the representation control panel buttons Show entire filled whole icons in the representation control panel, not objects with divisions Intro tab: Removed reduced/mixed control panel Fixed: Fraction goes off the screen to the left on mac # 0.00.31 (59741) Dec 28, 2011 Removed other tabs for posting feasibility test for Tab 1 Nudged cakes slightly to the right to avoid colliding with left edge of window # 0.00.30 (59737) Dec 28, 2011 Fixed: If cake slices are removed by clicking so there is an empty cake, the spinners fail to function Made the cake button icon image to be in fourths to be consistent with the others Improved empty cake piece detection # 0.00.29 (59730) Dec 27, 2011 Fixed a bug in cake slice selection # 0.00.28 (59727) Dec 27, 2011 Added cakes for 1-8 denominator Removed cakes for 1/12 divisions Started click-to-toggle cake feature # 0.00.27 (59713) Dec 27, 2011 Put the cake after the glass of water, and the number line last in the representation control panel Added more cake images for testing # 0.00.26 (59710) Dec 27, 2011 Fixed: When clicking the water glasses, the clicking action works fine but does not appear to affect the fraction value. # 0.00.25 (59702) Dec 27, 2011 Added new images for cake 1/2 and 1/3 divisions Show empty cake divisions up to 6 pies # 0.00.24 (59700) Dec 27, 2011 Made division bar rounded for reduced and mixed fractions Changed "Reduced" and "Mixed" from radio buttons to checkboxes Made water glasses clickable Change the numerator when clicking anywhere in the number line # 0.00.23 (59585) Dec 21, 2011 Fixed: Vertical bars should fill bottom to top instead of top to bottom For water glasses, added a darker thicker water edge for the "front" edge that aligns with the tick mark Show 6 empty cups on startup for cup mode Move "cup" button between "vertical bars" and "number line" to fit the pattern: "green stuff on the left" # 0.00.22 (59569) Dec 20, 2011 Made vertical and horizontal bars click-to-toggle Made number line draggable # 0.00.21 (59553) Dec 20, 2011 Made default numerator 0 Fixed initialization bug that caused it to show only 1 pie on startup Show all 6 pies all the time and gray out if empty Show a "+" button for adding empty pies Don't show next pie as empty Removed "Random/In Order" control panel # 0.00.20 (59522) Dec 20, 2011 Fixed: Whole pie node has a line at theta=0 Rewrote pie to use individual slices Added empty pie after a filled pie # 0.00.19 (59488) Dec 20, 2011 Fixed: a "zero" is not displayed for the "mixed" option. # 0.00.18 (59483) Dec 19, 2011 Made water tick marks darker Enabled "holding down the spinner" to cycle through the numbers at a medium speed Changed max denominator back to 8 Fixed: Cursor hand should turn into an arrow when spinner button disables Fixed: When pressing toggle button, mouse hand should turn into an arrow Fixed: If toggle button already pressed, it shouldn't have a mouse hand Allow numerator to go to 0 Renamed "improper" -> "reduced" Truncated the number line at 6 (the max value for fractions to be displayed on the screen) Use a cup image instead of beaker Made liquid green instead of blue Added logic for "random fill" # 0.00.17 (59365) Dec 14, 2011 Added beaker of water leveraging as much code from dilutions as possible, see #3185 Added "None" option to the fraction equality display control panel # 0.00.16 (59341) Dec 13, 2011 Added cake representation to intro tab Temporarily increased denominator from 8 to 12 in intro tab for purposes of testing cake with given images Fixed "Reset all" on intro tab Centered representations vertically on Intro tab Removed the grid Made pie representation first in the control panel Made pie representation selected by default # 0.00.15 (59324) Dec 13, 2011 Made 6 vertical bars exactly fit the width of the screen Made pies exactly fit the width of the screen Constrain the horizontal bar representation to fill the screen when there are 6 and to take up 2 rows Fixed: Oddly, the circles look well centered and such when there are 6 "wholes" but 6 circles divided into "fifths" goes slightly off screen. # 0.00.14 (59312) Dec 13, 2011 Improvements in Intro tab Started Equivalence Lab Removed "Representation" control panel text Constrain denominator based on the numerator so that the entire number is less than or equal to 6 # 0.00.13 (59217) Dec 9, 2011 Added highlight for number line Made number line maximum 6 instead of 12 Reduced the size of the number line dot from 6 to 5 Increased the size of the number line icon in the representation panel Increased the size of the representation panel Added borders for items in the representation panel Increased font for representation and buttons/controls from 16 to 20 Limited the numerator based on the denominator so that the entire number is less than or equal to 6 # 0.00.12 (59189) Dec 8, 2011 Got rid of "click to toggle piece" feature Rounded the corners for the fraction division bar Increased pie size so that 6 pies fill the screen horizontally Changed max denominator from 12 to 8 # 0.00.11 (58974) Dec 1, 2011 Added images from NP for spinner buttons # 0.00.10 (58800) Nov 28, 2011 Increased the size of pie graphics Add a border around number line circle Highlight selected representation Fixes for number line # 0.00.09 (58684) Nov 16, 2011 Added more revisions for intro tab Matching game: Added horizontal and vertical bars # 0.00.08 (58036) Oct 26, 2011 Matching game: Removed decimals # 0.00.07 (58023) Oct 26, 2011 Matching game: Added "six plus signs pattern" Matching game: Added grid pattern Matching game: Move object to the front when grabbed Matching game: Prevent multiple objects from sitting on the same balance platform by moving off the object that has been there for the longest time Matching game: Fixed: Scored nodes can be dragged # 0.00.06 (57894) Oct 22, 2011 Improved look and randomization of fraction representations Added balance and weight model # 0.00.05 (57746) Oct 19, 2011 Matching Game tab: Fixed centering of fractions Added other tabs # 0.00.04 (57665) Oct 15, 2011 Added pie representation # 0.00.03 (57658) Oct 14, 2011 Added percent representation # 0.00.02 (57653) Oct 14, 2011 Added spinner control for fraction Added toolbox for multiple representations # 0.00.01 (57365) Oct 6, 2011